[6 December 2014 Part 1]
Caller 1: iON, can fear be looked at as a force field in the way that love is?
iON: No, it’s an exception.
Bob: It’s an exception. You mean, it’s an emotion?
iON: No, it’s an exception.
Bob: I wonder what that is – an “exception”?
Caller 2: Is it a negative rather than a positive or something, an emptiness?
iON: Love is a force field. Fear is an exception.
Bob: That proves the rule? You’ve got to have an exception to prove the rule?
iON: Not necessarily.
Caller 1: What I wanted to know about that is, if fear is inwardly more powerful than love but outwardly less powerful than love?
iON: Fear builds walls, never bridges.
Caller 1: A force field, I am looking at that wrong. I should give it a more bubble spherical mental image maybe, than a kind of… yeah, wall – I guess I put a force field as a wall in my mind.
Bob: So, that’s what a wall is, it’s you take exception to the group force field. You isolate yourself from it. You try….
iON: Yes, basically. Basically, good! Yes, that’s a better way to embrace it.
Bob: Yeah, you’re taking exception to the group dynamic which is a collection of force fields. That’s a Rumpelstiltskin!