[15 August 2015 Part 1]
(11:29 mark)
Corbin: iON, would you consider your existence one of a nebulous state?
iON: Nebulous is relative!
Corbin: I agree with that, I apologize!
iON: For feeble humans, you’re doing alright. Just hold on tight, you’ll be alright. Don’t worry!
Corbin: Now listen, I am just trying to say that you are an intangible being.
iON: We would be an enigma, would we not?
Bob: Ha! Ha! Ha!
Corbin: Yes, but I am trying to get the word of the Non-Physical other than saying you’re a Non-Physical. How would you – how does a human explain?
iON: “Every Good Boy Does Fine”! “Every Good Boy Does Fine”!
Corbin: There you go, I love that.
iON: Just hold on! “Every Good Boy Does Fine” – F_A_C_E, the space between the lines and spaces are what make up the consistency of vibrational tone frequency that would be all of us. Back in the days of the double, double, double-decker dodecahedron at a 144,000 of a 144,000 of a 144,000, all those angles that are, every slice of the sliver is a sliver of the slice. Well, all of those are the one in the whole, but each portion is contained within those angular proportions retrofittedly as a whole. Just because you can’t see all the fractions that are, doesn’t mean those fractions aren’t contained in the whole. Therefore, we would fit into those spaces, unless you have a half-step modulation from an “A” natural.
Corbin: Well yeah, there are two half-steps in the key of “C” – that would be “E” and “F”, and “B” and “C”.
iON: Tada! See now, you’ve got a hendiadys in a Kroker quadrant, and that’s when your bum gets sore. Ask Lyndon LaRouche, he’ll take you right on through there, and see what proctology Queen Victoria would prescribe.