iON | Potassium

Transcribed by Bert.


[1 August 2015 Part 3 ]

(07:16 mark)]:
Caller: iON, there’s a reference that the bananas are dying off because of a fungus. Are the bananas showing signs of the increase of negative pH?

iON: We’re changing them.

Caller: So, bananas will not go away? You’re saying you’re changing them. Does that mean they’re not going away, there’s just going to be change?

iON: We’ll let you know.

Bob: And you’re not saying whether the pH is involved?

iON: We can’t talk about the potassium because it’s changing. And Dr. Dean will be very cross with us if we go into the details of how that potassium isn’t a good potassium anymore, and that the potassium that we change it to, will be the one that will work best with the systems. But we can’t talk about that. We can’t do that.

Caller: OK, what I am noticing is that if I bought green bananas before in the past, it would take a while for them to become yellow and then the brown showing. But now, I’m noticing that it’s within a day that they change, that’s why I asked if they are showing signs of negative pH.

iON: That’s because of the oxygen. The bananas are a year old that you are eating now. They only get ripe when you put them with another ripe banana. Do your bananas have black seeds down the middle?

Caller: Yes, light black.

iON: Well, that means that they are a year old. Bananas do not have those black seeds in them at all, but bananas from a year ago, do. Go to Costa Rica and eat bananas, it will change your life. They don’t give you heartburn as sometimes bananas do here.

Caller: Are the bananas different in Costa Rica?

iON: Well, they’re not a year old. They’re fresh because you picked them out of your yard.

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