iON | It’s Just a Balance

Transcribed by Bert.

[30 January 2016 Part 2]

(29:36 mark)
Dr. Dean: Hey iON, the China policy for having one child only – were they complicit in the closing of the womb?

iON: Yes, they were – and see, because they made such a big deal. You birthed desire, and you know when you birth desire, that’s the best thing to get you “knocked up”. That birthing of desire… because if you tell them that’s something they can’t do, that’s what they’re going to do, or bust. So, they relaxed it, so now nobody has to. You know, they’re not required to, but now this is a slow, easy path. This is not a big thing! This is a little thing! As the humans come back into their place of power – we’ve all agreed, and we’ve established, that every one of you are eternal. You only get one eternity at a time. There’s only one eternity. How many eternities can you do at a time? But the point is, as more and more folks Ascend, and more and more the Little Men die off… because if you don’t Ascend, you’re going to die off. That’s the Little Man’s plight, is to die, the wages of sin is death. So, that’s what happens. But if you don’t have that as a conditioned postmortem, then you don’t have to die, and you can stay here. And the more people that do that, then that becomes a balance. And you can just stop having babies because everyone who’s here is here, and you don’t have to make more of you. So, it’s very simple. It’s just a balance.

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