iON | The Fall

Transcribed by Bert.

[12 April 2014 Part 1]

(44:54 mark)
iON: As an eternal being, it would be a mourning – in mourning – to mourn – if you have to be born – that means you fell.

[19 July 2014 Part 3]

(12:04 mark)
iON: The only reason that you leave is because you choose to go. So, if you’re bored with it all, then you go.

[30 August 2014 Part 1]

(12:57 mark)
Caller: I was intrigued by what you said – that the electricity is the fallen state.

iON: Yes.

Caller: Electricity is separation, and I would like to know more about that.

iON: Of the separation of electricity or the Fall of Little Man?

Caller: The Fall.

iON: You, from the Garden of Eden, separated yourself from your power – your God – you’re created in the image of God. The reason you are not God is because you separated from your power – you’re so much God that you were able to separate yourself from your power – that’s the ultimate God. So, you separated, and then you wrote history – you created Time to engage it – it’s a limit. You created Time to say: “OK, I am going to do it for this long.” And then soon, there’ll be a time on earth – when Time shall be no more – and then Time’s up – and then you come back to being a God – or you separate yourself from your life force in total. As God, you’re able to do that – that’s how much God you are. So, our conversation is to remind you to look at your history to say: “Every point – every single point – every religion – every one of them – all of them come back to say: ‘Come into your place of power – come into your place of power – come into your place of power.’” You are fallen – in a fallen state of grace – you provided the grace and the groovy gravy. So, like Hansel and Gretel, don’t eat the bread crumbs on the path that’ll show you how to get back to God.

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