[March 19, 2016 Part 1 (12:27 mark)]
Caller: OK! So, tell me how the “Passion Play” prepares us or puts us on track for Ascension?
iON: The “Passion Play” doesn’t, it’s the Ascension. The “Passion Play” just shows you how you fell. Jesus was the representation of 100% Man and 100% God. Well, being created in the form… in the image of the Creator, the pornographic version of God is the Little Man. So, you’re out living the Little Man, but now, you can do things. You can do great wonders and all this kind of stuff, and you can save Big Pharma. You can do all these wonderful works and that kind of stuff, but what we’re trying to get you to do is come all the way to God. And how you do that is you’ve got to go through the Ascension, like Jesus. Now, that story is found in the “Emmaus” road… Emmaus, not the Damascus road – that’s where Paul got struck with lightning.
Caller: Umm-hm!
iON: This is the “Emmaus” road. Well, they were walking and talking with the Christ, and they didn’t even know it. And then, he told Mary… “Mary Magdalene,” he says: “Don’t touch me, yet! My Ascension isn’t complete! It’s coming! I’m evolving into God!” That’s the marriage… the marriage that turns into “the Marriage Supper of the Lamb”. Now, the Church still does this by intinction or communion. They say that: “You’re taking in the body of Christ and the blood of Christ.” That’s what they’re saying that you’re doing – so that expatriation can turn to the body of Christ, that you can bring that into you. That’s the same thing we’re saying, too; only it’s already you. You’ve already got it, we’re just trying to move you from Little Man back to God, and it’s working very well with a little help from our friends.