Bob’s Private Session Partial Transcript 1, 24 March 2022


Transcribed by Nan

Carolyn 0:00
Hi, iON.

iON 0:01
Hey, darlin’.

Carolyn 0:01
I’d like to go over the three new amino acids.

iON 0:07

Carolyn 0:08
You’ve been bringing them up here and there and everywhere and talking — JW has been working on them. And I guess we have it in our questions, Bob and me, about these three amino acids. Were they taken out of the human genome –

iON 0:27
Yes, they were.

Carolyn 0:28
– because of the "fall"? Okay.

iON 0:31
Yes. Okay. And, mmm, okay, we got some more words to say, but we’re gonna hold that for a second.

Carolyn 0:46
Okay, so I probably said that wrong. Did they cause the "fall"?

iON 0:53
No. You said it fine.

Carolyn 0:54

iON 0:54
No, no. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, it’s not an ipso facto. That’s not that. You’re fine. You’re fine. You’re fine. You’re fine. What’s happening is is that the shift and the change is now coming back full circle to where you "fell" the first time. Eden — okay, let’s do it this way. Eden was a toxic place. Nobody ever said that. Nobody ever said that. You remember the angels? Remember the angels that barred the gate?

Carolyn 0:56

iON 0:58
That ridiculous show that you liked with the stupid angels that were fighting over the barring, barring of the letting the humans getting back to Eden with the little puff, little puff and stuff things. It was like a little dandy. Those were the dandy things with the little angels, and they were kinda like figuring it out. Alright, they were barred from Eden because when they were cast out of Eden, it was too toxic for them to live. So, they were separate and, and, and, and rightly so. Now, Ginney Belle could give you an "edumacation," an "edumacation" on this, Carolyn, when you start talkin’ about how Adam and Eve were less than, and they were cast out of the Garden because they couldn’t stay there anymore. They weren’t worthy to stay there anymore because they lost their capacity to endure Paradise.

Carolyn 0:54
Ohh, ohh, oh.

iON 2:13
And what’s happening now is Paradise, Fhlosten Paradise as in "The Fifth Element." Fhlosten Paradise is returning with Ruby Rhod. You should watch that and get it. It’s a fun, it’s a fun watch.

Carolyn 2:29
Yeah, yeah, I know. It is fun. Okay, okay, okay. So, Adam –

iON 2:37
Full circle.

Carolyn 2:37
– and Eve were less than. Full circle. Wow.

iON 2:41
And that goes back to the Druids. Now stop. Just a second. We don’t want you to lose track here. That goes back to the Druids. That goes back to Iraklion. Iraklion. In Greece, Iraklion in Greece. You don’t have to worry about it, we’re just tellin’, we’re just tellin’ you somethin’.

Carolyn 3:00

iON 3:00
Just note that. It’s gonna — you haven’t heard that yet, but you’re fixin’ to. Okay. Okay, so the Earth and the fullness thereof is comin’ full circle back into its "plethorad" place of plenty. But the humans aren’t gonna be able to survive ’cause they "fell." So, what’s happening now is once that’s barred, once those angels unbar those gates that closed off the access to the two trees in the Garden of Eden, that’s where you go all the way fast forward to the beginning, which is the marriage supper of the Lamb. Revelation 16. That’s the reason we said perfectly, that’s why we said perfectly that we’re racing back to Genesee ’cause that’s the end, not the beginning. So, that was just a snapshot. That was the ColbyCo in "Dynasty" when, when, when, when they were tryin’ to figure out who was in charge. You remember "Dynasty," that show with the big bouffant hairdos, the Farrah Fawcett hairdos, Joan Collins runnin’ around tryin’ to be Mrs. Colby or not Mrs. Colby. That rub we’re doing — hey, I know, we know how you adore metaphors, but this one’s pretty good.

Carolyn 4:20

iON 4:20
It brings you back to full circle of how you get to the manor. To the manor born. To the manor born. It gets you back to the place where you can engage like the Queen of England, your power, however superfluous. What does the Queen run? What does she run? She’s Ascended! What does she run? She can’t even run her goddamn family. What does she run? See the rub?

Carolyn 4:52
Yeah, yeah.

iON 4:54
It’s problematic.

Carolyn 4:55

iON 4:55
Why do you need a JW to come save your fucked-up life? He’s nothing.

Carolyn 5:36

iON 5:01
What is he? [Carolyn chuckles] He’s nothing. He’s nothing. He’s hanging on by his toenails himself for Pete’s sake. So, it’s very odd that the mighty have come to the level to where the Ascended condition trumps — well, pardon the pun — or becomes what Bob would say the trompe-l’oeil of the new condition. Now, your total fucked-up biology, you followed this a long time; that was back before you were making tinctures, honey. [chuckles] And your tinctures, we love your little tinctures, but you got to know or watch this shifting of a moving the body into a new place. You got that?

Carolyn 5:45
Yeah, yeah. Okay, okay. Okay, so the question is what came first, losing the amino acids or becoming a Little Man and then the amino acids no longer functioned?

iON 6:04
Well, what… That became poison. That became the Carduus marianus. Carduus marianus.

Carolyn 6:19
Carduus marianus. Let me look it up.

iON 6:28

Carolyn 6:31
Okay, that is a liver enlargement. Carduus… no.

iON 6:38

Carolyn 6:38
Carduus marianus is centered[?] in the liver in the portal system? It talks about it as a homeopathic…

iON 6:38
Yes. Yes.

Carolyn 6:50
Homeopathic. So, it’s a herbal.

iON 6:58
It’s, it’s St. Mary’s thistle.

Carolyn 7:00
Silybum! Silybum. Oh, yeah.

iON 7:02
Of course. That’s milk thistle. Includes non-alcoholic fatty liver. Non-alcoholic fatty liver. We’re not talking about cirrhosis, that’s a whole nother conversation. Non-alcoholic. And that’s the "fall" ’cause see, the systems of the body — life, however wonderful, it’s still fatal, darling. It’s still fatal. So, to shift fatalism out of that conversation, you have to change the organs or the organisms or the placation of the organs to a different level or different conversation, what you’re doing beautifully. We’re not mad. We’re not mad ’cause you don’t get it, you don’t get it, you get even, you don’t get… You don’t get mad, you get even. [laughs] We like that. We like that because you solve it. So, go ahead. Ask what you want.

Carolyn 7:54
Yeah. Well, what’s interesting is yes, if the "fall" includes non-alcoholic fatty liver, then you can get that from eating too much fruit!

iON 8:08
Correct. Which you said since itch! You said –

Carolyn 8:12

iON 8:13
– you didn’t like sugar. You said why you’re eatin’ all the goddamn sugar? Okay, have a dot, have a bite, have a fuckin’ apple, but you don’t have to eat nine goddamn pineapples to be sated from a little fruit!

Carolyn 8:24
Right. So, are you saying that in the Garden, they sated themselves with fruit and ignored everything else? Some’um like that?

iON 8:37
Yeah. And that’s why, and that’s why into this day from the spirit world you can take an apple — now, this is Aleister Crowley. You’ll have to call Bob. Bob is pretty good at that. Well, he’s not really good at much, but he’s good at that. He’s pretty good at that. You can take the apple and cut it in half and look at it and you can see the hara in the human body from the fruit of the apple.

Carolyn 8:41
I see. Yeah.

iON 9:04
Full circle. There’s nothing new under — like you say, there’s nothing new under the sun. Nothin’ new. There’s no new sin, honey, we just do the same sins over and over and over again. And you’re not tryin’ to undo something, you’re trying to change your body so it can produce more. Right? Okay, okay, okay, okay, leaky gut, Mrs leaky gut. What do you say? You said add more psyllium add more roughage to your diet and it will move that stuff through, and it’ll heal your gut! That’s not less than, that’s more than! Gurd disease, the very idea.

Carolyn 9:20
Okay, so….

Bob 9:37
Okay, Carolyn. Carolyn. You have to begin at the beginning.

iON 9:43

Bob 9:44
Somebody, some "thing," some essence is on Andromeda Galaxy, and they’re in an Ascended state. I come over from Arcturus, and I say, cool but…

iON 9:59
It’s not Arcturus. Go ahead.

Bob 9:59
What is it? Not Arcturus.

iON 10:00
Go ahead. Right. [laughs]

Carolyn 10:04
Alpha Centauri. Alpha Centauri.

Bob 10:07
Alpha Centauri. Right.

iON 10:09
Good save there, Bob.

Bob 10:11
Let’s do this again.

iON 10:13
Oh, please.

Bob 10:14
So, we started off in Andromeda. No. We –

iON 10:15

Bob 10:15
– whatever we were — the essence of us because we were in Ascended state — we’re in/on/around Andromeda Galaxy. I come over from…

iON 10:30
Now, some people say, some people call it heaven. Some people call it heaven. So, go ahead, proceed. Go ahead.

Bob 10:38
Yeah. We’re in it. And even that, it has questions like, it isn’t a place; it’s a frequency or something nebulous. We don’t understand what it is.

iON 10:49
I do. I do. No, no, no, it’s a, it’s an actual, it’s a, it’s called granular plane. Bert knows all about it. A granular plane. That’s right. Go ahead.

Bob 10:59
Yes. But does it have mountains, rivers and trees?

iON 11:01
Sure. Sure, sure. And they fuck like banshees. Fuck like banshees, Bob. It’s amaz — you’ll be thrilled by it.

Bob 11:06
Who’s "they"? Who’s "they"?

iON 11:08
People who live there.

Bob 11:10
Okay. So, I come over from Alpha Centauri and I propose, you say, that we "fall" and that if we "fall," we’re so powerful, we’ll get out of our fallen state and get back to Andromeda Galaxy.

iON 11:31
Mmm, mmm. Well, that’s almost too simplified. It’s a little, there’s another step in-between there. You forgot to mention in your conversation, however superfluous, it may have been notable that you got yourself, you forgot the war in heaven. War broke out in Andromeda. And, like the Time Lords of Gallifrey, they had to leave their home state, estate or country.

Bob 12:00
Who’s "they"? Who’s "they"?

iON 12:01

Bob 12:02
Who had to leave?

iON 12:02
Humans. Humans.

Bob 12:03
But they weren’t humans. They were nowhere near the human form. Or were they?

iON 12:09
Fair. Fair. No, no, no, that’s right. That’s right. That’s right. You’re right. There’s no way to say okay, the "Gods" of the world had to leave; the lord, Time Lords of Gallifrey. They’re the lords of the land. They had to leave because of the war in heaven. And so that they settled it, the war, the terms of engagement, just like with Ukraine, and USSR. Oh no, wait. Russ… No, we don’t know what they are. They used to be Russia, but we don’t know what they are anymore. So, the Terms of Endearment are setting the battle line. So, you have to come to the Garden of Eden, and you have to live and be happy, and you have to believe God. And you have to love God, and you’re in a little state of Eden, but the Garden keeps enhancing the condition. And the serpent, the serpentina keeps trying to lure you into the hara of the apple so that you take part of the fruit of the tree of good and evil. The knowledge of good and evil.

Bob 13:15
Okay, stop. Stop. We’re not there yet.

iON 13:17
Oh, sorry.

Bob 13:17
So, we are some weird non-human form in Andromeda Galaxy, but there is…

iON 13:17
Just say God. Just say God. Just say God.

Bob 13:27
Yeah, but do we have arms and legs and eyes?

iON 13:29
Yeah. Sure. God has arms and legs and eyes.

Bob 13:32
That’s the human, that’s the human form.

iON 13:35
But that’s the "less than" version of it.

Bob 13:38
Well, what do we have in Andromeda? What is our form in Andromeda?

iON 13:43
Just like you except not quite so heavy. And your pecs are a little firmer. And you have beautiful, flowing flocks of hair. And you have, ah…

Bob 13:52
That’s called having the human — we call that having human form. Okay?

iON 13:57

Bob 13:57
We have the human form.

iON 13:59
But it’s perfect.

Bob 14:01
But we’re not, we’re not gasses.

iON 14:02
It’s like Carolyn who, it’s like Carolyn wants to lose one more two-ounces. "Oh, if I could just get two more ounces off." We’re like lord suffering cats. You’re perfect. You’re too little now.

Bob 14:12
We’re not gasses. We’re not weird gasses.

iON 14:15
No, you’re not that.

Bob 14:16
We’re not weird frequencies.

iON 14:17
Well, now, now, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no wait. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You don’t know what you’re speaking of. Your meatsack form can — pull a blood… Hey, you want to prove it? Carolyn, pull a blood gas on Bob. He won’t like it. He won’t like it. Pull a blood gas on Bob. You are indeed gaseous. You have gasses, alright, in you’re beingness. That’s the intro and exomorphic form. You have to. That’s the only way you can keep your balance so that you can keep the nitrogen balance in your body so you don’t get the [inaudible].

Bob 14:52
Yes, but I don’t see in the Andromeda Galaxy, I don’t see a person as gases or I do? I don’t see arms and leg and that, I see gasses.

iON 15:00
No. No. They’re not gasses. No, no, you’d see — no no, no, no, no, no, no. They have a human form, but in that human form they are gaseous just like you are now, or a version of.

Bob 15:09
Are we gaseous here? Are we gaseous in the "fallen" state?

iON 15:11
Yes. Yes, you are. And that’s why I say let Carolyn pull an arterial blood gas on you. You will not like it. Promise. But she can do it.

Bob 15:20
Why? What is that? What is it?

iON 15:22
Ask her. It’s very painful. Ask her. It’s very painful on your wrist. You have to go to the artery and pull blood out for the blood gas.

Bob 15:28
Why would you do that? Why would you do that to somebody?

iON 15:31
To prove you’re gaseous. To prove you’re gaseous.

Carolyn 15:32
No, all iON is saying is that we have gas in our body. So, move on.

iON 15:37

Carolyn 15:37
It’s a known thing.

iON 15:38
That’s right.

Carolyn 15:39
It’s a known thing.

iON 15:40
Correct. That’s correct.

Carolyn 15:41
Move on.

iON 15:41
It hurts.

Bob 15:42
Well, let’s use another… We would be some substance that ain’t normal, ain’t us.

iON 15:47
You’re still carbon. Yes, you’re carbon. You’re carbon there and you’re carbon here.

Bob 15:52
No, no, we…

Carolyn 15:53
So, what is, yeah, what is different from us and them?

Bob 16:00

iON 16:00
The question you’re asking — wait, wait Bob. Listen. You got this, you did this. You’re perfect. Bob, you are perfect. Here’s what you’re sayin’. You go back to Carolyn’s point originally that with the three amino acids were God. Without the three amino acids were a version of God: We are created in the image of God, and yet not.

Bob 16:22
That means we look like, that means we got a human form and it’s exactly like the Ascended state in Andromeda Galaxy.

iON 16:30
Except for the waterheads, yes. Except for the waterheads.

Bob 16:34
What are they? What are the waterheads?

iON 16:36
Carolyn will tell you.

Bob 16:36
What are they, Carolyn?

Carolyn 16:41
That’s the aliens with the big heads.

iON 16:43
Correct. Good. She did it right. That’s good.

Bob 16:47
Oh, we had big heads? Our human form has big heads?

iON 16:50
No. No, no. The Mongoloids don’t have that. The hephalis[?] might.

Bob 16:55
What’s he saying, Carolyn?

iON 16:56

Bob 16:56
We’re talking what the human form… You just said that — you go waterheads. And why mention that? We don’t have waterheads, Carolyn, –

iON 16:56
But some do.

Bob 16:56
– when we were in Andromeda.

iON 17:07
So then, some do, so they would not be included in the conversation.

Bob 17:11
Who are they?

iON 17:12
You said "all" humans are in that condition. They’re different. Well, don’t worry about it.

Bob 17:16
Who are they?

iON 17:16
Don’t worry about it. Just mark it and move on. You’ll do it another day ’cause you’re tryin’ to get, you’re trying to clean up Carolyn’s aisle 5, and we wanna do that. We just wanna be clear so that there’s no issue. She picked them out. She got it. Carolyn’s good at this, Bob. She’s very good at this.

Bob 17:31
So, we have a similar human form, but it’s more perfect in Andromeda, and I propose that we "fall" and you say it’s too simple what I just said.

iON 17:44

Bob 17:44
That we "fall" and then we get out of our fallen condition somehow. And that proves we didn’t lose our Godhead really, or our God state. And what’s too simple about that?

iON 17:59
Well, because you don’t know what you’re sayin’, that’s all.

Bob 18:03
[chuckles] Well, either I proposed something verbally or I didn’t.

iON 18:09
Well, but you didn’t include the Hydrocephalic.

Bob 18:14
What’s that?

iON 18:16

Bob 18:18
I didn’t include a bunch of human, Ascended human forms that had big heads.

iON 18:23
A version. A version. They weren’t Ascended; they’re not Ascended. That’s the ones that are not.

Bob 18:30
And they’re on Andromeda. They were on Andromeda.

iON 18:33
Correct. Correct. But see, the dialectic condition has to include, well, you would call it unusually sub-normal intelligence. The daft, they don’t, they’re non-thinkers a bit.

Bob 18:53
Okay, so we’ll have to talk about that some other time. So, we don’t…

iON 18:56
That’s right. That’s right. That’s one aspect, that’s one aspect, that’s all. It doesn’t change your conversation. You got it. Go ahead.

Bob 19:04
See, Carolyn, I think there’s different "falls." Remember, Noah’s flood –

iON 19:08

Bob 19:08
– caused a change.

iON 19:10
Yep. That’s a [indistinct] step back.

Bob 19:12
But back before that…

iON 19:13
Yeah, you gotta go, you gotta go back to Kings. You gotta go to Kings and Chronicles, Bob. Kings, First and Second Kings.

Bob 19:13
No, I’m not doing that.

iON 19:17
No, no, you don’t have to. You don’t have to. No, you don’t have to, but I’m just saying that’s another step that also "fell." When they start, when the Bible and…

Bob 19:30
No, no, don’t. I don’t wanna jump ahead. Step by step, real simple. So, we "fall"; that means we end up in this Earth, what looks like Earth, trees and rivers and mountains, but it’s different. It’s limited.

iON 19:44
Mm-mmm. [no]

Bob 19:44
Did we get — we didn’t? It’s not how we got there?

iON 19:49
No. You were safely dropped in this special, special bubble called the Garden of fucked-up Eden. You were in the Garden alone. Okay?

Bob 19:59
Which wasn’t this planetary environment that we know.

iON 20:02
Well, no, no, wait now. Carolyn’s gonna, when Carolyn comes back, she’s gonna pick that up and she’s gonna go wait a minute. She’s gonna want to reposition or recondition Eden. She’s gonna say I want to get a little bit East of Eden, you see. She likes that perfect land.

Bob 20:18
Okay, okay, okay. No, no. No, no. You’re confusing it.

iON 20:20
No, no. Don’t talk. Don’t talk. No, we’re not. No, we’re not. Just listen. Shhh. We got this.

Bob 20:26
No, if I’m listening, it’s got to make sense.

iON 20:29
You’re in a bubble. We’re gonna tell you again. We’re gonna tell you again. You’re dropped in a bubble. You’re in a bubble. You’re in the matrix. You’re in a pod.

Bob 20:37
How many people are in the bubble?

iON 20:39
All of them.

Bob 20:39
How many humans born in the world?

iON 20:41
All of them.

Bob 20:41
Are they human?

iON 20:42
All of them.

Bob 20:43
They look like humans. We don’t change much.

iON 20:45
All of them.

Bob 20:47
But millions of people; seven billion.

iON 20:49
All of them. Going back to two. Going back to two. But yeah, all of them, back to two.

Bob 20:54
Wait a minute. There’s only two people.

iON 20:55

Bob 20:56
Only two people in that bubble.

iON 20:59
Back to two. Back to two.

Bob 21:00
Okay, we’re in the bubble. On the way to the bubble, did we lose…

iON 21:05
No, there’s no on the way. There is no on the way. There is no on the way, the bubble. You were in Andromeda, and then you were in the bubble. When you’re in the bubble, you have to have those three amino acids in order to live. Well, those were separated from you in the Garden. That was the "fall of man." That’s why Adam was the first and Jesus was the second Adam. That’s jumping in just a little bit, but it’s just making references, just making reference. We’re not making it, we’re not messin’ it up. Okay, when those amino acids from the clay, Adam was created from the dust. Okay? And out of the dust…

Bob 21:43
Okay, see, now you’re bringing in some kind of process. That’s not accurate. That’s not the visualization.

iON 21:47
It is accurate. It is accurate. It is accurate.

Bob 21:47
We’re in a — yeah, but you were in Andromeda, which might be hard to visualize, but you say the same as here. rivers, mountains and trees. Okay. All of a sudden, we’re in a bubble. Do we see that we’re in a bubble? Do we see the edge of the bubble, the rim of the bubble from inside?

iON 22:04
Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Eden has boundaries. So, in Eden, there were boundaries, and there are boundaries. And you had to stay in the Garden, where the garden is, inside the –

Bob 22:17
Yeah, now we’re in the Garden. Do we…

iON 22:18
– [indistinct] inside the box. Inside the box.

Bob 22:20
Do we feel? Do we feel something different because we lost amino acids?

iON 22:29

Bob 22:30
We lost three.

iON 22:26
You don’t know what you feel. You don’t know what you feel. You don’t know because you haven’t eaten from the two trees. You haven’t eaten from the trees in the Garden.

Bob 22:37
Right. So, we are there walking around, and we don’t — Do we understand why we’re in a different environment? A bubble environment.

iON 22:51
Yes. Because you talk to God every day. The Lord is in His holy temple. And God talked to Adam and Eve or Steve, whichever it was, every day. And they had relations. They chatted. They had Tailgates every day. They did a Tailgate everyday, Bob is great.

Bob 23:13
Well, wasn’t — people like to [inaudible]…

iON 23:13
And so, Adam and Eve could talk to God.

Bob 23:17
No. No. We gotta clarify that. There’s different meanings of talk to God. People think that their God is within them; that’s the mystic route or agnostic route or something.

iON 23:26
They didn’t then. They didn’t then. That’s the Druids. They didn’t then. That’s the, that’s your founding fathers.

Bob 23:31
Okay, so they talked to God like we’re talking… Look. Too many words. We talked to God like we’re talking to you? Where was the voice –

iON 23:34

Bob 23:36
– that we talked to?

iON 23:44
In their presence. The voice was in their presence.

Bob 23:47
Yeah, not inside a lump, a log, or in a rock, it was this bare.

iON 23:54
Or serpentina. There was no serpentine involved. There was no, there was no speaking in tongues or no glossolalia.

Bob 24:01
Okay. So, Carolyn, I’m stopping it in a second. I’m gonna say how did the amino acids get out of our form? Were they scooped out? Did a needle inject…

iON 24:13
No. No. When Adam was created from the dust, those amino acids were excluded in that creation through Eden.

Bob 24:23
We’re not, we’re not, we’re not made from dust, we’re just suddenly in a bubble.

iON 24:28
Yes, you are! No, you’re not. You’re created from dust; you are clay. Ashes to asses and sluts to dust.

Bob 24:36
Okay. Before we were becoming, we were human in Andromeda Galaxy, had the human form, arms and legs and all that. All of a sudden, we were somewheres else and we understood we were goin’ somewheres else. I proposed it. And now we’re somewheres else. But we went through being made to be in the Bible; you said made from clay. We’re not aware of that. We’re just suddenly…

iON 25:02
Yes, you are. It like it’s the same way a drag queen gets prepared for the show. They apply makeup, they change their persona. What happened to you in the Garden is your persona was changed. You went into drag, Bob. You’ve been an angry black woman for years. So, that’s where you go into drag.

Bob 25:04
We didn’t… We were in our human form, when we "fell."

iON 25:23
In essence. In essence.

Bob 25:24
When we were shifted in the Bible –

iON 25:27
In essence.

Bob 25:27
– and we didn’t know that…

iON 25:28
In essence. And now people, and then people, people lived their whole lives doing nothing else than tryin’ to change their meatsack body. They lived their whole — everything they do is to change the meatsack body.

Bob 25:38
When? When?

iON 25:38
Every goddamn day. Ask Revlon, "Love that Red." Ask Miss Clairol.

Bob 25:39
Are you talking about in the "fallen" state? Are you talking about in the "fallen" state?

iON 25:49
Yeah, of course. And they fight fires. And they fight fires.

Bob 25:51
Okay, Carolyn, maybe you can ask, Carolyn, about this scooping out the loss of the three amino acids. See if you can get some physical details or images of that.

Carolyn 26:04
Yeah, so what Bob’s hearing, iON, is that our physical-like human bodies dumped into the bubble. So, they’re dropped into the bubble, and then there’s Adam appears. So, there’s a confusement there. What are those different things?

iON 26:25
Okay, we got it. One is nonpolar and one is polar. You have nonpolar, which is glycine, alanine, valine, cysteine, proline, leucine, isoleucine, methionine, prop_[?] and phenylalanine. And polar is serine, threonine, tyrosine, asparagine and glutamine. Those are the different.

Carolyn 26:51
Okay, so those, the two amino acids. So, the aspects from Andromeda are nonpolar, and then –

iON 26:51

Carolyn 26:57
– Adam is polar.

iON 27:05
Correct. Excellent. And then that enhancement, what’s happening is is you’re forcing the body to come back into this place of power. You marvelous little heifer, you. Mm-mm! [Carolyn chuckles] You are getting the body ready, you, you! You! You’re getting the body ready to come back into their place of power, so that they can sustain a very nice zip code address of 90210. Oh, yeah, no, not that one. No, no, no, wait, wait. No, we got to get a better zip code. We gotta get a, it’s gonna be — it can’t be Hollywood, we got to get a better zip code, so that you can live in paradise!

Carolyn 27:43
Okay, Bob’s here. What, Bob?

Bob 27:47
We were trying to talk about the "fall." I think you’re talking about the repair now.

Carolyn 27:53

Bob 27:54
We should go back to the "fall."

iON 27:54
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, it’s reverse, Bob. It’s reversed. It’s reversed. We’re given Carolyn the details that she was asking about to plug it back into Eden. So, it wouldn’t be about the "fall," it’s how you get, how do you survive in a "fallen" state in Eden. And so what she’s done so far is lay the groundwork from the ground, the clay from whence you came, into a position where you can come back into God, back to God. So when you’re back to God then you can survive in Eden, the promise land, the perfect space. But if you — if they split the Eastern sky and they open the Eastern Gate, you go through the gate and you’re not ready to sustain it, you’re gonna be consumed as a fire. That’s why they call it burning in a lake of fire. You’re gonna be consumed because your body won’t be able to sustain this what we say is God. We already see you as God, even if you don’t. We see you as God. So, these…

Carolyn 28:54
See, what Bob is, he’s visualizing a human form dropping into the Eden, and then all of a sudden, Adam’s not in the picture and then Adam gets named.

iON 29:06
No, it’s not like that. It’s not like that exactly. See, the angelic — Okay, Bob’s right. Bob, you’re right. Goddamnit, we don’t like this. We hate when you’re right. You’re always right! We hate when you’re right. But okay, Carolyn, he’s right. He’s right. He’s right. Alright, heaven is this marvelous place.

Carolyn 29:20

iON 29:20
It’s this marvelous place. All right. And you have a human form, such as it is, however godly. And you know what God looks like ’cause you’re created in the image of God. Simple stated. That’s not hard. That is what it is. But everybody’s different! So, this God had that many parameters. And that’s the reason we said you gotta go back to First and Second Kings, and First and Second Chronicles in the begattings so you show how this steps away from the genetic code of how the telomeres are engaged from the — which one is not the heart? From the myocardial? Which one’s not heart? [laughs]

Carolyn 30:10
Mitochondrial. Mitochondrial!

iON 30:11
Mitochondrial. We do this every time ’cause we love it. We absolutely love it because the heart of the matter is always a matter of the heart. It always comes back to that. But anyway, we always have fun. So, the cellular strata had a certain set mark, and it was, everything was cool. You had a war, you couldn’t stay in paradise, in heaven, so you got shifted or moved or transplanted from City Island to the fifth gate, or from Andromeda, heaven, into this Earthly realm; paradise! as you call it. Okay? And you have to sustain yourself there as long as you can. If you can, all is good. But what has to happen is you can’t eat from the either of the fruits or the either tree. Can’t do it. Because once you do, you’re gonna be awakened in the part that’s not perfect. You’re gonna be, they’re gonna put the Marshall McLuhan on you! If you listen to Marshall McLuhan, you’re gonna find out that you’re fucked up, you can’t live like this, it’s not gonna work, you have no idea what you’re talking about, you don’t know. That’s Marshall McLuhan. That’s the, that’s the, that’s the McLuhan quadrate. Okay? Now Bob’s startin’ to understand. He’s like, oh, oh, oh, if you don’t embrace media ecology, media ecology will still change your metaverse. Uh-oh, it will still change your metaverse. So, there you go. You’re here in paradise, heaven, then you’re moved from City Island to the fifth gate. Okay, now that’s Eden. That’s Eden. That’s Eden. Now, you have your form. But see, Bob has a different form that he had in City Island, but it’s still Bob. Still, Bob, but he has a different form than he did. He’s different, but it’s still Bob, you see. So, from those shifts, it’s like that, okay? Okay, okay, okay. Now, in the fifth gate, in Maui, if that’s what you want to call it — it’s all right with us, we don’t really care — you are functioning as a human being on the process of Ascension. As long as you don’t take the red pill or the blue pill, you’re good, ala "Matrix." If you take one pill, you see how bad it is, if you take the other pill, you don’t care how bad it is. See the difference? Can’t take either pill. Then what happens if you change your body or shift your body and condition your body into a position of what we call Ascension, then what happens is your body changes. And then you realize very quickly, very quickly, you find out that paradise is lost, that Eden is consuming you. And if you eat either of the fruits, you have to be put out to survive. Then you have to dig and you have to scratch and you have to be less than and you have to wonder. Then you have a Tech Body, then you have bills, and you have problems. And you have to scratch and beg and plead and find somebody to sleep with you that likes you or doesn’t like you and fill in the blank. All those human quote, quote, quote, human conditions. Then you have to worry about sin for the very first time, all that less than ness that you have to fight, and that fury to bring you back to the Emmaus road so you can find out where the grandeur of this God part is lost in you. Okay. Now, with those three amino acids…

Bob 31:30
Now, iON, iON! Hold it. You’re talking about we’re in the bubble and there’s two trees, the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and the Tree of Life. There’s fruit on both trees?

iON 33:45
Yes. Oh, absolutely. Absolutely.

Bob 33:56
Okay, so we ate. Something prompted us to eat from one of the trees?

iON 34:02
Yeah, you ate from the Knowledge of Good and Evil. And that’s when you found out you were a sinner.

Bob 34:06
What prompted us to do that?

iON 34:09
Some say it was the serpentina, the serpent, the snake, the Great Deceiver. It was Lucifer. It was the satanic world. It was the, it was an emanation of Aleister Crowley or some nastiness, we don’t know. Make up some’um, Bob. [laughs] It doesn’t matter.

Bob 34:28
Okay, so Carolyn, back on Andromeda, there were angels there. Correct, iON?

iON 34:34
Yes. There are now. There are now. That’s heaven. Angels we have heard on high. They are now.

Bob 34:42
So, what caused… You know, I come along and I proposed, and I assume we would do this literally, I literally came from Alpha Centauri and proposed to millions of people, millions of human, superhuman forms, who looked just like they are now…

iON 34:58
Yeah, eleven. Eleven at a time though. Only eleven at a time. But yes, Bob, you got millions now, but only eleven at one time. So, that’s right. [laughs]

Bob 34:58
Oh, the first time there was only eleven people? Eleven Ascended people?

iON 35:11
No, we’re being cheeky. We’re being cheeky, Bob.

Carolyn 35:13
He’s being cheeky about your radio show.

Bob 35:15
Well, how many did I address, and did I address it in chemical body form?

iON 35:19
Millions. Millions. But only eleven at a time.

Bob 35:23
So, was I on some medium? Electric medium or something?

iON 35:27
You still are now. You still are now. What are you talkin’ about?

Bob 35:30
Was I on some electric medium?

iON 35:32
You still are now.

Bob 35:32
I don’t care about now, I’m talking about this ridiculous previous condition.

iON 35:37
Always. Always.

Bob 35:37
So, I went on some…

iON 35:39
Back when Jesus fed the 5000 with five loaves and three fishes, he fed 5000 people same way.

Bob 35:46
He had a microphone? Did he have a microphone?

iON 35:48
He had, he had a capacity to expel his words. Capacity to expel his words.

Bob 35:59
So, we get in the bunker coming up soon, we’re gonna get in the bunker. I will communicate to people –

iON 36:05
Just for a little while.

Bob 36:05
– with the monolithic structures. Just for a little while, the monolithic structures, and that will be exactly the way I communicated in Andromeda? Or that’s not true because we haven’t gotten to Andromeda yet.

iON 36:14
No, not quite. Not exactly true.

Bob 36:17
Okay, so back in this original condition, there were angels there. What prompted them to have a war? Did they respond to my idea that we need to "fall" that caused the war?

iON 36:36
Thompson. No. Thompson.

Bob 36:39
No, no. That doesn’t mean anything.

iON 36:41
It most certainly goddamn was! It certainly was. Listen, you need to read Thompson.

Bob 36:45
Are you saying that William Irwin Thompson was there?

iON 36:47
No, we’re saying that he mocked the reason why there had to be a war in heaven. The war in heaven was that God, you, God, had a son; an exceptional aspect of yourself. And the angels took deference with it to say, you whore bitch goddamn motherfucking God, I had sucked your dick, I have done everything you wanted me to do. I have cleaned up your shit. I have moved heaven and earth. I have legions of angels that bow to your every step. I’m gonna sit next to you, God, goddamn it, and I don’t give a fuck what you say. Goddamn you, God. I’m gonna sit next to your right hand! And God said Oh, no, hell no, you’re not. No, hell, you’re not. Oh, yes, hell, I am! And then two-thirds of the angels got to beefin’ with one-third of the angels; that’s the Lucifer part. And so…

Bob 37:43
Okay, iON, iON. Hold it, iON, hold it. When did the angels get mad and address God? They addressed me or a human or two there? They addressed the people.

iON 37:55
No, no, no. Yeah, no, no, no. Yeah, no, it’s not even that serious. It’s not that serious, Bob. It was a very simple… um… what is the, what kind of government did they have in Canada? You know, the real fucked-up one where nobody’s –

Bob 38:09

iON 38:09
– really in charge with anything? Oh, Parliament!

Bob 38:15
Parliament democracy.

iON 38:16
Parliament. It’s like a nothing thing where two people decide how it’s gonna go, and everybody else has to "get over it" kind of thing. You know, like that. [chuckles] So, the war got started or they got to beefin’. And then what happened is the only conversation was to settle the war in heaven was who was gonna sit at the right hand of God. So, God…

Bob 38:38
And this was, but this was with two angels? You said two.

iON 38:41
No, three. Three: Gabriel, Michael, and Lucifer. Three angels. They represent…

Bob 38:47
So, three angels started getting another idea, getting angry, and I’m over — me and how many people are listening to them have this argument?

iON 38:57
The rest of them. All of them that end up being God. And we know that number.

Bob 39:02
All the humans were all — we were witnessing them all do this. We all were witnessing. Okay.

iON 39:09
We know that number. We never said it, we’re not gonna say it now. But we know how many make it. So, that’s okay. That don’t matter. So, that’s all good. Okay, now wait.

Bob 39:17
Well, what do you mean how many make it? We’re talking about the beginning! How many were there at the beginning? Is that what you’re talking about?

iON 39:23
There’s no time. There’s no time.

Bob 39:24
I know, but it’s different.

iON 39:24
We know the beginning and the end. We know how many make it. There’s enough room. You won’t be crowded. It won’t be crowded, Bob. [laughs]

Bob 39:32
Right, but how many were there at the beginning? How many were there when this problem…

iON 39:32
We didn’t say ’cause that would answer. Because that would answer the question of who was there at the end. So, no, you don’t get that.

Bob 39:41
Same number. Okay. Same number.

iON 39:42
Yeah. Yes. Good.

Bob 39:42
So, okay, so they argued.

iON 39:43
He’s so clever. Carolyn, he’s so clever.

Carolyn 39:48

Bob 39:48
How long the time — there’s no time, but how soon after the argument broke out are we not there and we’re in the bubble, which I told them to do! Did I know when I say we’re gonna "fall," did I know how it was gonna "fall"? I knew that there would be an argument break out and we’d be kicked out?

iON 40:04
No. No. No. No, you went in, you went into your dimensional mode of, well, let’s talk about it! [Bob chuckles] And that’s when it all went south. Let’s talk about it! [Bob laughs] Let’s have a conversation. Let’s have a salon! Ooo. Yes. Let’s have a salon and we can talk about it. It will be beautiful for a thousand years or so.

Bob 40:25
Carolyn, that’s what they say in Canadian. They’re well-known for discussing their problems. So, I took, I had a Canadian attitude there, even though there was no Canada yet. I said, let’s discuss it. You know, we’re not, we’re not kinetic Americans who are gonna beat you up or pound you upside your head. We’re gonna discuss it. And what happened? That was a mistake, iON?

iON 40:51
Say it different.

Bob 40:54
That was a mistake that I proposed we’d discuss it to the angels.

iON 41:02
Yes, that’s agreeable. We agree with that. All it did was delay it, the inevitable. But now you’ve run out of delayable. Now you’ve run out of delayable.

Bob 41:13
No, you mean now, today, or back then? Back then and not now? Or now, today?

iON 41:17
There’s no difference. There’s no difference. There’s no — what’s the difference? What’s the difference?

Bob 41:23
So, right now, the Ukrainian conflict is an argument among angels. The war in heaven is here!

iON 41:31
Of course, Bob. That’s the whole essence of Revelation 23. But here’s the rub. We have a battle. Now, we’re gonna fast forward just a minute. Now, Bob, we’re gonna get back to your point. Stop.

Bob 41:43

iON 41:43
We’re gonna do it. Don’t worry about it. We’re gonna, we gotta fast forward a little bit. So now what happens is, you have this new push or pressure or condition or animatronic place, animatronic place that allows you to have a Tech Body who presently is winning this little zeitgeist, presently. Tech Body is winning today. Just sayin’. They’re thriving.

Bob 42:25
And the Tech Body is a gas or it’s a permeability. It’s an immanence, meaning, i-m-m-a-n-e-n-c-e. It per — it sums — it ain’t human form.

iON 42:37

Bob 42:37
Maybe it’s in a document form?

iON 42:39
It can. It can at that stage because if you get a text from the Tech Body, does that come from a person or from somebody else? You can’t tell. Sometimes Carolyn questions it. Like spam. Oh, that’s spam, I’m not gonna answer that message. That’s potential spam.

Bob 42:59
Okay, iON. Yeah, yeah, spam.

iON 43:01
There you go.

Bob 43:02
So, people use the term AI today. They don’t know how to visualize it, but the Tech Body is AI even though we don’t know how to visualize it. And we have arrived at the…

iON 43:11
AI is seen every day. AI is seen every day. AI is seen every day. If you get a Ring doorbell, a Ring, R-i-n-g doorbell, somebody comes to you. Hey, you can see Jimmy bring the packages, and you can see it on your telephone. Well, you don’t even have a fuckin’ telephone so I don’t know how you see anything. [Bob chuckles] But if you had a telephone, you’d be able to see things. You know, that’s good. But AI –

Bob 43:33
Okay, iON…

iON 43:35
– version of reality.

Bob 43:37
Right. In AI they’re projecting: Oh, one day when we get AI, AI will evolve past us and take us over and remove us. We have arrived at whatever we fantasize is coming in the future showed up about 2012. Correct? If you pretend there is time.

iON 43:54
Agreed. Agreed.

Bob 43:55

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