When I read an article like this (NY Times, Oct.14, 2000) on McLuhan, it strikes me as so full of errors that I realize how far ahead I was of everybody on the planet during my show on CKLN from 1987-1991:
No wonder when I met people like Mary McLuhan, Marg Stewart, Donald Theall, and David Greenberg, who knew McLuhan well, they would quite quickly say that I reminded them of McLuhan like nobody else did.
As many thought I was “doing McLuhan”, I knew that was only partly accurate because I also knew that I was acting out the effects of what people didn’t know McLuhan himself was actually performing.
All one has to do is spend some time with my archive of broadcasts between 1987 and 2009 and you can hear it – unmistakably the acting out of the coming of the, and present completely dominating (except for me), Tech Body:
The hundreds of brilliant actions I made on radio and TV (on Manhattan community broadcasting) are still unperceivable because nobody has a clue of or processed what McLuhan said and actualized.
That’s why McLuhan was the best actor of his day… and I’ve been the best actor on the planet over the last many decades since McLuhan’s short revival.
In sum, Nelson Thall and I caused the McLuhan revival in the early 90s and none in the McLuhanite world have even gotten a whiff of that achievement at this LATE, LATE moment.
I truly knew how “obsolete” (in McLuhan’s sense) McLuhan was in the 80s and 90s.
How well I led and lead the charge today will become more and more apparent starting last week.
It would be deeply advisable not to miss it.