iON Topics



Bart’s iON Mashups (Collection)

iON Rants & Treasures (Collection)



Blood Moon, Passover & the Cloud of Glory

Blood Moon, The Reset, Seder & Amino Acids

Gospel of Thomas


Noah’s Ark Found on Turkish Mount Ararat

Rewriting the Bible, the Lineage of King James I of England and VI of Scotland

Sodom and Gomorrah

Wind May Have Helped Moses Part Red Sea

Bob Knowledge

Anthropomorphic Physical

Bob’s Media Ecology vs iON’s Media Ecology

iON on McLuhan on Bob and Maui







CERN & Chromosome 14

CERN, How the Large Hadron Collider was Sabotaged in 2009

Changing Environment, Carbon, Riparian Rights, Negative pH

Changing Environment—Oxygen, Sugar & Salt

Changing Environment, Radiation

Changing Environment–Water, Living Water, Hydrogen, the iCell

Copper Sulfite

Electricity & Energy

Electromagnetic Pulse

Electron iONization of Slack

Electrons & Ions

Electromagnetic Influxes from World to World


H197 Radiation

H197, Stabilizing

Hydrogen Conversation

Jean Goes SubAtomic with iON

Lampstands, Dark Soul, Mana, Negative pH, Hydrogen, H197

Living Water, iCell, iBlock, the White Stone

Mirroring, Magnetrons & RNA

Negative pH & Specific Gravity of Blood, Negative Potential of Hydrogen, No Base, Lysine & Lipids

Negative pH, Para & Ortho Hydrogen, Oxygen & Argon


Salt and Light

Salt, Sugar, Covalent Bonding

Sodium Sulfite & 3OH3O2

Sound Creates Matter

Stabilizing H197

What Is Electricity

What is the Physical?

What Is the Chemistry of the Non-Physical

Creation, Manifestation, Unlawful Degree of Magnetism

3-2-1: Create Whatever You Want

Do Words Create

How Bob Creates

How to Fly

How to Get $1 Million

Manifest What You Desire


Mutes, How Do They Create

Stretching the False Premise of Time

Unlawful Degree of Magnetism

Words Are the Essence of What is Created in Your Experience

You Control the Wind & the Waves

Your Wish is My Command


Blythe Masters-Credit Default Swaps

Basic Standard of Living

Federal Reserve

Foreclosure, What To Do

Foreclosure? Give Yourself Power-of-Attorney

Foreclosures No More

General Motors IPO

NESARA (National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act) 

Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS)

U.S. Debt Ceiling, Debt Means Nothing

What Caused the Dow’s 1000 Point Dip

You Can Eliminate Our Public Debt

iON Tech

Black Holes

Black Holes & Quantum Computing

Cold Fusion Revealed

Cold Play

D-Cell & iCell

Hawaii Phenomenon Occurs After Cold Fusion Accouncement

Imari Vase


Love Is Not an Emotion

Love, What The Hell Is It

What the Hell is Love

Meat Sack Body

Answer To Cancer



Chi (Exercise to Lower), Increase the Ability to Connect & Open the Hara

Chromosome 14 & the Cross

Chromosome 14 Overview

Convergence Harmonics

Heart & the Hypothalamus

Histones, Lysine Methylation, Posttranslational Modification, Argon

Human Genome Project & RnA

iCell, The People Who are Not, Light in the Body, Silicon Dioxide

iCell & Amino Acids

The Key

No Dimensions in this World, Blood of the Lamb, the Candlesticks & Amino Acids

Pow’r in the Blood

RnA, Mitochondria

RnA Working Session with Dr. Carolyn Dean & Bob Neveritt

Uncleanness in the Pericardium, Blood, Lipids, & the Lampstands

Vitamin D

RnA Drops

RnA Drops As Currency

RnA Drops, the Bread of Living Water

RnA Drops, How Do They Work

RnA Drops, What Are They?

RnA Drops, What Do They Do on the Physical Level

RnA ReSet Products 2019

RnA Weed


Donald J. Trump

Drain the Swamp

iON Confirms “Trump Is Bob in the White House”

QAnon Phenomenon

Radical Image of Donald Trump

Trump Campaign & “McLuhan—Social Media Between Faith & Culture”

Trump, How He Beat the Bankers

Where Donald Trump Came From & Where He’s Going

Misc. Topics


418 Group Cab Driver



Akito’s Anomalies

Akito, Japanese Shark Fishing

Akito Phones Payday from World 1144

Akito’s Train Anomaly

Aligning the Physical and the Non-physical

Alison’s Private Sessions with iON

American Pharaoh Wins 2015 Kentucky Derby

Amy Winehouse/Michael Jackson Update

Analog vs Digital TV Signal

Analysis: Aaron McCollum, Benjamin Fulford & Dolores Cannon

Analysis: Bill Deagle

Analysis: Cathy O’Brien, David Icke, Catherine Austin Fitts

Analysis: CERN, Stewart Swerdlow & Drunvalo Melchizedek

Analysis: Graham Hancock, The Ark of the Covenant

Analysis: Giant Pool of Money, Len Horowitz & Carmen Boulter

Analysis: Jay Weidner

Analysis: Joseph P Farrell

Analysis: NESARA & Christopher Story

Analysis: Richard C Hoagland

Analysis: Richard Kovacevich, Chairman of Wells Fargo

Android Meme, the Angels & Ascension


Attorney Who Channeled Her Client’s Dead Wife is Suspended

Bad Robot

Blackbird Deaths in Arkansas 2011

Blarney Stone & the Templars

Bob Describes His First Physical Meeting With JW

Bob Dylan

Bob Dobbs, James Martinez & iON Discuss Walter Bowart

Bob Dobbs on Interacting With iON

Bob Explores a Futurist’s Predictions with His Colleagues

Bob (Edward) Marshall Session With iON

Bob Reviews Rev. Stang’s Recent Heart Attack

Bob Talks About JW

Bobfest, iON live

Bob’s World

Captain Beefheart, Is He Dead?

Carolyn & Goliath

Chad, Angela, Bob, Carolyn and JW Do Fringe

Charlie Sheen & Jane Russell

China Owns the United States

China Pyramid

Commander Valiant Thor

Conscience Does Not Exist

Consciousness is a False Premise

Cycles—15,000 Years, from Bob Dobbs’s private iON session 201, 14 November 2009

Dalai Lama

Dan Winter’s iTHRVE App

Delphine Oracle

Difference Between Non-Physical Being & A Channel

Dimensions, Worlds, Parallel Worlds, Realms

Don’t Touch My Junk

Dr Carolyn Dean, A Fireside Chat 

Dust Circles Visit Woman in Nevada

Eating Does Not Cause Weight Gain

Eddie Long is in his authority

Edward Snowden, The Man Behind the NSA Revelations

Egypt: Door To Afterlife Found At Egyptian Tomb

Egypt: Theft of Artifacts

Egyptian Protests Sparked by Listening to iON & Bob

Eight Suns

Elisany Silva Tallest 14-Year-Old in the World

Eli Za Who Recently Transitioned & Is Now in the Post-Guf Realm

Emotions, Souls, Essences and Non-physical

Eternal Dynamic Divine Comedy


Every Conversation Is Two Conversations

Evil Does Not Exist

Exposing the Mystery Landscape

Fireside Chat With Bob Dobbs

First Words From iON, 18 March 2009First Private Recording with iON, 20 March 2009

Fractals & Atmospheres

General Billy McChrystal

Germaine at the 2010 VMAs

Germaine Does Tom Ford

Germaine, What to Wear When Traveling to an Alternate World

Germaine, Will Blogs Replace Fashion Magazines

Ginney’s Immortal Mom

Global Warming

Google Latitude—Know Where You Are

Googoo for Gaga

Governments, Intel Agencies, CEOs, the Entertainment Industry, the Vatican are Listening to iON 

Great Wall of China

Gregg’s First Private Session With iON

Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill

Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill: BP Puts $20 Billion Down to Pay for Lost Income

Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill: Media Black Out

Haiti Earthquake

Hole in the World

Hong Kong Protests

Human Magnet, Brenda Allison


Imma be Rocking that Body

Interview With a Soul

iON Explains Canada, Ophenel/Bob’s Hologram, Hip-Hop Billionaires & College Fraudulence

James Brown Faked His Death

Jefferson’s Bible

JW, Bob Dobbs Talks About 

JW, First Physical Meeting With Bob Dobbs

Ke$ha, Android Meme Critics

LA iONettes Wined & Dined by Bob Dobbs

Labyrinth of the Mind

Lady Gaga, Android Meme Critics

Lady Gaga Abstains

Lady Gaga’s Meat Dress

Legend’s Brother Channels Mother

Lemurians, Lizard People

Leon’s Private Session with iON

Little Man

Little Man in the Boat

Lockdown BobRule

Lord’s Prayer, the Original

Los Angeles Underground

Making It Apparent after Trump’s Election, iON’s Cognitive Anticipation, Hexadic Awareness & Theory of Communication

Marie Henriette of Austria

Marshall McLuhan RIP

Matthew R. First Session, July 2010

Mayan Calendar

Mediums—Use of Throughout History

Michael Jackson, A Year After His Death

Michael Jackson, Real or Memorex

Michael Jackson, Who Is the Beneficary of His Estate

Mind of Reason

Mississippi River, Riparian Rights, The Treaty of 1783, TVA

Moon Landing

Mothman Prophecies

Movies, Fantasy or Reel-ality

Mueller Report 

Mummy Monk Inside Buddha Statue

Mysterious Black Figure in Malaysia School

Nassim Haramein & Stephen Hawking


Net Neutrality

Neumayer Station Camera Captures Sun Anomalies

Nostradamus & The Wall

One Guf

Opinions, Does Bob Have Them

Orbs, What are They

Overview of iONdom with Ginney, Chad, Alissa, Carolyn & Bob

Queen & EU Withdrawal

Queen of England’s Brooch Politics

Randy’s Private Session with iON

Real HouseGagas of iONdom

Recipes from Chef iON


Renner Sisters

Seal of the United States

Sheila Kern, The Labyrinth Painting

Ships Around the Sun Captured by NASA STEREO Mission

Six Degrees of Separation

Spear of Destiny—Lance of Longinus

Stephen Hawking & Aliens

Stone of Scone


Sun Ra

Teotihuacan Tunnel Found Under Temple of Quetzalcoatl

The Lost Symbol

The Matrix

The Three Kingdoms are a Useful Key


Three Kingdoms, Two Angles

Tic Tok

Times Square Bomber

Tower of Babel & Dante’s Hell

Tweet Till You Drop

U.S. Presidents McKinley & Wilson

Vampirization of America 

Vegetarian or Meat Eating, Which is More Effective for Engaging Non-Physical

Veil is Thinning & The Guf is Emptying

Vestal Goodman

Vestal Goodman, Android Meme Critics

12 Vile Vortices 

War of the Roses & the Rat Pack

What are Orbs

What is the Mind, What is Thought

What the Hell is Hell

What is Truth? What is Real?

When Does Non-Physical & the Soul Enter the Physical

Where is JW

Why Does JW Get Images After A Session


Will We Get Back Together

Winchester House

Yoko Ono Opposes Parole for Chapman

You Can Have Apps in Your Chemical Body 

You Can See Thought

You Only Live Once (YOLO)