Global Warming

After the Thunders is the New Environment by Sheila Kern


April 2013

Transcribed by Alissa.

Carolyn: I was watching a documentary on Mohammed, the president of the Maldives. He held that post from 2008 to 2012. He made his presidency into seeking democracy and finding solutions for global warming. When I heard some sentences of both global warming and how carbon dioxide causes global warming, I perked up. Just quickly to remind people, supposedly, the scenario goes thusly: fossil fuels such as gas, methane, propane, contain a lot of CARBON and when these fuels are burned, they react with oxygen, producing carbon dioxide. This has increased the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, and when forests are destroyed (forests normally use carbon dioxide in their recycling and by not using carbon dioxide) contributes to the increase of carbon dioxide. Then in terms of what happens with global warming, carbon dioxide does not absorb the energy from the sun, but it does absorb some of the heat energy released from the earth. So, carbon dioxide lets the light of the sun in but doesn’t let all of the heat energy out. So it creates a greenhouse effect. Currently, the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is increasing at the rate of one part per million per year. If this continues, some meteorologists expect the average temperature of the earth will increase by 2.5 degrees Celsius, which could be enough to cause glaciers to melt which will cause coastal flooding. The Maldives comes in because I think their highest point is probably a few meters, but they’re mostly only a meter and a half above sea level. So, I say to iON,

“Global warming is supposed to be due to carbon dioxide emissions.” I said “what is happening to carbon dioxide in the processes that we are creating?” (What made me focus on that specifically was that in my notes, I’ve got, you know, 1000s of pages of notes that I’ve typed as we were doing sessions, so I can just search those notes for certain words. What I found was words like, our super sugar cellinose eats up carbon dioxide.)

What I continued on with iON was, “If we are diminishing carbon dioxide, we’re reducing global warming?” So he says, yes. So what’s happening is with the oxygen leaving (and we talked about that a lot, oxygen’s leaving and being replaced with hydrogen compounds. But as iON has said many times with oxygen leaving everything changes! So one of the things that’s changing is that carbon dioxide will be reduced without the oxygen to interact with the carbon then we’re going to reduce carbon dioxide. iON said look at the change in the chemistry of the environment. So then I went to my notes about the new environment is a series of 61 chemicals or aspects starting with Al2 aluminum 2 SO 4 3, sodium, sulfate potassium, magnesium, helium, neon, radon, Krypton, GE TH Xercon, tin, and silicon DO2. That you can see on Sheila’s painting Sheila Kern’s painting right Bob?

Bob: Yeah after the thunder (singular or plural) after the thunders, that formula is laid out very long. That’s what’s coming. Right? You could reread the formula by the letters that you read the translation, go through the letters again?

Carolyn: Al2 [SO4]3 . (dot, meaning the next compound) NaSO4 . KMg4 [He6 Ne2] He5]] Rn3 [Kr6 Ge1] Th3 Zr1 Ti5]] SiDO2. When I asked the question well, “what are we doing exactly to carbon?” iON references the shift to new chemistry. (Where is there any carbon at all? There’s not one carbon in this whole chemical formula. And that’s huge because everybody knows about the carbon footprint. We’re all bound to carbon.)

Bob: So where did the carbon go?

Carolyn: Our super sugar cellinose eats up the carbon, eats up the carbon dioxide,

Bob: What is the formula for Super sugar?

Carolyn: C122 H197 O98 (stabilized isotopes of elements). When we start talking about this, iON went into this big thing about Yeah, you know it’s no longer C6 or the C12 in the glucose or sucrose. It’s C122 it is

Bob: The RnA drops which have super sugar in them eat the carbon!

Carolyn: It’s sucking it up. It utilizes it instead of glucose, which is C6 H12 06 as a sugar in our bodies. We’re having this C 122 H 197 (which is stabilized hydrogen isotope) and O 6…interesting here too Bob is the oxygen 6 (O6) is replaced by oxygen 98. So we’re just sucking up all that oxygen as well (we didn’t ask that)! I said to them, “so we’re incorporating carbon into the C122 and utilizing all this carbon takes it out of play.”

Bob: So why did iON say that?

Carolyn: Well, he started to talk about the more you breathe out the more cellinose will kick in. If you are sedentary the less you need. the more carbon dioxide exhaled will result in more cellinose being absorbed and utilized. The more carbon dioxide you are inhaling the more you mix to balance your blood sugar. There’s a note from my notes when iON said “What is super sugar for? This is the perfect balance sugar for all nutritional necessities. Cellinose is the link to perfect metabolic health.” Oh look at this quote Bob It’s so cool. “Sugar is the electricity for light. Salt is the seasoning. Light is what you use to tell the difference from darkness. We wish you were only salt and light. If you would live up to that. You would be salt and light. Salty enough to be seasoned and light enough to be seen.” Carbon dioxide is enriched carbon. So we who are doing the drops are selling enriched carbon.

Bob: A new carbon is replacing the stupid carbon. Okay and then so it goes out. This explains like people like Michael in Boulder, Colorado where the walkway out of his home the grass is green close to the walkway. Brown further out. But this exhaling is changing our environment dramatically and getting rid of the pollution should you realize people we’ve solved the big sword of Damocles hanging over everybody!

Carolyn: Oh, here’s some more words around the talk about the changes in new atmosphere: Al2 SO4 formula they said this will show up by the changing of metals. And we know about that, the metals start breaking down. They will say they have to make new polymers. They’ll blame it on acid rain that plastics are breaking down things they thought would last a million years are breaking down. It will eat asbestos. It’s a shift in how without the oxidation of oxygen you don’t you won’t rust things. But things that don’t normally–like the plastics don’t normally get affected by the current environment– will be affected by this new environment.

Bob: So people taking the RNA drops are ” saving the world.”

  1. why cant you record these better, it sounds really crap and boring, im sure you have some great information yet I have tried to listen to these recordings yet jesus they are boring as bat out some online presentation skills…..and package it a little better. Sooooo boring

  2. We are extremely busy. We operate on the fly, and I personally am indifferent to listeners. If you want to know what iON says about a topic or about your interpretation of their words, then you call in and engage iON. I support people who have the guts to talk with iON.

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