How Bob Creates

Bob Dobbs broadcasting from his radio studio in Hawaii with Marshall McLuhan and Belinda the Hen #2 by Saul Field, 1979


Part 1
session 259, 8 March 2010

Part 2
session 268, 26 August 2010

Bob Dobbs’ private session.

  1. Ha,Ha! The picture is now more "in tune" with the what is being talked about. He (the Bob!) is there but not quite … Very astute Ed if you did it in purpose.

  2. Thanks for your comment, Anonymous. Bob requested that the image be replaced with this recent photo of himself at the controls of his Payday show. Bob says, “Note the color returning to my hair, and I no longer require glasses… thanks to the incredible perfect-cell production by RnA Drops… and a little completement from our ReNew, ReLyte, ReMag, and ReAline wonders.” Not bad for a guy in his nineties.

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