“THE VIRTUAL MARSHALL McLUHAN arose from a number of serendipitous events. First, meeting Robert Dobbs, who shared a common interest in James Joyce’s later writings and in Marshall McLuhan. That meeting occurred during the time that McLuhan was again coming to attention through his adoption by the WIRED world, beginning with Stewart Brand’s THE MEDIA LAB in the mid 1980s.”
Donald Theall, the first three sentences in the Preface to THE VIRTUAL MARSHALL McLUHAN, 2001, p.ix
Don Theall and I hit it off because Don had nobody, who understood his approach to McLuhan and could talk the walk, with whom to discuss the situation in the 90s.
I served that bill.
As Don attempted to show in his book, the artist precedes the scientist.
So in the 20th Century, FINNEGANS WAKE preceded the invention of the Android Meme and subsequently, the Tech Body.
In light of the previous sentence, I say that it will become increasingly apparent over the next 5 years that Marshall McLuhan’s work intuited the new and present technological landscape of iONdom, perhaps the greatest cultural event in recorded history.
And you can take THAT to the next artifact that is asked to back the coming inevitable “currency”.