What Youth? 7 February 2023

What Youth?

Transcribed by Nan


Bob 0:00
iON’s there.

Ginney 0:01
How are you? Hi, iON.

iON 0:06
Hey, darlin’, what’s up?

Ginney 0:09
I wanted to know if you have a customer service update about the RNA drops?

iON 0:15
I do.

Ginney 0:17
Would you mind sharing it with the audience and myself?

iON 0:21
Oh, yeah. Yeah, it’s not being, it’s not being, it’s not being promulgated in the correct way. It is a masterful edict that changes the way the world embraces mRNA. And you don’t have to say this, and you don’t have to tell the FDA you’re saying this, but we’re saying this that those who are engaging it, they may have a chance. But you have to change it because now the obverse is becoming a reality. So, it is your secret if there is a secret. And you don’t have enough in stock by the way.

Ginney 1:09
Okay. So, it’s changing the way that the body is handling the mRNA.

iON 1:18

Ginney 1:18

iON 1:19
The messenger RNA. Because see, the rub is now it’s becoming a position. Before it wasn’t — okay, go back, go back, go back, go back to Matthew David Hurtado and Sabrina. Well, no Sabrina anymore. It used to be Sabrina, but Matthew David Hurtado. Back in those days that was the important, important, important thing; and that’s appropriate. It’s still important that everybody that’s engaged it knows the benefits of its enlighten position. But now what’s happened those that didn’t get that are now able to embrace it and see a huge capacity. You can reduce the price by 5%, but don’t go more than 5%. Or you can make it $300 for a ReBob. That’s what we suggest.

Ginney 1:26
Okay, and so the — changes the way the body does mRNA and does that have — that’s the

iON 2:19
No, no. No, no, no. The way, the way the body processes messenger RNA. That’s the difference.

Ginney 2:26
Okay, processes messenger RNA within a vaccinated and unvaccinated body? Or just within a vaccinated body or

iON 2:36
It makes no difference. It makes no difference. It makes no difference at this point because between the three new amino acids, it won’t matter after that. That’s, that’s the game changer. Everybody’s crying and moaning and, well, we should, we shut the fuck up. That’s what we should do. Yeah, don’t worry about it. When you have, when you — mm-mm. Mm-mm. Mm-mm. Bob! Bob!

Ginney 3:07
Everybody’s crying and moaning about what?

iON 3:10
Don’t, don’t say no more words. Bob. [pause] Bob!

Carolyn 3:16
He’s coming. Hang on. iON! Hang on! Hold your horses.

Bob 3:21
Yes, iON.

iON 3:22
We’re, we say too much. You better slow this train wreck down before we say

Bob 3:27
No, you’re not. You’re okay to say that.

iON 3:31
No, we’re not. No, we’re not.

Bob 3:32
I just wanted to see if I had ESP. I guess I don’t have ESP, Carolyn.

iON 3:37
Well, your PS, your, your PSD is turned into ESP, or your ESP is turnin’ to PSD. We can’t say this. We cannot say that the second amino acid is gonna affect the way that the RnA drops affect the human being! And you can’t let us say that on the air!

Bob 3:37
Yeah, you can say that.

iON 3:48
You can’t do that! And you know better than that! Why would you have us do that? That’s ridiculous. Don’t do that.

Bob 4:03
All right. Cancel that. We’ll edit it out. Bill will delete it as if it was a song.

iON 4:08
Edit, edit, edit edit, edit, if the turbobridge will last long enough. It’s okay. All right, Ginney Belle. We adore you darlin’, to the travail of many. Say some more words.

Ginney 4:21
Okay, so the second amino acid is gonna change how the RnA drops are processed in the body.

iON 4:28
Talk to Bob. Bob’s in charge. Just talk to Bob or Julie. Ask Julie.

Bob 4:32
[chuckles] Another topic, Ginney. You gotta go to another topic.

iON 4:35
Ask Julie. Maybe Julie knows. Julie’s really good at this. Ask Julie. That’s good. [laughs]. No, how do you

Ginney 4:43
Okay. All right. Thanks, iON.

iON 4:44
No! Stop! Stop.

Ginney 4:45
Thanks, Bob. That’s enough.

iON 4:47

Ginney 4:47
Thank you.

iON 4:48
No, it’s not.

Bob 4:48
No, you start taking an interest in the world, Ginney.

iON 4:51
No, it’s not.

Bob 4:51
Ask about the world. Ask about the balloon, –

iON 4:54
No, no,

Bob 4:54
– the telephone balloon or whatever it was.

Ginney 4:56
No, Bob, because the last time I asked about politics I was told we’re not talking about politics, it’s only about the aliens.

Bob 5:03
Well, that’s different.

Ginney 5:04
You ask about the balloon then you gotta hear about this.

Bob 5:06
It’s all overlaid!

iON 5:07
That’s not forever. Well then just go the Daytona 500 and call it a day! [Bob laughs] All right, let’s do it.

Ginney 5:16

iON 5:16
Tell Carolyn to call us and we’ll talk later! Love you, darlin’. Bye.

Ginney 5:19
All right. Thank you, guys. Thank you.

Bob 5:21
No, no, no, you gotta learn something, Ginney, out of your bailiwick; outside of your bailiwick. It’s what you’re here for.

Ginney 5:28
I don’t have a bailiwick, Bob.

Bob 5:34
Yes, you do.

Ginney 5:30
I’m a poor sharecropper’s daughter. I have nothing, I know nothing, I can’t get anywhere.

Bob 5:37
And you will be happy. And you will be happy even though you got nothing.

Ginney 5:40
There you go. And I’ll be very happy. Thank you. All right.

Bob 5:43
Ask about the goddamn fucking moon! No, what is it called? Telephone balloon, the ET balloon. Ask about that.

Ginney 5:51
All right. What about the ET balloon, iON? Was it in North Carolina? Everybody tried to say it was here on Wrightsville Beach.

iON 6:00
It was, it was off of, outside of Myrtle Beach, just off of Myrtle Beach. But it went [inaudible]

Ginney 6:09
Okay, what was it doing? Dropping off ETs or picking up sperm samples? Or what did it want?

iON 6:15
No. No, no, no. That was an alien transcription lettin’ it go all the way across the United States of America, ushering in the new paradigm. Paradigm.

Ginney 6:31

Bob 6:32
That was Pentagon aliens.

iON 6:33
Put GQ!

Bob 6:33
Gettin’ ready for what is coming.

iON 6:35
Put GQ, put GQ on the line, honey. Put GQ on the line. Let’s get a sense of morality here. It’s goin’ off the chains.

Gregg 6:42
I’m listenin’, iON. I’m right here.

iON 6:44
Don’t listen, ask some goddamn — ask some goddamn questions. This is ridiculous. Come on now.

Gregg 6:50
How effective was the balloon in distracting the North American habitat –

iON 6:55
Perfectly. Perfectly.

Gregg 6:57
– from what’s really going on?

iON 6:59
While, while, while the underground capacities were completely laid awake. They were laid awake, meaning they were opened up. Laid awake; opened up. They were charged. Which then after that, caused the little bitty, the “tiiiny,” little earthquakes in Istanbul.

Gregg 7:25
It’s that small one, yeah. Now was, what was this balloon broadcasting? Because apparently

iON 7:33
It wasn’t broadcasting. No, no, it wasn’t broadcasting. It was absorbing. It was givin’ everybody heads up. They’re trying to — okay. Bob, can we talk about this? You don’t care? You don’t mind?

Bob 7:44
Yeah, this is all right.

iON 7:45
Bob’s in charge.

Bob 7:46
It’s just the Pentagon aliens.

iON 7:46
All right. Okay.

Gregg 7:47
Thanks, Bob.

iON 7:47
Oh, well, fuck it. Okay, here’s the Pentagon aliens and that, and the crevasse that goes with them, they’re trying to stage a battle against the invading aliens. They’re tryin’ to win. Now, some would say this is kinda like the Lucifers angels battling against the Gods angels, tryin’ to make that a big to-do tryin’ to overcome them in the battle of the war in heaven. Except you have other aliens involved in the conversation, so they’re now staging. You haven’t heard anything from the Pentagon. You haven’t heard two fucking shits from the Pentagon since Donald J. Trump. You hadn’t heard shit. You hadn’t heard nothin’. And now all of a sudden, the Pentagon says, “Yes, we were following it through the Aleutian Islands and through Alaska, through north of Canadia and through the continental United States. And we saw it but it was there so we shoot it down.” Off of Myrtle Beach? Come on now. Really? Is that how you wanna run this? It’s kind of, kind of silly at this point. It’s kind of a set point. They’re tryin’ to set the striations for the battle. You’ll see in a minute. That’s why it’s good. Because you have no emotion involved in your questioning, GQ.

Gregg 7:48

iON 8:12
You’re, you’re — the best words you’ve ever said is, “iON, I just go to work. I just go to work.”

Gregg 9:19
[chuckles] I show up for work. That’s right. Now why would the aliens want to have this battle in our atmosphere? I mean, isn’t there a

iON 9:27
Distraction. Distraction from the angelic — no, no, no, sorry. Sorry, sorry. We didn’t mean to cut you off. We’re trying to answer you. The angels, the angels are fixin’ to fuck shit up ’cause they don’t have any regard. They don’t care about 5000 people in Istanbul. They don’t care about the –

Gregg 9:47

iON 9:47
– earthquake fixin’ to happen in New Zealand. They don’t give a shit about that that it eviscerates that entire place so Bob has a nice clean place to land. They won’t

Gregg 9:55
Yes, but I want to understand

iON 9:57
Oh, sorry.

Gregg 9:58
I understand Democrats like the fuck shit up just for the sake of fucking shit up, but why would the aliens fuck shit up? What’s, what’s the game plan? Is it

iON 10:05
Because they don’t have a re — okay, go ahead. That’s a good — see, now Ginney Belle, here we go. That big ol’ man you sleep with often, that big ol’ man, he’s pretty good at this ’cause he don’t care, he just gonna ask the question. So, that’s a good question. Here you go, big man. Here’s the question. The angels don’t give a fuck! about the humans. The angels want the goddamn humans to lay their bitch asses down! And they fixin’ to! Lay it down. Bring out your dead. Remember that little moniker bring out your dead? That’s not goin’ away.

Gregg 10:38
What is the benefit of the aliens wanting us to just lay down? What do they get out of it? Do they eat us?

iON 10:39
The aliens, they get this earth. They get this earth. Everything below the 33rd parallel they’re fixin’ to eat. You become Spam.

Gregg 10:52
How come? Did they fuck up their own planet? Like, you know,

iON 10:56
Which one? There’s a thousand of them!

Gregg 10:58
All of them?

iON 10:59
You’re the only, you’re the only, you’re the only bus — we’re just — let’s see. What if God was one of us, just a stranger, one of us, just a stranger on the bus tryin’ to find his way back home? They’re all trying to catch a ride on this last, great planet Earth. The ride home. That’s all that matters. That’s all it’s about. This is what this Earth was created for.

Gregg 11:25
Did they destroy their own planet and that’s why they’re here?

iON 11:29
Some of them but not all. Some of them but not all.

Gregg 11:34
All right. Then

iON 11:35
How do you say — what is, what is it they say? What is it, what is it they always say about the cattle farmer? The cow would say the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. The grass is always greener. Yeah, that’s how they do it. So, but now, don’t, don’t get too carried — listen. You’re on a good lie there. Calm down. Okay, ask us [indistinct]

Gregg 11:56

iON 11:55
This is a pH question. If the pH of the pool was too low, what do you do? Listen.

Gregg 11:37
Well, you

iON 11:56
Listen to your words. Nah! Listen to your words. Be careful.

Gregg 11:59
If the pH of the pool is too low, you buffer it.

iON 12:13
Yes. With what?

Gregg 12:14
Well, a base. You wanna raise the alkalinity.

iON 12:23
And how do you do that?

Gregg 12:30
You would add something that increases the

iON 12:37
What do you do at your pool? What do you do at your pool? You’re always trying to do the other way. You’re always high.

Gregg 12:42

iON 12:43
How do you bring yours down? You’re always bringing yours down –

Gregg 12:45

iON 12:46
– with soda or potash or whatever, whatever. You’re trying to bring yours down. We’re trying to say, what if that was the case the opposite way? And then we’d — that’s the answer to the question. That’s why this is key.

Gregg 12:56
I’m hearing it in my head. Okay.

iON 13:02

Gregg 13:02
So, do the aliens have an aversion to –

iON 13:07

Gregg 13:07
– negative pH?

iON 13:10
Certainly. They most certainly do because you win. When that’s the case, you win. Because you mitigate or mediate or obfuscate every argument that they particularly have.

Gregg 13:24
Just by changing the pH.

iON 13:27
Well, we’re — you’re not changing the pH, honey, darlin’. You got a big penis, but you’re not changing the pH darlin’, [Gregg chuckles] we are. We are. We’re changing the pH.

Gregg 13:37
Well, the pH of the rain is certainly dropping. There’s no doubt about that.

iON 13:42
And, and, and, and more than that. There’s more than that happening. And it’s all gradual, and nobody’s kind of acknowledging it. And they’re trying to lay it by, but then the world is responding differently. And that’s that — you’re gonna, we call it, Bob calls it that zombie apocalypse effect. People are reacting or overreacting or compensating or overcompensating everything. Like, used to if somebody cuts you off in traffic you were like, “bless your heart. Have a nice day. Sorry.” Now what they do is they pull out a Glock and they bust out your tires or they shoot you in the face now because they’re –

Gregg 14:21
Right. Got it. That’s standard operating procedure.

iON 14:22
– well, they’re overcompensating for what normal Judeo-Christian responses would include, rather than, “darlin’, you must be in a hurry. Okay, well, no, no, please, after you. Please, after you. You go ahead. You’re fine. You’re fine.” That’s not the, that’s not the case any longer, you see. They’re “No, hell no. HELL no! Hell no! You may blow up this trailer, but you’re not gonna get my TV! [Gregg chuckles] Mars Attacks. “You may blow up this trailer, but you’re not gonna get my TV.” As they, as they pump the 12-gauge one more time, it’s like they’re gonna do something. See, the compensation doesn’t equal the animation. The compensation doesn’t equal the animation.

Gregg 14:23
Correct. Sure. Overreacting.

iON 14:28
And that’s what happened right here. Now, Ginney’s good. Now, Ginney’s good; she’s gonna have to have some meetin’s. She’s gonna, if you’re gonna save this damn thing, she gonna have to have some meetin’s. You gotta reconstruct this thing. You gotta look at the primal or primorphial [?] conditioned responses to make it all, to make sure it makes sense. ‘Cause right now, just like the United States of America’s economy doesn’t make sense, you gotta make your economy make sense. Now, you do any goddamn thing you wanna do; we don’t give a fuck. That’s what you need to know. We don’t care.

Gregg 15:54
We know that. Sure.

iON 15:55
Please your damn self. Please yourself. However; (that’s a semicolon, however) we are here to help. [indistinct]

Gregg 16:05
So, what is the adverse effect to the aliens as for our getting to negative pH?

iON 16:13
They’re fightin’. Good thing, good thing you got a nice stout building to hold you up. [Gregg chuckles] Pretty, pretty costly, pretty costly in the day, but you got a nice stout building to hold it up; that’s the thing. You need to be thankful for that. Thankful is good. That’s good.

Gregg 16:33
It’s strong as — it’s the bunker. It’s the bunker.

iON 16:37
Watch the roof. Watch the roof.

Gregg 16:39
Well, we got a 10-year warranty on it.

iON 16:42
Nah, that’s not the point. Your only weak spot is the roof, but we said that –

Gregg 16:47
Of course. Of course.

iON 16:48
– eighteen times.

Gregg 16:48
How does negative

iON 16:48
Past that, you’re good.

Gregg 16:52
Is negative pH going to affect the roof?

iON 16:56
No. No, no, no, no, no, no.

Gregg 16:58
Oh, good.

iON 16:58
There’s a lot more shit going down than that. You know, that’s kinda like, that’s kinda like puttin’ too much soap in your hand in the bathroom and havin’ all the toilets overflow. Too much soap in your hand doesn’t have anything to do with the toilet, all the toilets overflowing, it’s easy. That has nothing to do with it.

Gregg 17:12
[chuckles] It does not.

iON 17:13
It’s negative pH is too much soap in your hand. Yeah. It’s the fact that

Gregg 17:20
But negative, negative pH is coming no matter what we do, right?

iON 17:24
Stop! Oh, absolutely, but negative pH doesn’t undo anything you’re doing. [dog barks] Negative pH — oh, you done got the baby stirred up. Give that dog a treat. Give that dog a treat.

Gregg 17:37
Yeah, I didn’t hear what you say — negative pH

iON 17:39
Well, we’re not gonna do nothin’ until Ginney gives that dog a treat. That dog is starvin’ to death. Give that dog a treat right now. Get up, Ginney! Go give the damn dog a treat. None of this chicken shit.

Gregg 17:48
She’s up, she lettin’ the dogs in.

iON 17:51
One of those chicken things.

Gregg 17:52
They were, that’s their knock at the door.

iON 17:55
Go give ’em one of those chicken things.

Gregg 17:56
Yes, that’s their knock at the door.

iON 17:56
Go give ’em one of those chicken, a little chicken things they like. They’re the best.

Gregg 17:56
We have lots of chicken things. Those dogs are so well taken care of.

iON 18:03
Ahh! Better than you, big’un. Better than you. [laughs]

Gregg 18:04
Sometimes. Sometimes. No, she takes good care of you.

iON 18:05
We’re not mad. We’re trying to make

Gregg 18:10
Hold it! Back to pH. Let’s stay focused here. Back to this negative pH.

iON 18:14
Oh, gosh.

Gregg 18:14
The aliens are not — are they aware of this negative pH that’s

iON 18:12
Yes. They’re scared to death of it because it equals the playing grounds. A God in a negative — uh-oh. Bob. Bob. Bob.

Gregg 18:28
Uh-oh. Uh-oh. Gods in a negative pH environment are equal to the aliens. Is that what you’re saying? We’re on a level playing field and we can, like, whip some ass then. Yes or no. Yes or no.

iON 18:40
Well, don’t say, don’t stay whip some ass, say commandeer some ass. You’re trying to rule and reign. That means you’re trying to move the position to a place where “you” can say what’s up.

Gregg 18:56
What’s goin’ down. Right.

iON 18:56
You’re able to say, you’re able to say how it rolls or who’s the dealer or who is in position to have a quantitative say. And then you say, “Okay, you’re gonna start screaming at God? Okay, good. You see, do you like…” Hey, do you know who Dr. Carolyn Dean is?

Gregg 19:18
She’s one of my best buddies; one of my favorite people.

iON 19:21
Well, you better support that. You better support that position ’cause she can stomp down hell hill. She can stomp down hell hill and change everything. Just sayin’. And see, that a, that’s an individual position. That’s not a, that’s not a corporeal position, that’s an individual position. But if you don’t think for two point three seconds that you can’t change a corporeal position, try her one time. Call — hey! We got an idea. Call Doctor Dean out and see how that works for you. Try that. Try that. Because

Gregg 19:55
Well, is Bob gonna be able to keep Carolyn under control and not create a even more egregious situation with the aliens, or is Carolyn just gonna take him under her wing?

iON 20:06
No. Well, no, Bob — okay, here’s how it goes. Here’s, here’s the problem. The problem is Bob’s in charge.

Gregg 20:14

iON 20:14
He’s gonna run it like he wants to run it.

Gregg 20:17
That’s the problem and the solution. That’s the problem and the solution.

iON 20:20
To the chagrin, to the chagrin of many. Now, nobody’s sure how it’s all gonna go. Okay? But we’re working on it, tryin’ to see how this is gonna work out. But, but Bob’s in charge and he’s okay with this, and everybody that don’t like it can go bankrupt. [Gregg chuckles] That’s how we’re gonna do this. It’s really easy. It’s not a problem. We’re down a third, we can go down two-thirds, we can go down three-thirds. It’s alright with us. We don’t care. It doesn’t make any difference because at this position of Ascension has nothing to do with the ratification of position. Gettin’ those [indistinct].

Gregg 20:56
I didn’t understand that. Nah, I didn’t understand.

iON 20:59
Well, then you can read — then bless your heart. You can listen to it again. [Gregg chuckles] It’s good. It’s like Ginney Belle’s dog, that you’ll figure it out. They’ll show you the right way. So, you’ll get those words because that’s not a bad thing, it’s a plus. But you gotta realize you’ve got to re — okay, okay, okay, okay, okay. That may be enough for one second. Wanna put you on hold for a minute ’cause we got another thing we gotta do that’ll will make your words perfect unless you got one more trivarian[?] position you would like to embrace quickly.

Gregg 21:33
What is the major factor affecting the speed in which this negative pH will embrace

iON 21:44
Perfect. That’s enough. You don’t say no more. You don’t say no more. Bob, get Chad right now. Chad right now. He’s gonna answer GQ’s question. We fuck with you, GQ.

Gregg 21:54
Thank you.

iON 21:54
We like your large penis; it’s our favorite. Our most favorite penis of all the penises.

Gregg 21:59
You’re one of my biggest, second-biggest fans. [chuckles]

iON 22:01
[laughs] That’s like — hold on one second. We’re gonna answer that, but we’re gonna get Chad to ask –

Bob 22:08
Okay, Chad.

iON 22:08
– a question or two to make that work.

Chad 22:10

iON 22:11
Chad! Straighten this shit out right quick. He’s about to jump off the ravine. Bring us up to a position so we can answer his question appropriately. You got to add the sine, cosine to the conversation, please. Come on now, you were listening so don’t –

Chad 22:27

iON 22:27
– don’t lose the vibe ’cause we were countin’ on you to fix this.

Chad 22:30
Okay, so with negative pH, we’re not going, we’re going off that scale of the pH from zero to 14 that we have now. And we’re gonna stop looking at it that way and see it more from a baseline of a sine, cosine where we embrace –

iON 22:50

Chad 22:50
– negatives and positives to that shifting landscape.

iON 22:52
Well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, you’ll be able to judge tangents. That’s what you’re trying to do. Hold on, I gotta fix the ears. Hold on one second. We’ll fix the ears. Just a minute. Okay? Hold on. [short pause] Oh, Lord Jesus. Okay, Lord have mercy. Is that better or worse?

Chad 22:53
It’s good.

iON 23:18

Chad 23:20

iON 23:21
Okay, now we’ve started. Now, hey, Bob! We starting now. Okay, let’s get this, let’s get this hoe, let’s get this hoe in a row. Hoe in the row. Now, negative pH. What are you saying now? Say it again.

Chad 23:36
Okay, so we’re moving off that old scale from sort of, you know,

iON 23:40
No. No, no, no, no, that scale is gone. That scale was a false premise from the beginning. You’re coming into the new scale, like post-Newtonian physics. It’s a new scale which is the only scale. Y’all set it on the wrong line. That’s why we’re having such a hard time trying to explain to you triangulation. That’s why Nelson Thall, the son of a bitch, didn’t have sense enough to know what he was lookin’ at. You came closer than most people ’cause unlike anybody else, you could actually explain trigonometry to Bob! [laughs] Nobody else, nobody else was even ballsy enough to try that one. [chuckles] They couldn’t even try it, but you did. You went as far as you could go. And then your explaining it, if you can explain to Bob, you get it.

Chad 23:40

iON 24:07
You came as close as anybody ever have. You came as close –

Chad 24:38

iON 24:38
– as anybody ever have. Stop. You don’t know what B2 is. If you knew that, you’d have the answer. So, stop. Go back and listen to everything you’ve — you’ve been doing this, we know already. We know. Stop. You don’t need Angela to translate this, honey. We got this. Go to figure out B2 and you’ll know what A is to B2. So now bring this back up to what GQ was talking about. GQ was talking about negative pH. We are trying to say don’t worry about negative pH, negative pH is the normal. That’s what’s gonna change the mRnA. That’s what Carolyn’s been doing all along to the chagrin of many that everybody busted everybody’s chops over. “You’re inappropriate! You’re a heretic! You heretic! You don’t follow medicine! You’re goin’ against the AMA! You’re ridiculous!” “I understand. I’m doing the best I can, but my world reigns supreme.” If you only had a

Chad 25:45

iON 25:46
Stop. If you only had some slides that could show your work. That wasn’t for you, Chad, but they heard it.

Gregg 25:58
Yep. Yeah.

iON 25:59
Follow it, follow it, follow it, follow it because it’s gonna be your proof that — how do you say — the proof’s in the puddin’. That’s why it’s important. So now,

Gregg 26:10
Thank you.

iON 26:10
– the most important things going on right now is everybody needs go get their nails did. Go get your nails did and get some pretty new cocktail rings. Pretty ones. Nice white gold ones. Beautiful ones, nice long ones. That’d be good. Do a little finger one. So, cocktail rings for everybody and get your nails did. And after that, take a nap. Go to Daytona 500. Relax yourself. Have a big time, a good day.

Gregg 26:14

iON 26:39
All right, Chad. Now, what do you want?

Chad 26:40
One time you mentioned, iON, about the, if we could only figure out the angles inside the molecule of water, –

iON 26:51

Chad 26:51
– if we measure those angles.

iON 26:53
Yep. Yep. Minus — now listen. Those words are strident if you understand you can obfuscate oxygen. But if you can count those, then you would be able to do that. You’re trying to isolate the hydrogen, H2O. Or in peroxide, peroxide H2O2. That’s an easier way for you to work with it if you focus on H2O2. Hey, Chad, who makes OxyContin?

Chad 27:29
I have to look that up.

iON 27:32
Well, it’s a company; they’re real famous for it. There is a family that made it; they’re real famous for it. Okay, there’s

Chad 27:40

iON 27:40
Purdue is one, and then Pfizer, Lilly. There’s other companies that make these certain, certain, certain drugs. Right?

Chad 27:50

iON 27:51
Okay. Who makes hydrogen peroxide?

Chad 27:56
It’s just, there’s many, many manufacturers that make that. It’s kind of an open source.

iON 28:00
Who? Who? Who? No, no, no. Who is the major manu — well, a lot of people make fentanyl. A lot of people make morphine sulfate. But you go back and you go, wait. Now, that goes back to Bayer. That goes back to Eli Lilly [indistinct], that goes back to Eli Lilly, there’s different companies, but who makes hydrogen peroxide?

Chad 28:26
It says PK Chem Industries.

iON 28:29
Who is that? We don’t even know who that is or what they are. See the rub?

Chad 28:36

iON 28:38
It’s the thing that everybody has that no one knows who they, what makes it. Who knows what

Bob 28:44
Hey, iON, before that you were, you wanted the name Sandler [Sackler] for OxyContin.

iON 28:49
Sandlers, that’s the family. So, they lost; they got sued, but the Sanders who’s made all the money from it. But, but he’s, but Chad was right to quote it beyond it because now other people are doing it. But that now you have new, crazy, fun things that have gone into synthetic opiates that goes into a whole nother thing, all the way to fentanyl. And then what’s the name of the — tranq? The tranq. Tranq’s fun. Y’all would like — y’all need to try some tranq. If y’all got some pain,

Bob 29:22
Tranq? What’s tranq?

iON 29:22
Tranq. Try, try tranq. It’ll knock, it’ll knock the shit right out of your dick. [chuckles] It’ll get you goin’. Okay, Chad, go back to your question ’cause you were on the right line, but we threw you off a little bit. Don’t let us distract you now.

Chad 29:31
Okay, so water molecules are polar. And you mentioned before something about

iON 29:45
Well, they can. They don’t have to be. They are, but they don’t have to be. Watermark used to be nonpolar.

Chad 29:55
Oh, okay.

iON 29:57
Now, they can be, but we’re not, we’re not changing your mind, we’re just saying, okay, your words, you said “they are polar.” Okay, then yes, they are! Come on, ask your question now.

Chad 30:09
Okay, so when I heard you say that if we, there were some significance to the angles of the hydrogen inside of water, the two hydrogens, and we can use angles and triangulation to find frequencies. And with those frequencies

iON 30:27
Rhombic. Rhombic. Don’t say no more. Rhombic dodecahedrons cut in half answers your question. And now the smart people are gonna figure that out. Alissa is gonna take that to the piano and she’s gonna modulate it. And she’s gonna hear the sound rather than the tune. Hear the sound rather than the tune. You should do the same.

Chad 30:50

iON 30:53
In ephemeral, in ephemeral geology, ephemeral geology, you’ll be able to have a strident reclaim more than you’re able to apply a conditioned response. So, you’re trying to prove the mystery landscape by your reality for which you know. You’re trying to prove the mystery landscape by the reality that you know. That’s a mouthful. Okay, next. You’re doing good, Chad. That’s good. You’ve been doing your home — goddammit, you’ve been doing your homework. Bless your heart.

Chad 31:39
So, iON, would proving the mystery landscape using what we’re knowing apply like using triangulation, three known points, in regard to negative pH?

iON 31:52
Of course.

Chad 31:54

iON 31:54
But, but you don’t need, you don’t need us for that. You can — Ivan Stang can prove that. [laughs] Poor Ivan. Poor Ivan. Put him on — hey, Chad, put him on the prayer list. You was on the prayer list for a little while. Did you know that? You was. We, we, Nan’s doin’ the prayer list.

Chad 31:58

iON 32:15
No no, you should be thankful because we don’t have to. We don’t have to. And guess who else is on the prayer list. Matthew David Hurtado, the new single, the new single representative of RnA ReSet. Isn’t that beautiful? We are so excited. Bless his heart. Bless his heart. Come on in here! We’ll love you to death. Yeah, we don’t have, we can go, we can give, we can tell you what, what Vestal Wheeler meant when she was tryin’ to rewrite her book. It’s Alive or Be Alive or Thriving on the Run, Run, or I think it was It’s Alive rather than Awake or [laughs] The Awakening or those ridiculous things. We’re being, we’re being cheeky on

Bob 33:03
Hey, iON, ephemeral geology. What’s that, Chad?

iON 33:07
Yeah, ephemeral geology. Go ahead, Bob. No, go ahead, Chad. Tell him what it is. See, Chad actually knows; he’s gonna play stupid here ’cause that’s what he does. And then he’s gonna play like Angela, like he’s gonna have to check, “I’ll get back with you on that.” But he knows; he’s got it. He knew exactly what we meant, because it’s where he’d been reading this week, but he don’t wanna say nothin’. He reads stuff. Hey, Bob. He can read.

Bob 33:29
Does that have stuff about earthquakes? Ephemeral geology, is that earthquake?

iON 33:33
No. No. No. No, no, no. Go ahead. Go ahead, Chad.

Chad 33:37
You mean like lakes that always hold water?

iON 33:42
Yes, that’s exactly. Correct, that’s exactly right. Because they are constant, but yet they’re not. They are liturgically stable and then they’re not. And then they’re always countable or to be counted on and then they’re not. That’s right. All dams fail. Natural or manmade, they fail sooner or later. That’s the ephemeral part. Very good. See? He’s a good thinker. Number old — the old “number one” is a good thinker, Bobby. [Bob chuckles] Bob still asks the, Bob still asks the best questions though, but you’re a good thinker. [Bob chuckles]

Chad 34:23
Of course, Bob is. So, iON, would there be a benefit to

iON 34:29

Chad 34:30
I’m trying — no? Okay.

Bob 34:32
[chuckles] No. Finish it, Chad, so we know what he said no to.

Chad 34:36
Would there be a benefit to triangulating the change in pH through negative pH from the A to the B.

iON 34:44
You can’t. You can’t. You don’t know it! You see, you’re taking, you’re taking like, okay, should I, should I see what color clothes Casper the Friendly Ghost wants to wear to be more comfortable? Well, you can’t see Casper the Friendly Ghost! So, how the fucking gonna see what dress they wanna wear, or what’s the, what applies to them to make them most comfortable. You can’t get there from there, honey bunny. You gotta look at the outside; you gotta look at the negative side. That’s kinda like do you know the, do you know what Dektol is? Do you know what Dektol is? Yes or no?

Chad 35:21

iON 35:22
Okay. Have you ever developed any film, black and white especially?

Chad 35:28
Oh, I did that, yeah, once in, on a field trip.

iON 35:30
Yeah! We know. That’s the reason we said it, because you do know. Dektol is what you use to produce a negative image on film that then you can produce on a positive film paper or what do you call that paper? The paper that you print it on. So, Dektol’s what you use to develop the negative if you then add light to produce it onto the actual photographic paper. You understand?

Chad 36:05
The way that the Dektol can capture the photons is that similar to how we could track the effects of negative pH?

iON 36:11
Perfect. Perfect. Perfect. Then you can actually have a negative value, a negative pH, and a positive condition. You can engage it. So, if you — listen. Listen. Listen. If you overexpose it, you have a different outcome than if you…


iON 0:00
…expose it. Right?

Chad 0:04

iON 0:06
You’re trying to see what you can see, but it’s in the dark! You’re in the dark! As you see what you can see then you adjust from there.

Chad 0:18

iON 0:19
Okay, so back to GQ now. Go back to GQ now. You were on a good roll there. Fix a new capstone. Let’s go.

Gregg 0:30
I didn’t follow an awful lot of that.

iON 0:34
Yes, you did. Yes, you did. If you took a negative spectrum magnifying glass and looked at your goddamn slide, you’d see something different than you see now. That’s what that was all about. That’s what that was all about.

Gregg 0:49
Ah, I will have to figure out what that is. I have not heard that [inaudible]

iON 0:54
You put a black light, you put a black line on the bottom of your fucked up microscope and look at it that way. [Gregg chuckles] Don’t worry, send it to Dr. Dean; she’s real smart. She’ll help you. She’ll help a niggar. She’ll help, she will

Gregg 1:06
I’ve done black light on the, I’ve done black light on the trays before and didn’t get much of a explanation as to what these orange balls

iON 1:15
Note it. No, no, no. Wrong wrong, wrong. Wrong words. You’re not trying to get an explanation; you’re tryin’ to note it. Then you adjust and note the difference. Chad!

Chad 1:24

iON 1:24
Tell him how this works now. You are where you are. And then you are where you’re gonna be. Now, how far are you from itch to scratch? Okay, okay, okay. Let’s do it this way. This makes it easy. You got a great big ol’ ragin’ hard on, don’t know what to do. What am I gonna do? Help a niggar now, I’m messed up. I don’t know. It ain’t going nowhere. I don’t know what we’re gonna do. Somebody needs to help me out here, now let’s see how it goes. Now, negative outcome or a predicate is anything that moves you to a position where that is a fait au complet. Okay.

Gregg 1:33
Okay. Okay.

iON 1:34
And that outcome is out of you. You can look at that; you can see that. You understand?

Gregg 2:09
Well, using your words, if you “out come,” then you’ve done it, you’ve taken care of it. Right? [chuckles]

iON 2:13
Well, that’s not a take care of it, look at what came out. It’s look at what came out. That’s what you’re tryin’ to see. Okay, now, Chad is the master of this ’cause he’s very good at this. Then as you note that outcome, you can look at that seminal reaction and say, “Oh, this is that.” And then you can take a negative or a black light version of that and see what it is.

Gregg 2:14
Oh, I see where you’re going with this.

iON 2:33
And you’ll see a very different position.

Gregg 2:44
I see where you’re going.

iON 2:45
We had to use the Marquis de Sade, we had to use the Marquis de Sade version to get your attention. Isn’t that nice? [Gregg chuckles] Now, we’re not saying come on the, we’re not saying jackoff on the slides now, we’re not saying that. [laughs] We’re not, we’re, we’re

Gregg 3:02
Well, it’s going to, pardon the pun, “come” to that.

iON 3:05
[laughs] Well, if it gets that bad, the good news is you can always hire it done. So that’s [laughs] — there’s a lot of OnlyFans who

Gregg 3:22
Just watch the sharp edges of the glass. That’s right.

iON 3:25
[laughs] There’s a lot of OnlyFans folks who will do it for free. [Gregg chuckles] It’ll be good as long as they put it on their OnlyFans page. It’s all good. That’s fun. They put their crooks and nannies on the internet anymore for money! It’s the craziest thing ever.

Gregg 3:39
That’s right.

Bob 3:40
Okay, thank you. Gregg.

Gregg 3:41
Thanks, Bob.

iON 3:42
GQ, that’s the point. Now, we went all the way around the mountain to tell you something. You waste it if you want to. It’s yours to lose, officially.

Bob 3:42
Okay, Chad, you [indistinct] said? What do you want to talk about?

iON 3:54
Now, did you — Chad, Chad, Chad. Did you see how we fixed that? We took your words and fixed it in a position that made a difference for New Capstone. Wasn’t that sweet? You’re so sweet.

Bob 4:02
Is Bechtel photography B-e-c-h-t-e-l?

iON 4:11
I don’t even know what the fuck you’re saying.

Bob 4:13
You said that Bechtel photography.

Chad 4:15

iON 4:16
No, Dektol. Dektol is a, Dektol is a chemical to develop film before you

Bob 4:26
What is it, Chad? Do you want to spell it, Chad?

Chad 4:30
D-e-k-t-o-l, Bob.

Bob 4:33
That’s “D” as in David?

Chad 4:36
“D” as in David.

iON 4:36
“D” as in dick, “e” as is erection,

Bob 4:41
D-e-k-t-o-l. Dektol.

Chad 4:43

Bob 4:44
Okay. So, what else you want to talk about, Chad?

Chad 4:49
I’m just curious, one more question about that. So, iON, you mentioned, you didn’t say anything about the tangents there. So, would it be more to track the change in the pH from the starting point to later point?

iON 5:04
Well, yes, but you can’t. See, darlin’, that’s what’s wrong with it. You can’t. You don’t know where you are. It’s kinda like, I don’t know where — okay, this happened to JW this week. This the fair part now, we, we don’t “out” him often. Well, we have. Sometimes we, yeah, we’re gonna “out” him here. Bob, if it gets too bad, stop it, but here we go. JW was on a trip, and he had another trip, and he’s doing business, he’s doing the biddings of Bob. Everything’s about the biddings of Bob. He’s vicariously given up his fuckin’ life for Bob! You know how that goes, the normal run. And then he finishes it. He had a meeting in the next morning, and he wakes up in two states later with nothing. He has no cell phone, he has no money, he has no toothbrush, he has the clothes on his body. [Bob chuckles] He has no shoes, and he’s there alone.

Bob 6:00
He ended up in another place, Chad. So, he went down to the lobby and ask if he could use their phone, and they said yes, so

iON 6:07
Well, no. He had to go to the — there wasn’t a lobby, he went to the gas station! There was no lobby.

Bob 6:12
Oh, okay.

iON 6:12
He wasn’t even like in a hotel. He went to a gas station.

Bob 6:14
Every gas station is a lobby to me, buddy.

iON 6:17
And they, and they looked at him like, “We don’t have a phone. What do you mean we don’t — what do you mean use the phone? There’s no payphone. What are you talkin’ about?” He wasn’t — JW didn’t have no money to use no payphone anyway. So, some little woman said, “Oh, here. Use my phone.” So, he called somebody and says, “Come get me.” And he said where are you? He hands her the phone, and she tells him where he is ’cause he doesn’t know! And so they arrange it and then people come and fly and pick him up and bring him a toothbrush and shoes and some monies and his telephone! The thing was in his room where he was before!

Bob 6:58
He disappeared in front of the guy that he was with. He just got slack. [Chad chuckles]

iON 7:01
Yeah. He went to bed, and he woke up someplace else.

Bob 7:05
So, he called me and complains. He blames it on me.

iON 7:08
Yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Bob’s gonna pay. Bob’s gonna pay for that shit.

Bob 7:13
I’m gonna pay for this one.

iON 7:17
Not happy because it didn’t make any sense. There was nothing logical about it until you triangulated the position of where he was and where he is now and what he’s been doin’. And when you do it like that, all of a sudden, it makes perfect sense. Because now it lines up with the minerals that Bob has to have for a pro — oh, we can’t talk about this. The minerals Bob has to have for a project.

Bob 7:35
You can’t talk about the minerals, that’s Carol’s field! That’s Carolyn’s field.

iON 7:41
A project, for a project. And then where he was setting up documentation for other things that Bob’s working on, being the multi-trillionaire the motherfucker is as everybody’s dying on the vine, starving to death, can’t pay the, can’t pay the rent. Can’t pay the rent next month and they’re all trillionaires! [laughs]

Bob 8:03
[laughs] I’m the only guy making money out of the fuckin’ Armageddon, Chad.

iON 8:10
So, anyway, it is A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum, we’ll tell you that for sure. So, in as this works out, it become picture-perfect clear in the reverse mirror or the rearview mirror position. So, stop. You’re the only one qualified to — get Bert ready, Bob.

Bob 8:34
We have Bert ready.

iON 8:36
You’re the only one qualified to understand the capacity of the pentad and the five-bodied model that goes to the next position, the hexad or the region of the hexadic. You’re the only one that can do that because you’ve done it more than Nelson Thall this stage of the game, but that isn’t sayin’ very much. But you got to be able to put the pieces together from the beginning to now because you’ve got it together but you’re not. You hit a home run, but not. It’s swing batter, batter, batter. Swing batter, batter, batter. Swing batter, batter, batter. Strike. You gotta bring it back knowing that you can hit the ball. You have all the different monikers that you need to hit a home run. We’re saying note those, bring it back, note where you are, show your work. The only thing you gotta do at this point, you don’t even have to survive. You don’t even have to win, but you do goddamn have to show your work. There will be a quiz.

Chad 9:45
Okay. Yeah.

Bob 9:47
Okay. That’s that, Chad?

iON 9:49
Any more questions?

Chad 9:50
Alright, Bob.

iON 9:50
Quick, quick, quick. Be quick.

Chad 9:53
Last time we talked, you said Bob crafted the multiverse differently with the Lockdown Bobrule. And now he’s going to allow everyone to engage with the caveat that he has all the money. So, in that context of the multiverse does multiverse mean Bob’s multiverse or is it a multiverse that is (inaudible).

iON 10:08
That’s the only one. That’s the only one. That’s — yes. That is — there’s no — you won’t, you won’t be able to tell the difference. Right now they’re gettin’ up and said, “What are you talkin’ about? You got everything good!” Joe Biden’s on the television right now saying, “Y’all good, everything’s fine, everybody who wants a job got a job, get a job, has some money. We’ve saved it. We’ve made more of everything. Everything’s good. Everybody’s got a — okay, eggs are $20 a dozen, but who cares? Y’all don’t need eggs. You don’t need eggs. You don’t need fuel. You don’t need gasoline. Goddamn diesel. We need to make diesel and turn it into electricity for electric cars that you’re gonna buy that you can’t afford to operate.” You’re like, what? What? What are you talkin’ about? That’s stupid! That’s not where I live! You gotta make it work. It doesn’t work. And everybody says everything’s, everything’s rosy. Everything’s fabulous. See the rub?

Chad 11:03
Okay. So, sounds like the multiverse is in the overlap between where everyone overlaps, it’s not just within one creator’s domain. Correct?

iON 11:15
A bad day in the United States. Stop. A bad day in the United States of America affects your world in we call it Bulgaria. [laughs] A bad — it affects your world. And you say, no it doesn’t. And we go, yes it does. Yes, it does; it does affect it. That’s that butterfly effect; it does affect it ’cause everybody’s following or running what Western civilization is pimping, however ridiculous. Now, you’re right, it’s ridiculous. Okay, you win. You — fuck, yes. Well, good, you beat us again, Chad. You beat us again. Doesn’t matter, the outcome’s the same. Bread goes up the United States America, bread goes up in your country. Just sayin’.

Chad 11:49
Okay. So, since Bob is the default case, is there any benefit to establishing a lockdown Chadrule in my universe?

iON 12:14
No, you better modify that and modify it for the Lockdown Bobrule. Now, you don’t have to like what goddamn fucked up Bob says. Carolyn likes very little what Bob has to say. But you better note it. You better note it. You better pay attention to it, and you better make a, you better, you better make an indention. You better pin it! You better get it; you better pin it! Put it on pinterest. You better pin it ’cause it’s gonna come back. You’re gonna deal with it one way or the other. You know this. You’ve done this all — you’ve did this twice already. Okay?

Chad 12:49

iON 12:49
Get Angela back in here. We’ll show you. No problem with us, we don’t mind. We like Angela. We’re the only person that can understand Angela besides you. [chuckles] Nobody else in the world could understand what she was saying. We’re not fussin’, we’re just sayin’ note the obvious. You’re obfuscating the norm. Note the obvious. Well, this is obvious. Well, that’s ridiculous. That’s the obvious but it’s ridiculous! So, you note that, and you adjust accordingly. Right?

Chad 13:26
Right. You’ve also told us to get busy creating and running our world.

iON 13:31

Chad 13:31
In the case of Bob, you also said he doesn’t even know what a Maybach is, so his

iON 13:36
Maybach. He doesn’t know what the AWD Maybach is. Maybach’s out of business, but Mercedes bought it. He doesn’t know what a Maybach is. He wants one he thinks; he doesn’t know. Like, Carolyn, do we want one of those? And she’s like, Bob, it won’t even fit in your library, so, no. So, yeah, it’s not necessary. But you’re right, that’s fun. That’s fun. And he can, he’ll ride in a Maybach, no problem, but he doesn’t have to know what it is to ride in it. That’s our quantitative point.

Chad 14:08
Okay, so it sounds like Bob doesn’t require desire.

iON 14:13
Never has. He doesn’t desire desire. He won’t even desire desire. Yeah, no, no, no. ‘Cause see, when Bob says if you desire something then you’ve given yourself over to it. Bob, you have to have a convection oven. “Ah, ain’t gonna have no convection oven; I’m not gonna desire a convection oven, and I wouldn’t know what to do with it.” They store bread in their goddamn microwave oven now. It’s ridiculous.

Chad 14:40
Okay. So, based on our chat last time about the unlawful degree of magnetism, and we just said about Bob, it sounds like we shouldn’t want anything. We should just let stuff fall on us like on the witch in The Wizard of Oz.

iON 14:52
Well, it does! It does! That’s the point; it does already. It’s the part you allow in is what you get. But all of it’s provided! That river, that river that you see often, it flows every day. You don’t get every bit of it. You could. Every bit of that water runnin’ down that river’s for you, but you don’t get it all. You can jump in it, you can jump out of it, you can get a cupful of it, you can get all of it. You can’t stop it though. We said what’s the difference. What if that was the flow of many blessings that was made for you, and you walk by and say, yeah, that water’s cold. That water’s dirty. Huh! And you let it go. That’s what happens.

Chad 15:44
Okay. So, it sounds like we’re just

iON 15:46
You’re very, you’re very focused tonight. You gotta, gotta do a quickie ’cause we got things to do it. It’s 10:15. Bob’s gonna holler at you if you’re not gonna talkin’ about

Chad 15:54
It sounds like we just, it sounds like we’re just sifting what falls on us. And that sounds like –

iON 15:59
You are.

Chad 15:59
– we don’t “three, two, one” anymore. Just “one.” Correct?

iON 16:01
No, no, no, no, no, no. It, well, it is “one” because you obfuscate every other opportunity. Now you’ve cut every, you’ve covered up all the windows and mad ’cause the sun won’t shine. The sun’s shining, you’ve just covered it. You put out blackout curtains on all the windows and mad ’cause the sun doesn’t shine. The sun’s still shining. Even on a cloudy day the sun’s still shining. That’s what Carolyn says. Even on a rainy day the sun still shines. You just can’t see it. You don’t understand. Right?

Chad 16:34
Right. Okay. But

iON 16:36
Okay, that was good. Now, focus on the words. You got a little work to do. There’s a little stuff you got to work on; you know that. You’ve been puttin’ it off.

Chad 16:46
Yes, I know.

iON 16:47
So, we’re not, we’re not mad. We’re not mad ’cause you’re doing good. You’re fine. You’ve been busy. It’s not like you’ve been slung up or nothing. A few raves here and there, but that’s all right. That’s a normal response anyhow, and that’s not a problem. But you know, get busy, do what you do. Now, we gotta go to Bert and see if we can’t make some sense of this monocracy.

Chad 17:08
Okay. Thanks, iON. Thanks, Bob. Thanks, Carolyn.

Bob 17:11
Thanks, Chad.

iON 17:11
You’re welcome. You’re welcome. So, Bob, did we save New Capstone out of that, or no? We’re confused we don’t really know anymore.

Bob 17:18
What did you say about New Capstone?

iON 17:23
[chuckles] Did we save it out of that right there? Carolyn’s laughing.

Bob 17:27
Yeah, I think so.

iON 17:29
Oh, good! That’s always a plus. That’s always a plus.

Bob 17:39
Go ahead, Bert.

iON 17:32
Bertron! Get your bitch ass in here and let’s get to fuckin’ work. We got things to do. Carolyn ain’t gone to bed yet. Come on, now. It’s only seven o’clock or five fifteen. It’s only five sixteen, she’s alright.

Bert 17:45
Yeah. Okay, you said some things earlier that stuck with me; two important things. Did I hear correctly that the aliens have an aversion to negative pH?

iON 18:00
They most certainly do. They most certainly do. Absolutely do. They can’t stand it. It’s almost like an acid to them; a negative pH for them is an acid. They’re tryin’ to beat that down. That’s the way they’re gonna — oh, we said too many words. Go ahead.

Bert 18:18
Okay. There’s a — what do you say? What do you say? There’s a, there’s a rub! Because you said earlier that they like, they really enjoy the AL2(SO4).

iON 18:33

Bert 18:36
Okay, now,

iON 18:37
That’s not a negative pH.

Bert 18:38
[chuckles] See? Okay. All right. See, there’s, there’s the rub! There’s the rub.

iON 18:47
That’s right. That’s right. So, the God wants a negative pH, and it’s gonna work out perfect. Okay? No problem. No problem. The AL2(SO4) brings into a position a different position that allows them to be set aside from it. Meaning, meaning that the God can live in a negative pH. Okay? The alien wants the AL2(SO4).

Bob 19:22
See, iON, but then there’s another there’s a paradox here because going a little further along, that the AL2(SO4) is toxic, or it burns the angels.

iON 19:39
Sure. It does! We’re talkin’ about the difference between the aliens and the angels.

Bert 19:43
You just laid it out! You just laid it out.

iON 19:46
The war in heaven — that’s right. We’ve been sayin’, we’ve said that we said that –

Bert 19:50

iON 19:50
– back when we were sayin’ Kumbaya and all is well, and peace be still, and jump in the river and you will get wet. [laughs] That’s 2009 shit!

Bob 20:02
So, the aliens like AL2(SO4). They don’t like negative pH.

Bert 20:08
Negative pH.

Bob 20:08
Who likes negative pH?

iON 20:11
Gods. Carolyn.

Bob 20:13
What did you say? What did you say?

Carolyn 20:15
(in background) Gods.

iON 20:16
Gods. Carolyn.

Bob 20:18
Gods. What about the angels?

iON 20:19

Bob 20:19
They don’t have a, they don’t have a like or dislike?

iON 20:21
They do not. They hate it! They hate it; they can’t stand it. That’s like poison to them.

Bert 20:33
They hate, okay, they hate both negative pH and AL2(SO4)? The angels hate both of those?

iON 20:38

Bert 20:39

iON 20:39
They want everything to stay as it is, and the Little Men stay little and they win. And then that settles the war in heaven and then Lucifer loses and he can’t sit at the right hand of GOD. God, it’s capital G-o-d. Yahweh if you’re a Jew’s Jew. Or an ancient Samaritan Hebrewloid.

Bert 20:57
Mmm. Okay.

iON 21:03
Mmm. Mmm!

Bert 21:01
That settles that settles another puzzle. So that’s the difference between the angels and the aliens, and how

iON 21:10
Bob’s been sayin’ that all along. We’re tryin’ to set — don’t, don’t say no more. That’s what we’re tryin’ to settle for Bob so that he can make some kind of adjudication. ‘Cause he’s tryin’ to open up the court of current appeals. The court of current appeals [laughs] to decide how this is out all gonna work out. He wants everybody to be pissed off, and he wants everybody to be satisfied. He wants everybody to lose. He wants everybody to be uncomfortable, and he wants everybody to have to ask questions. He wants everybody have to come show up. He wants everybody to talk to him. He wants everybody to owe him money so he can have somethin’ over ’em. He wants everybody to be in a position where they ease and rules and controls their livelihood in life. And if he does that very well, then it’s a good day. And if he doesn’t, gonna have his picture taken by your goddamn tombstone [Bob laughs] in rebuff of your canonicaled position of regress. Regress. [Bob chuckles] Yeah, like that. You know, the normal stuff. The normal stuff. And Carolyn’s like, oh shit. Oh shit. [chuckles]

Bob 22:18
So, iON, the Pentagon aliens have been here since 1926. They don’t require less oxygen.

iON 22:28
Agreed. Agreed.

Bob 22:31

iON 22:30
There are varying degrees. There are varying degrees now. Don’t be, don’t be sharp now; don’t be terse. There’s varying degrees because there are different kinds of aliens now. You know that. We went through this pretty good. The point now comes backwards to you ask us now, you’re trying to navigate this thing because things aren’t as you know. You don’t know if you — officially, we just shut the fuck up. You want some questions, you gotta ask them ’cause we’re not going on further because it’s too much. It’s a little bit too much now, but it’s okay because the jig’s up at this point. So, [chuckles] hey, hey, Bert. They just discovered there’s a nigger in the woodshed. [laughs]

Bob 22:51
Yeah, it’s Bert. Bert’s a nigger. Is it Bert in the woodshed?

iON 23:22
No! Bert’s, Bert’s on the top of it. He’s on the upper echelon. He’s tryin’, he’s tryin’ to help a nigga figure it out. [Bob chuckles] That’s what he’s tryin’ to do. He don’t care, but he’s tryin’ to help by example; he’s tryin’ to show. See,

Bert 23:38

iON 23:39
Yes, sir?

Bert 23:41
I want to touch on one something like maybe

Bob 23:43
Hey, Bert, when was the last time someone called you a nigger? [laughs] In grade eight.

iON 23:51
[laughs] He said last Saturday, last Saturday night. [laughs]

Bert 23:52
Yeah, about, around that time. Around that time.

Bob 23:57
Many times?

Bert 23:59
No, about that time, eighth grade –

Bob 24:01
Grade eight. Yeah, grade eight.

Bert 24:07
– when I bit, I bit his ear off. I bit the person’s ear off. [Bob, iON laugh] Some’um little different. Hey, iON, just briefly, a few seconds. That’s traumatic what you described what happened to JW.

Bob 24:18
No, it happens, these kinds of things happen to JW all the time. He kind of just takes it.

iON 24:22
Yeah. Yeah, but he don’t say nothin’ and we’ve never outed him much. And Bob’s very careful about it because he doesn’t want to get too extreme. It doesn’t matter; it doesn’t change anything. But he’s — what we’re trying to convey is that you guys are cryin’ and moanin’ and bitchin’ things ’cause your coffee is low in your burr grinder as you’re making coffee, and he’s like, you have no idea what’s really, really, really going on because it’s kinda like, hmm. You know, you wake up with bullet holes in your arm, [Bob chuckles] and dead, and some of those kinds of things. It’s all relative. It doesn’t make a difference. Bob’s in charge. He kind of covers it up. Bob solves it and works it out. And then Bob has the unmitigated gall to question the veracity of the folks that are working for him. That’s the relaxed — that’s what is funny. He has the unmitigated gall to say, “What are you doin’?!” What, what? [laughs] Okay, what are we doin’? Nothin’. Just sittin’. Nuttin’, honey. We’re just nuttin’, honey. We’re not doing nothin’, we’re all relaxing. So, then it comes back to this rush. There is a rush because this void that’s being created in a vacuum is the antiphonal respond to Ascension. That’s big words. Those are big, those are big words.

Bert 25:51
No, I’m feeling that ’cause I have like a split screen reality but it’s different. I’m, I have a different reality when I’m sittin’, and I have a different reality when I’m on my feet, so I understand that, iON.

iON 26:01
Sure. Okay. Now here’s the new rub. Since the balloon went across the China, Hawaii, the Aleutian Islands, Alaska, Canadia, down through the United States of fucked-up America, through Kansas, all the way through North Carolina to Myrtle Beach, across. Then they shoot the thing. Then they shoot it up and then it hits right about Bimini as a matter of fact. Right about Bimini where Atlantis is as it goes, and splashes in the water so it can’t be connected or done. It set a motion or a position to make a shift. So, Bob lives in the fifth gate. Yep?

Bert 26:50

iON 26:52
Okay, that bubble that went across made it not stable. So, the fifth gate is a little interrupted or a little jiggly. You know, like Chinese jello when you shake it it jiggles but not — doesn’t break apart but it jiggles a little bit.

Bert 27:14

iON 27:14
Same thing here. That’s what we’re talking here; it’s jiggled those gates. So, people are having different experiences or different capacities that are little off that don’t quite meet or they don’t quite make the top of the food chain that you can recognize. Okay, now, let’s say you have the opportunity to sleep late. And you’re tired and you stay up late, and you can’t sleep or whatever, whatever. Can you sleep like the sun comes up; can you sleep through it? Does that mean the sun didn’t come up?

Bert 27:38

iON 27:39
The sun still came up, you just weren’t aware of it.

Bert 27:57

iON 27:59
That’s what you’re talking about here. Just ’cause something occurred that you’re not aware of doesn’t mean it doesn’t occur. It means that you’re not aware of it. And that’s the rub. Tell us now, okay,

Bob 28:12
See, Bert, that’s a new level of alien exposure. The aliens, Pentagon aliens, did an operation right in front of everybody. They didn’t give a damn about what we thought. They had to do somethin’.

iON 28:25
So, you listen to, you listen to Brent on the, on the gate of tail last week bitch and moan and cajole and have a fit and he don’t like this, and he don’t want that. He don’t get this. [Bert chuckles] He don’t get that. And on and on and I don’t really care. Okay? Give us a little, give us a little blow by blow of that. We gonna clean that up right here right now just for Jesus and all of the priests and the elders in the house of Trafalgar Square.

Bert 29:04
I don’t know what to say, iON. I mean, he

iON 29:06
Well, we’re gonna clean that up. Just say, just say the words. We’ll clean it up.

Bert 29:10
I mean, he was just

Bob 29:13
He was mad about how the predictions didn’t come through. And he was yelling predictions everywhere and he got nailed.

iON 29:18
No, that’s not what he said. That’s not what he said. That’s not what he said.

Bob 29:22
Yeah, that’s what he said.

iON 29:23
He took our — no, it’s not. No, it’s not. He said that

Bob 29:26
Bert will back me up. Bert heard it.

iON 29:28
You’re not involved. You’re not qualified to be in this conversation. What he said was

Bob 29:32
I control this conversation. I’ll shut you down immediately. I’ve been [Bert chuckles] (indistinct) about that.

iON 29:37
He said that he repeated words we said, and he found himself embarrassed that they were not the case. We never told him to do that. We never asked for a spokesman. We don’t need disciples. This is not that kind of cult; this is a bad cult. [Bob chuckles] This is not a good cult. We don’t need, we don’t need L Ron Hubbard to give us a stamp of approval that we can usher up the next level of the chain of pain. That’s not what we’re about.

Bob 30:04
We’re innately a bad cult. We don’t need to have any proof of it.

iON 30:08
Right, right, right. Yeah, you don’t have to validate us being a bad cult if we were a cult. [Bob laughs] But what he was saying is is that he liked it and he got it, it was uplifting, and he had a great regard. And then certain things went on that he just couldn’t take, meaning that he couldn’t embrace those quote quote “things.” We never asked him to embrace those things. And yet he won’t have balls enough or dick, he don’t got dick enough to fuck or balls enough to bring it forth to say, “Hey, iON, what’s up? You know, you said this, and you said that. You berated me. You said I was a raging homosexual and you said I didn’t know how to fuck, and you said I didn’t fuck well when I did fuck. And that I didn’t have focus enough to know what I was doing. And I didn’t know how to eat. And I didn’t know how to do medicine. I didn’t know how to run my life, –

Bob 30:54
See how bad we are, Bert?

iON 30:54
– didn’t know how to run anybody else’s life. How awful that is.” And we’d say, “You know what? Goddamn, kill yourself! Call it a day! We wouldn’t put up with that. If we’re half as bad as we said you were, we wouldn’t live another minute!” But that’s not the point. The point is you have to find a way to go beyond that. ‘Cause if we have the capacity to actually call you out on something, that means it’s important. There’s a lot of motherfuckers we don’t have to talk to and he’s one of them. We don’t gotta do that. Y’all thinkin — y’all have flipped the script. You think we owe you something? We’ve been extremely kind.

Bob 31:30
They’re only here for me, Bert. They’re only here for me.

iON 31:33
Extremely kind. Y’all fuckin’ with the wrong one now.

Bob 31:36
[laughs] I’m sorry I brought this asshole on the show, Bert.

iON 31:42
Olly olly oxen free! This is Bob’s world. Y’all need to get right. [Bob laughs] Just so you know. And that’s what we’re sayin’. So, we’re not tryin’ — well, we don’t give a fuck. Get mad, get over it, get out, get in, get over it, whatever that be. Do, do it. Just like Jesus said to Judas: do what you gonna do and do it quickly.

Bob 32:05
Hey, Bert’s got a question. Bert’s got a question, iON.

iON 32:09
We had to clean that shit up ’cause the hell,

Bob 32:11
You did. It’s all cleaned up.

iON 32:12
– we started to come — we can unmute ourselves. We can unmute ourselves. We started cleaning that shit up right then, right there, but we thought hmm, hmm. Robyn saved the day though. Robyn would save the day.

Bert 32:24

iON 32:24
What the fuck are you here for? What the fuck are you here for? Go away you little bitch. [laughs] Everything’s crazy. I’m waitin’ on California to liquify under my feet and I’m still here. [Bob laughs] But that don’t mean he’s gonna give me heads up I’ll be able to get my damn car out of here before it’s too late. And you go, alright. Well, you can’t beat that. It’s all good. Robyn listens, Robyn hears. Well, we’re gonna start talking about Genesee now, so [indistinct/overtalk] ReJoyce.

Bob 32:51
Your next question, Bert.

Bert 32:53
Hey, iON,

iON 32:54
Go ahead. Save the day. Save the day.

Bert 32:56
I’m loaded with questions, but I’m gonna talk about two TikToks real quick.

iON 33:02

Bert 33:03
Okay, iON, the TikTok, recent TikTok about the DoD directive, 5105.76. I looked into that, and it appears to be what the guy was trying to promote is not clear because the February 3rd

Bob 33:21
Transitioning? Like, what’s transitioning? Who or what is transitioning?

iON 33:25
Well, that’s, well, that’s the point. That’s the point. It’s ambiguous.

Bert 33:31

iON 33:32
What the, what the, what the, what the position it’s in. But the TikTok is clear what’s being pronounced. They’re just ambivalent of how they’re trying to attach it. So, yeah, they’re trying to do a sidebar.

Bert 33:46
Okay, what do you mean sidebar? Because I, you know, the Department of Defense is just like a legal document. I read in the details, and it was just clarifying some language that was being corrected.

iON 34:00
Yeah, the language that, that was — yeah, they’re clarifying some language that had been corrected. [laughs] See the rub? They were combing the hair that had just been combed. They were straightening up the hair that had just been combed, which is exactly what they were saying. So, the TikTok is, is strident; it’s to the point. Read it again. Read the details.

Bob 34:10
Hey, does that got somethin’ to do with the Koch brothers being so paranoid they’re trying to claim they’re not gonna fund Trump?

iON 34:30
Yeah. Yes. If they do that, go to the — hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, do you wanna live one more day? Go to Fort Payne, Alabama and say those words out loud. [Bob chuckles] You probably won’t live past supper.

Bob 34:48
Does Alec Baldwin recognize he got the Trump curse?

iON 34:54
Yeah, of course he did ’cause he raised in the last — he shot — he’s like — who’s that little dude, the little dude, the stupid actor person who was raging “fuck Trump, fuck this” and all of a sudden, he got — lost his house and

Bob 35:06
Yeah, the Godfather guy. Al Pacino or the other one.

iON 35:10
Yeah, the little dude. Nah, not Al Pacino.

Bert 35:12
Robert De Niro. De Niro.

iON 35:13
Robert De Niro.

Bob 35:14

iON 35:13
De Niro. He can’t, he can’t even cash a check at the Bank of America anymore. [Bob, Bert, iON laugh] It’s a bad day. You notice, and you notice, hey, guess what happened? Guess what happened? Karen’s, Karen’s contract’s not gonna be renewed! That bitch is gonna move on. Gotta move on up to the east side.

Bob 35:14
Whose contract?

Bert 35:29

iON 35:29
Whoopi. Whoopi got throwed off –

Bob 35:29

iON 35:29
– the goddamn View! [Bob laughs] She got throwed off the goddamn View. That whore, bitch, nigger-loving bitch thing, she’s gone! We’ve heard all we wanna hear out of that thing and die.

Bob 35:34
[chuckles] Yeah, that thing.

iON 35:53
Yeah, love you. Come on to Dobbstown. Come on to Dobbstown. We’ll put you on the top. You’ll be on the top. You’d be right up there; you’d be right up there with Ed Sullivan. Whoopi, come on in here. [Bob laughs] Bob will love you, Bob will love you, Bob will love you, Bob will love you till you’re sore. He’ll love you till you’re sore. You’re welcome here, honey. Come on in.

Bert 36:12
Okay, next question, iON. Next question. The TikTok about the reaction to the Turkey, Syria earthquake, the antipode of New Zealand and Fiji. Will there be any New Zealand left if there’s an earthquake for Bob to meet the aliens?

iON 36:28
No. No, no no, we did flood. Oh, wait.

Bert 36:31

Bob 36:32
Hear that, Margarita? There’s your answer, Margarita.

iON 36:34
Wait one second. Wait, wait one second. Wait one second. Bob, is it all right to talk about this? We don’t want to make you upset ’cause last time we got upset we were punished terribly.

Bob 36:43
[chuckles] You can say whatever you want, iON. I don’t care. I’m more interested in the aliens.

iON 36:49
Shit! Oh, yeah. Oh yeah, yeah. That, yeah, that sounds good right now but wait till we go to bed. You’re laughing now, but we’ll be crying before we go to bed you can believe that. Okay. Okay. So, ask the question again now that he said okay. Let’s see if we can say somethin’ and make sense out of this.

Bert 37:06

iON 37:07
Okay, you don’t gotta ask the question. We don’t, we don’t, we know what it is. [Bert chuckles] Okay, listen. We first flooded New Zealand to get everybody the fuck off.

Bert 37:15

iON 37:16
You know, the British were saying “sick off.” You gotta “sick off.” Sick off, get off. You know you can’t go back; you’re done. Okay, now we’re gonna have an earthquake that’s gonna stir everything else up so you can’t go — you won’t have any water, you won’t have any electric, you won’t have any capacity, you won’t have any gas, and so now there’s no reason you gotta go somewhere so you can get some peace. That gives a clear environ so Bob can do his “thang.” His “thang,” t-h-a-n-g. Thang. And then there won’t be any problems so then we can produce the, um — I think we’re probably gonna do it on “60 Minutes.” Bob’s real fond of “60 Minutes,” but you know the “MacNeil/Lehrer Hour” isn’t there anymore so I don’t know, that’s what Bob would prefer, the “MacNeil/Lehrer Hour.” [Bob, iON laugh] Or Edward R. Murrow! Edward R. Murrow.

Bob 38:03
The Canadian guys. The Canadian. MacNeil was from Canada.

iON 38:06
“This is the news today.” “This is the news today.” [laughs]

Bob 38:15
[laughs] [indistinct] told me a couple hours ago that nobody’s gonna believe the press conference. Do you agree with that?

iON 38:22
No, they won’t have any choice. See, that’s the rub. The point is is at this stage of the game they don’t really believe anything. They don’t believe the State of the Union; they listen to the President, he just finishing up telling you that everybody’s happy, everybody’s got money, the world’s good, [Bob chuckles] everything’s good, we’ve made everything good, and the work I’ve done is beyond anything; I’ve made more jobs than any President ever. You might put out more money than any President ever. And Bob Dobbs is stronger than anybody ever. And we don’t even know how it all works. And we don’t even know how we’re gonna save the greatness that we’ve already contained. And I’ll whoop the man that says it isn’t so. And I’ll whoop the man that says it isn’t so. And that’s how he’s gonna — and everybody’s going, “Well, okay, I guess everything’s all right! Hell, Jesus [Bob laughs] [indistinct] get on with it. Back to the, back to the flour mill pappy. Let’s get this thing goin’ on.” Okay, carry on.

Bob 39:15
Yeah, so nobody believes anything, but there’ll be lots of support for me anyway.

iON 39:18
Of course. Well, they have no choice at this stage of the game because they didn’t have nothin’. Hey, you shut it down if you say, “Oh, hell no.” Then what you gonna do then?

Bob 39:30
What’s Joseph Farrell gonna say? What is Joseph Farrell gonna say? [iON, Bob laugh] [indistinct] The most respected nut in the closed[?] circuit.

iON 39:45
That may have been the most clever thing you’ve ever said, Bob. [Bob chuckles] It’s very possibly the most clever thing you’ve ever said maybe.

Bob 39:58
And he’ll hear this, won’t he, if he sneaks a listen. He’ll hear this.

iON 40:02
He does, he does. A lot of people. Hey, Bob, a lot of people do; that’s why they’re all so cross or so strident. They come back complaining and upset and “iON ruined my life! iON ruined my life!” [Bob laughs] And Bob says, “Well, how in the hell would iON, if iON’s nothin’ to you, how could iON ruin your life?” “Well, everything he said came true.” No, he can’t be. He’s a heretic. He’s a false prophet. He’s a, he’s a Archimedeal stone that should be [indistinct] in the sea! Release the Kraken, that’s what we got to say. Release the Kraken. Then we go from there. Okay, Bertron, save the day; this is your hour, let’s get it.

Bert 40:45
Okay, iON, I have a, I’m walking through my 2019 engagements at a turtle’s pace, and I found something interesting.

iON 40:55

Bob 40:55
Hey, Bert, you didn’t get the New Zealand thing spelled out I don’t think. iON didn’t say anything.

iON 40:59
On purpose. On purpose. On purpose.

Bob 41:02
All right. So, he’s not gonna say anything.

Bert 41:04
iON, is it too hot?

iON 41:06
No, no. No, no.

Bert 41:07
I just started with that.

iON 41:08
Hey, hey, if he, hey. Shit. You got dick enough to ask,

Bert 41:10
Bob said, Bob said he didn’t care.

iON 41:14
We can do it. Bob don’t care, so do it. Tear it up. We don’t care. Do it. Tell everybody. Tell everybody that’ll be still. Hey, Brent, this is for you, honey. Hey, Brent, here’s another thing that’s not gonna come true. You’ll be really amazed when this doesn’t come true. Yeah, then you’ll be surprised. That’s just for you. Bless your heart.

Bob 41:32
Who will be surprised?

Bert 41:35

iON 41:35
Brent. Brent.

Bob 41:37
Brent. Right. Brent. Brent.

Bert 41:39
So, iON, the guy on the TikTok said it was probably, you know, within seven days to a week. You know, it wasn’t really conclusive.

iON 41:48
Yeah, anytime between now and the 21st.

Bert 41:57
I remember

iON 41:57
We don’t give — ahh ahh ahh. We don’t do time, do we?

Bert 42:05

iON 42:06
Oh, okay. That’s significant. That’s significant then.

Bert 42:11
Yeah. But this will be like the third catastrophe for New Zealand because few years back –

iON 42:18

Bert 42:18
– there was an earthquake.

iON 42:20
And? And?

Bert 42:22
There shouldn’t be much left. There won’t be much left. That’s why I asked.

iON 42:25
Good. That’s as far as you can go. That’s as far as you can go. We don’t give a fuck about — that’s gonna be a Spam factory. Nobody gives a fuck about that place. What about — who? What’s significant other than Andrew Crystal’s there? Well, okay, you gotta us there. There’s nothing significant there. [chuckles] Nothing important there.

Bert 42:38

iON 42:40
Nothing to, nothing to lose. And the whey from there won’t matter ’cause we can move all that another way. We do use that, Carolyn does, and that’s important from that side, but we can, we can, we can, we can capitulate that. It’s not a problem.

Bert 43:07
Okay, let me step back.

Bob 43:08
Capitulate what? Capitulate what, New Zealand?

iON 43:11
The whey, the whey from New Zealand that we use for ReStructure.

Bob 43:15
Oh, yeah.

Bert 43:16
Oh, that’s right.

iON 43:17
Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Now, now he’s, now he’s jumped on the bus. Oh, now, now he’s gives a fuck.

Bob 43:23
Yeah. Ah, shut up. I caught up!

iON 43:24
Now he, now he gives a fuck what’s goin’ on. [Bert chuckles] Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. That’s it. That’s Our Miss Brooks. Our Miss Brooks There, that’s Our Miss Brooks.

Bert 43:34
Okay, iON, just another — let me step back. I just remembered I saw a headline on Ed’s site, iONandBob, that someone claimed on Twitter that the earthquake was triggered by HAARP. Is there any fact to that?

iON 43:51
No. No, no, no, no. It wasn’t triggered by HAARP; it was triggered by aliens.

Bert 43:56
Triggered by aliens.

iON 43:58
We’ll clean it up. We’ll clean — yeah. Now, Bob would say it’s triggered by us, but that would be very high-minded. That would be very high-minded of him to say such a ridiculous thing, wouldn’t it?

Bert 44:07
[chuckles] Yes, yes, it would. Okay. All right.

iON 44:11
‘Cause he would never, he would never say such a thing. Okay, do the next thing. Do your important thing. You’re gonna do the

Bert 44:17

iON 44:18
You’re gonna do the Roxy thing there or no? [chuckles]

Bert 44:24
The Roxy thing?

iON 44:27

Bert 44:29
Okay, you have to fill me in ’cause I have nothing on my radar about Roxy.

iON 44:34
No, no. The condition that would affect Roxy that you had a question about it. She didn’t know if you were gonna ask or not because you weren’t sure. You can ask that. When you woke up five o’clock in the fucking morning wantin’ to know what the fuck you’re doing up so early?

Bert 44:53
Ah, okay. Is there something

iON 44:55
Oh, yeah, you didn’t. Oh, yeah, you didn’t want to talk about that. Okay.

Bert 44:59
Okay, is there something taking place in Germany?

iON 45:04
Yes. Certainly. You knew that all along.

Bert 45:08
Yeah, I know because I found out the other day that they had a flood maybe a year, a few years ago, and there’s people still living in that condition where, you know, a lot of the, you know, they’re having problems with electricity and everything.

iON 45:21
Of course. That’s what

Bert 45:23
Is that what you’re speaking about?

iON 45:26
And that and then the rest of the story of what’s left of it. What’s left of it. See, ’cause what basically what’s happening is Russia is taking back Germany. Russia is taking back Germany. You’ll see.

Bert 45:42

iON 45:42
And we don’t care because

Bob 45:43
iON, what’s it mean to having the China Bank of China’s name over a Deutsche Bank franchise? You know, in Berlin.

iON 45:56
Right now it’s pretending to cover it. It’s pretending to cover it. That the shorts can’t be — you can’t long a short. Bert, explain it if you want to.

Bob 46:05
You gotta pretend to cover it on behalf of Russia.

iON 46:09
Yeah. But you can’t, you can’t long a short. You can’t long a short. You can short a long. You can short a long but you can’t, you can’t long a short. It won’t

Bob 46:21
Did Brad[?] Short marry Barb West or Jean West?

iON 46:27
Jean West.

Bob 46:28
Okay, thank you. It came up recently.

Bert 46:33
So, iON, that must be going, that’s going, something going on behind the scenes then that Russia is taking back Germany.

iON 46:41
They all but acquiesced.

Bob 46:46
Was it Edgar Casey who predicted that Russia would be the hope of the world? You agree with Casey’s prediction?

iON 46:51
Yes. Well, it wasn’t a prediction, it was a position. He didn’t make — if you listen very closely to the words, they weren’t predictions, they were edicts. It was, it was never like it was a “this is what’s gonna happen.” He acted like the way it was words were “it was.” Same thing with Nostradamus, except without Russia.

Bob 47:11
The Evergreens said that Russia would be very prominent in the 21st century. You agree? So, that’s the same idea.

iON 47:17
Sure, sure. Sure. Sure. “Roop” Yeah, that’s very good. “Roop” They go muckin’ around. The same thing, the same thing comes back from aside from even — well, we don’t even say her name. Jane Roberts. The Seth thing.

Bob 47:40
In Gurdjieff’s work, I remember the Evergreens saying that Gurdjieff’s work would show up or be validated about 150 years later. Is Russia the prominence due to Gurdjieff’s work in Russia?

iON 47:52
It’s always been prominent; it’s just now coming to the cream. Creme de la creme.

Bob 47:59
Nothing to do with Gurdjieff. Nothing to do with Gurdjieff.

iON 48:00
Well, all he did — what did Gurdjieff do? Gurdjieff said this was gonna “be.” So, does that make him important that he said some’um that was gonna be? Okay. Okay. The eggs are gonna be poached. Does that mean that whoever says that is important? No, the eggs are what’s important for poached eggs.

Bob 48:16
Gurdjieff, he refused to meet Jim George in 1950. He died a year or so before Jim could get there, and Jim was gonna get us to the MIHR which would get us to the iON. So, there’s the Gurdjieff connection to us through Jim George.

iON 48:33
Okay. We, we have no care. Then you’re still trying to say that the watermelon tastes good because we said the watermelon gonna be good. No, the watermelon is gonna be good anyway. Good watermelon. Good watermelon. So, good. Okay.

Bob 48:48
All right. Back to you, Bert.

iON 48:50
Because somebody, because somebody says it doesn’t mean it’s good. It’s good because

Bob 48:54
We gotta bring Alissa in, Bert, so wrap it up there.

Bert 48:57
Okay, iON, –

iON 48:58
Hurry up.

Bert 48:58
– touching back. Touching back. Are there any other clues to see what you just said about Russia taking back Germany? Because that has an effect, also, in Poland? Wouldn’t it not? Wouldn’t it?

iON 49:11
Mm-hm. And Czechoslovakia and Latvia.

Bob 49:15
And Putin announced he’s gonna nuke Poland.

iON 49:20

Bob 49:20
That was on Drudge today.

iON 49:20
Stop, stop. Don’t talk that shit, Bob. You’re talkin’ — people are listening. Nobody’s looking at Drud — you’re the only person in the world lookin’ at Drudge. Nobody fuckin’ listening to Drudge. [Bob chuckles] You spring that in here. People, unlike you, Bob, people are actually listenin’ to your show. Unlike you, Bob, they’re actually listening.

Bob 49:29
[laughs] I don’t listen to this show.

iON 49:43
This ain’t Glenn Beck. This ain’t the Glenn Beck hour. What the fuck? [laughs] Bob gets his news from Glenn Beck. That’s how that works out.

Bert 49:57

iON 49:57
[laughs] Don’t bring that shit in. That, that’s repulsive, Bob. We wasn’t gonna [indistinct] that as truism. It’s true as shit, but we hate that you announced it here in front of everybody. Go ahead, Bertron. We got to do Alissa. Hurry up.

Bert 50:13
Okay. No, I’m good, iON. I’ll be loaded on Saturday.

iON 50:16
Do you know, do you know there’s gonna be a Saturday. Okay, there’s gonna be a Saturday. We got that. [Bob laughs]

Bert 50:16
Well, if there’s Saturday.

iON 50:25
From your mouth, from your mouth to God’s ears. From your mouth to God’s ears. We’ll play with it. We’ll show up if you want to, we ain’t mad. If there’s any — if y’all left, we’ll do it as long as y’all — Bob will stay with you till buy or die.

Bert 50:36
Or die. Right.

iON 50:37
He’ll stay with you.

Bob 50:37
Bert! Bert. Putin said he’s gonna nuke Poland. And your phone, your web call’s coming through Poland. That’s not good, Bert. Get the hell out of there. Better hang up. [iON laughs] Get another line.

Bert 50:48
That’s my, that’s my VPN. It’s my VPN that’s having me come through Poland.

Bob 50:54

iON 50:55
Don’t worry. You need to be more worried about the guard more than where you’re coming from.

Bert 51:01

Bob 51:02
Okay. Thank you, Bert.

iON 51:04
Thanks, iON. Thanks, Bob.

Bob 51:05

iON 51:05
Bertron, you’re cherished. Help Carolyn. Show up regular and do not come in here no more without your work clothes on. What the hell? Don’t come in here strap buck naked. Ain’t nobody tryin’ to see you naked. Bring your work clothes. Get your clothes on.

Bob 51:21
Who’s naked, Carolyn?

iON 51:23
This ain’t Jack.

Carolyn 51:24
(in background) Bert.

iON 51:25
No. Bert.

Bob 51:25
Bert’s naked?

iON 51:26
Jack. Jack. Jack. No. Jack has to be naked, but you don’t have to. Just wear your work clothes when you show up. It’s okay.

Bob 51:34
Okay, go ahead, Alissa.

Alissa 51:36
Thanks, Bob. Hi, iON.

iON 51:40
Hey. Hey, honey, you don’t have to wear clothes, you alright. You can come naked if you want to, it’s alright with us.

Alissa 51:45
[chuckles] I have taken my clothes off to talk to iON before. Yeah.

iON 51:49
Well, you don’t have to though, you alright. What you got right quick. Let’s get some’um done.

Alissa 51:55
Okay, I want to say thanks to Bert for bringing up the negative pH versus the AL2(SO4).

iON 52:01

Alissa 52:00
I have a follow-up question on that. So, the negative pH, you said it’s acidic to the aliens. Is it acidic to the

iON 52:02
A flat.

Alissa 52:06

iON 52:15
A flat.

Alissa 52:17
A flat. Okay. So, you’re saying that

iON 52:22
We already said what you

Bob 52:23
What was the question?

iON 52:24
We already said what you — no. Stop. Don’t you say another word. We already said what you were gonna say about this. And we said you’d go straight to the piano, and you’d straight work it out that way. And we told you now the key and A flat. And you go, “Oh.” And you said, “Oh, okay.” Now you can tell Bob whatever he was babbling about, but you gotta hurry because your time’s tickin’ off. You can do that in after tail –

Alissa 52:47

iON 52:47
– or tail of gate or whatever it is.

Alissa 52:49
Yeah. Well, thank you. Yeah, we’ll do more on Saturday. I was gonna ask Bob if the

iON 52:49
No, you can do it after in a — eight minutes.

Alissa 52:58
Oh, gosh.

iON 52:59
After in eight minutes.

Alissa 53:00
Okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. iON, got your message about the plate –

iON 53:05

Alissa 53:06
– had shifted because of the balloon, the weather balloon.

iON 53:09
Yeah. Yeah.

Alissa 53:10
So, you’re saying that it wasn’t broadcasting, it was absorbing, and that it jiggled the fifth gate. So, obviously,

iON 53:17
All the gates. All the gates.

Alissa 53:18

iON 53:19
All the gates, and that’s why Carolyn and Bob are on high alert. You don’t know that. You’re not supposed to know that. But they’re on high alert. They don’t do nothin’.

Alissa 53:26

iON 53:27
They’re almost housebound, almost, but it’s okay because things are jiggly. Bob gets a little bit weirded out on the, even on the edge because things are — we’re trying to keep the angels off of him. We’ve gotta keep — Carolyn don’t care; she’s easy. But we got to keep ’em off of Bob or this ain’t gonna work. As long as it works then everybody’s fine. But everybody’s gate or position is jiggly ’cause this is the Arc de Triomphe. This is, this is tee time.

Alissa 53:56

iON 53:57
This is what is it? Armageddon? “Armegiddo.” Yeah, okay.

Alissa 54:04
“Armegiddo.” Okay, iON, the balloon that was absorbing, was it absorbing frequencies?

iON 54:14
No. You remember the ley line conversation from 1000 years ago? You heard all those recordings?

Alissa 54:19
Yes. Shifting by eleven.

iON 54:22
This is those. This is those findings are convalescing those marks, markers. Now, Chad knows all about that and he stopped and he perked up just there. It’s like, “What? What? What? What?” And he’ll go back to the old notes and look it up and see how that goes ’cause he did a lot of work with that.

Alissa 54:42

iON 54:42
Back when Renee was tryin’ to figure. She was always drunk, but when Renee was doing the ley lines and then we’d talk and she’d get all slobbery, and then we’d hear the bottle fall over and go glug, glug, glug, glug, glug.

Alissa 54:54

iON 54:55
We laughed our ass off so many times with her knocking the whiskey barrels over and going glug, glug, glug. It was too much. Go ahead.

Alissa 55:02
iON, the shift that I just did to the plate, does that move it back to where it needs to be? It feels good to me.

iON 55:09
We don’t know. We don’t know. We don’t know, we have to see.

Alissa 55:13

iON 55:14
You know, you know, it’s the obsolescence and retrieval.

Alissa 55:20

iON 55:20
You don’t know what you — now, that’s why — did you not look at the chart? What are we talking about? The hologrammy. How does the hologrammy apply if it’s not shifting? You did this!

Alissa 55:31
The P-Brane. P-Brane.

iON 55:32
Insane in the, insane in the P-Brane, yes, but that’s not hologrammy. You can’t quite know which one’s on the ground. You get up, you get up off that bed and you put your feet on the ground. One foot feels like it’s on the rug and the other foot feels like it ain’t. It’s like uh-oh.

Alissa 55:48
Yeah. Yeah.

iON 55:49

Alissa 55:50

iON 55:53
Like that.

Alissa 55:53
Okay, so when you were saying that I was gonna hear the sound –

iON 55:55

Alissa 55:55
– rather than, rather than the tune.

iON 56:00

Alissa 56:01
Just to connect to that,

iON 56:03
We said no. We said no. We said no.

Alissa 56:03
Why are you saying no, iON?

iON 56:05
You’ll make the tune — ’cause you’re gonna make the tune match the sound. You’re gonna make the tune match the sound even though you can’t hear it. A flat. Come on now. Focus.

Alissa 56:15
Okay, thank you. Yep. Great. Make the tune match the sound. Great. So, the tune

iON 56:23
Well, the faster I sing, the faster I singin’, you should be able to match the key that I’m singing in, right?

Alissa 56:31
Yes. Okay. So, that has to do with the pentatonic scale.

iON 56:34
Okay, if you can’t — that’s right. And if you can’t, if you can’t, you shouldn’t be the accompaniment. Right?

Alissa 56:43
Got it. Got it. Okay.

iON 56:45

Alissa 56:46
So, rhombic dodecahedron cut in half. Got it.

iON 56:50

Alissa 56:50
Make the tune match the sound. Are you saying the sound? So, what I’m, what I’m hearing is the sound is the key and the tune is the melody.

iON 57:02
[sings] Aahaaa. That sound.

Alissa 57:03
Yeah. Fa so la. Yep. Okay. So, iON, are you saying the sound is the key and the tune is the melody? [slight pause] Where’d you go?

iON 57:16

Alissa 57:17

iON 57:18
We had to, we had to, we had, we had to ponder that a second because you’re tricky. You do, you have you have that wily woman ways of yours can take advantage of a poor Non-Physical.

Alissa 57:32
[chuckles] Okay. So, iON, when you’re saying A flat, you’re saying A flat, that pertains to the key.

iON 57:41
Of course. It does.

Alissa 57:42
Yep. So, we’re saying make the melody match the key of A flat.

iON 57:50
Or the tune. You have to make the tune in A flat.

Alissa 57:53
Yeah, make the tune. Yeah, okay. All right. So, what

iON 57:57
Now, you can do it — wait now. Wait. You can be clever, you can do trills and reels, and do all kinds of things and have a double entendre as long as it matches the tune to the key. Right?

Alissa 58:09
Yeah, okay. Yep. Yep. Grace notes and accents and all that stuff within the key. Okay.

iON 58:16
Do your runs. Do your runs and show off and do your, do your, do your treble clef. Do some fun stuff. You can bang it out. Bang it out. Rub one out. Honey, just like Chad, rub one out every now and again. It’s alright.

Alissa 58:30
So, iON, you talk a lot about megahertz frequency and all of the –

iON 58:35

Alissa 58:36
– frequencies. Yeah. All of the frequencies related to Ascension are all in megahertz frequency. Is that still the case in the negative

iON 58:36
So far. So far.

Alissa 58:45

iON 58:47
So far, so far, so far. In the megaverse we can shift that but we’re not gonna do that yet because we don’t want to confuse anybody. We’re trying to get everybody up to the edge and into the sand and in the water. We’re not gonna try to tell ’em how wet they’re gonna be when they get in the water. So, just calm down. Come on everybody that’s gonna Ascend. Come on. And them that is offended, get the fuck out.

Bob 59:08
Okay, I got a question, iON.

iON 59:09
Better hurry.

Bob 59:10
Is AL2(SO4) an acid?

iON 59:15
Don’t say “an” acid that’s a different thing. You say “a” acid, not an acid. An acid is what you take when you have the GERD. It’s a acid.

Bob 59:25
Is Al2(SO4) acidic?

iON 59:29
To many. To many it would be. Yeah. To many it would be. Not everybody.

Bob 59:33
Is that the alkaline[?]

iON 59:36
Well, we’ll see. That’s not — see, now you’re, now you’re taking, now you’re saying what color is my litmus strip? So, you don’t, you don’t know after that. So, don’t do it like that. Calm it down, go back to where you first asked it and leave it like that. We’ll clean it up another day. Alissa, you got one more quickie. Honey, you’re on the, you’re on the string.

Alissa 59:55
Yeah, I have two more. So, one is…

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