gregg Dutch Gov. intends to buy farms pH Musk’s neurolink Evergreens session with “Suzy” Musk’s Starlink graphene sulfite (5K) ReBalm’s benefits more on graphene sulfite (it comes from the Aliens and accumulates in the thalamus) the coming sedition (people will ignore joy{less} behar) the change in media ecology Bob’s Tiny Note Chart (applying the monad will change the world government – there will no longer be a USA {the event horizon}) more on his lack of underwear the FDA lies on ivermectin will build up the condition of cloves that will change the processing of our nutrition in our bodies copper rods have to be balanced Musk’s Twitter files’ release (Bob’s relevance in the Tech Body is increased – how Bob killed Drudge) the Chateau-Lafite Rothschilds are pissed at Bob (“soylent green”) (tenderizing the shoulder and the ham hock for a better spam) Musk got technology from the Aliens (SpaceX) (human spam is made in China) George Raynault’s “Mental Doodlle” paul pelosi’s hammer handle up his rectum Russia and George Soros are not that smart
jean her disconnect via the Tech Body feeding and healing her horse reorganizing her household/her budget/her resources the Keys Bob’s Chart (isolating hydrogen in water) there’s no Federal Reserve (just directors now since June 2020) Bob’s “one bad day” (Bob destroyed Crown Inc., the USA Government/Washington, D.C., and the Vatican – the Triune) “Trading Places” and “‘The Golden Child” (Eddie Murphy) “happy horses” (“it’s worse than no oil”) the borders are open to let people get to the 33rd Parallel (“and we need babies” says Pelosi) “Bob’s bullshit is coming true” (“Bob’s in a good mood lately”) empty Washington, D.C. (“nobody in the Capitol on TV anymore – people have quit typing – the Tech Body speaks/types for you now”) Qatar is the new economic capitol – Ayatollah Khomeini and Aramco and Gazprom is now (Joe Biden is redoing Jimmy Carter) (63 days until Lake Mead’s water is done) (“too much money chasing too little goods” which is being done on purpose) Carolyn was right and she’s done (“she created the capacity to ascend”) (“the Emmaus Road will have a newly constructed pretty serious detour – your body is going to have some pain {our products will make it fleeting}”) (“the boiling point of water has reduced so water boils faster and doesn’t steam like it used to because the environment has changed now so the extra hydrogen particles are now bound – they’re heavier so they don’t fall away – the less misty air has nothing to do with the humidity but with the change in the environment”) her hail storm (insurance companies paid out immediately because they knew beforehand so there would be no AIG fiasco like in 2008) (“they’re making up any excuse so they can generate money by borrowing it to pay back Bob”) (“praise Bob for the present inflation and the coming starvation or settling up {but they can’t} – it’s not pretty”) (“there’s no more time because you can’t get out of the repeating historical loop”) (“Bob can foreclose if he chooses to”) (“bitcoin is over now”) (“now every other opportunity is going to be extinguished so your only choice is to lay it down and be dead or spam, or ascend – those are your only choices”) (“… and never bow to a God {Angel/Demon/Conundrum} that you don’t know – coming into your power is tricky (ion “presented Job, Ezekiel, Daniel, Revelation, GEPHILCO, and the Christ/AntiChrist yin-yang of this Dynasty that you’re supposed to be enjoying while the Mississippi River goes dry”) her health
chad the Tech Body’s play to our laziness the Symbol Chart (“tumblers of a locking mechanism – as in Keys and Ayers”) Carolyn’s technique (“she knows the lock – uses Key 8 most of the time”) chad’s sighting of the 42 symbols all at once due to his “alignment” “Alexa got her power from the Tech Body via the Angels” footsteps the reticulum can be corrected (“get the tactile out of the way so that the visceral can be engaged”) more on his sighting of the 42 symbols in a different order (“sheila kern sees many hues of a color so it’s about the kind of paint rather than the image itself”) he got to “his castle” via the symbols angela can only be understood by chad and ion (“antimatter via the pitch and yaw flipped everything horizontally because chad didn’t know the rule that it was out of bounds”) (getting the answer before asking the question is where the power took chad rather than chad taking the power which is preferable) (degrees {triangulation} vs. radians determines the flipping) triangulating the application of the formula for COLDPLAY (“how to convert the fingernails into energy {the keratin} to temper the Wilson”) Ezekiel 1:16’s “the wheel within the wheel” (the dial-a-mile) (controlling the four creatures/spirits like learning to control your peeing) (see the Legion example) the “firmament” defined (Ezekiel 1:11) (ion gives 8 versions) (a “livewire” rather than a “deadbolt”) “activating the ocular nerve so you can see that it’s locked” (“some people don’t have a prayer for seeing one has the capacity to be God”) what chad does to his feet (ion suggests chad get some ReMag balm)
alissa “PREDESTINATION” movie about Bob and Ophenel (why Bob is up and down, etc.) and half-step modulation (“the no-beginning-and-no-end causal loop – in the land my grandchildren knew”) (“the visualization {eight-ball} of 3 tiers of timings – what Nelson Thall didn’t get”) the Other Great Angel in Enoch/Lord of Spirits in Revelation/Inverted Cipher of Vitruvius/the Shortened Arm of Chromosome 14 does a clockwise motion (a reference to ion – a sieve of that) the Winds (Ring One, occasionally the positively-charged protons depending on how you hook the little C’s {“the world of supersugar”} in Carolyn’s diagram) are the Ascending DNA and Amino Acids (“impact the doubletree for hooking the horses – how you divide the lines on either side of the double collar {the chains are called ‘traces’}”) “we always want people with good sense to get power and people that have power to get good sense” quarks (make up protons and neutrons) and lysine leptons (include electrons and not ions) Higgs bosons three new amino acids are creating 3-6-9 (divisible by themselves and multiples thereof) theory of frequency ratios tritone (the perfect fourth – the interval – a frequency tension) the pentatonic scale has no tritones atritonia (“whole tone scale”) “Bob got the numbers from a 19th-century book” “Gods are not media ecologists (Gods make the media {human environments – now over})”
bert definition of “pentatonic scale” (“the distance between the frequencies – this is why there are no tritones in the pentatonic scale”) beta decay vs. beta plus decay (positron emission) “radiation will be ahead of hydrogen until there is no more radioactivity””radiation via thorium and the radon in the Al2SO4 formula (and helium is turned into an antineutrino) is beta plus decay” Cesium 137 ionizing power when it penetrates “supersugar bonds contains the radioactivity – it is a stable particle” (one has to include Bob’s role in defining radioactivity {Bob germs – Bob is the interface}) “birthday cake is yellow cake (urania)” there are 2 types of beta plus decay: electron capture and the proton emission (“and Bob is proton isolation – the determining factor”) negative pH will increase the prevalence of beta decay until one gets to ammonium diurate the thermostable of the polymerase means not enough beta decay in the mitochondrial position to release iONdom’s drinks the lepton/tau neutrino (oscillates from the electron state to the muon state, then to the tau state {“one must change the unperfect body into a perfect being that is salt and light”}) the lepton and the tau neutrino engage lysine and the other three new amino acids (see Rose of Sharon) the gamma radiation effect for bert is engaging the pericardium “neutrinos have mass SOMETIMES” regular science is too precise (neutrinos came forth when ion appeared – will interact more with matter because of their mass) nuclear medicine psychopathy (“’exploratory surgery’ back in Carolyn’s day”) “long COVID is the new bullshit” (“muons will become more like electrons indirectly/subjectively {can’t use the atomic numbers/weights in the Periodic Table anymore because they’re going to be on a different scale – pentatonic or otherwise} in the new environment of Al2SO4”) U235 is coming more on increasing Cesium 137 (a radioactive isotope of Cesium) and Uranium 235 and 238 (then the vanadium factor {“red cake”}) Uranium Trioxide (UO3) is coming and will burn up the Oxygen (some will be changed into Uranium Hexachloride gas {US6} as well – they will blow it up – it will bind up Flouride into alkaline and put it back into the ground where it should have stayed in the first place) will eat radiation via the blood from the marrow (Ezekiel 37 – “them dry bones” – take Vitamin D/D3K2 because you can’t get enough sunshine) Tik Toks “it’s going to be Biblical” (General Flynn echoes Trump who is now proven correct) people are going to be charged with “sedition” Sidney Powell is very informed The Great Awakening map will go into Bob’s Tiny Note Chart black hole appeared over CERN multiple suns in Utah and Russia Bob has many children Oveta Fuller was eliminated twice MEP Godfrey Bloom on central banking in politics protests in Brazil will lead to martial law the Chinese don’t see videos of maskless Americans L.A. is going to become like Wuhan in China Mauna Loa volcano is connected to Yellowstone (“Hawaii {biggest mountain in the world} is moving to Alaska”) bound-to-carbon hydrogen particles (supersugar) won’t evaporate actual photos of dead people wheeled out of the White House (what General Flynn was referring to on Nov.19/22) main tunnel in Washington goes to the White House
jack Dems in trouble (“can’t create an EMP”) the armpit has lymph nodes that connect to the lymphatic system (“the Angels give the power {that we gave up} to the Tech Body”) “Elon Musk is not that bright” Angel music (after all music is gone – Fuckbunny is now the biggest and last even though he’s nowhere and doesn’t sing) is growing the Tech Body (2 Peter 2:4) (see GEPHILCO – “has answers for everything”) “Bob makes the EMP happen” (“you can’t do anything without your smartphone – everything’s gone to Direct Current”) (“the EMP will basically crunch itself – only 3 lines have to go down via bad weather to destroy the entire Grid”) (“the thinning of the Veil and spinning crystals {the Hexadic in the environment}” explained – they will force these elements in the Earth like coagulated blood to spin and change which also leads right back into the Al2SO4 as well) (“you become those crystals in your meatsack body – beginning in the armpit”) why some are Chosen – “it’s divined before the foundations of the Earth – you, as God, made that decision”
maga lava bob’s alien meeting (“they’re nervous but they want a ride”) (“Bob has rotten blood but has good hair”) she’s going to Mar-a-lago (General Flynn and Laura Loomer {or Lara Logan} will speak there)
eben her trip to Eureka (“keep its beauty out of public awareness”) ion is protecting only Lady Ohm’s property in California UFO stories (B2) she saw an “eternal city” in the sky her new perfect phone China is already doing “soylent green” in prep for the arrival of the Aliens her dream about the Aliens from both the Eastern (“more like Christ – what Carolyn’s hoping for”) and Western (“want to take over – won’t ask questions – they are the Four Winds from the Angel Diagram”) Gates decentralized texas and electricity supplies (“Abbott {doesn’t have that much power} was not at fault”) (“the weather was not normal – animals froze on the spot”)
nik both the Emmaus and Damascus roads will be interrupted his capacitor broke bob’s cold play ion explores the GREAT AWAKENING Map with nik exhibiting ESP his blood pressure was fixed by our products his invention
kate her weight-lifting (“move the Earth up so that the object comes down – easier to shrink the Earth {the Earth is temporal} rather than move a grain of salt – don’t move the object, move the Earth – the conditioned response doesn’t work – how Chad moves a candle flame”)
chad why Bob asks the most questions ever about the JFK assassination (“it’s conditioned – it was all but fictitious”) the connections of the Prussian (“the staging of the Ottoman Empire – the De Medicis’ hidden role”), Ottoman, and Byzantine Empires to Bob the peak period before the beginning of the Printing Press world (the 1300s – before the Black Plague – Marco Polo’s travels to China – the Venice gang leaves for Amsterdam, then London – many people coming to Europe from America rather than the reverse – the Ming Dynasty started) (“ion’s crochet metaphor – the afterimage of the tetrad”) (“Bob is shifting gears on his tetrad-management {see Robert Guffey’s article in 2000} – Bob is giving up on the ‘archetype’ thing”) (“holeopathic cliche-probes become stages of apprehension”) Ophenel vs. De Medicis Kigye “Oakridge Bob is not talked about” what’s left of Crown Inc. (Duchy of Lancaster) repurposing Washington, D.C. Bob’s books from the Vatican Library “one must know the difference between the Ottoman and Byzantine Empires {they merge, overlap, and link as with the Ming and Han Chinese Dynasties}” “the powerful CCP of China is falling and will take it all with it – like the Angels’ fall”)