I was asked elsewhere:
How do I trace back your insights (many of which I *think* I understand and also find illuminating) to LaRouche’s … assertions?
Your thoughts I can glean from.
He reminds me of when I used to bullshit my way through a history essay.
I.e., what’s your take on LaRouche (or in what sense is anything he propounds useful / laden with truth-value)?
I responded:
First off, LaRouche’s team has the best news service in the world (click on their “SEARCH” at the very bottom and type in anything) – they’ve been doing it since 1969 – 50 years. Their data base makes them the J. Edgar Hoover for the “people” – all nations.
In the post-fact world they do Plato and “efficient causality” MYTHICALLY.
Just as McLuhan, on my Tiny Note Chart, does Aristotle, Thomism, and “formal causality” MYTHICALLY.
Besides them, I have William Irwin Thompson doing Buddhism and “material causality” MYTHICALLY.
And also Arthur Kroker doing Marxism and “final causality” MYTHICALLY.
In the fifth Quadrant of my Chart, my section, I do all of them quadrophrenically.
I’m a school so one has to engage my work (35 years of broadcasting) slowly over time. I’m available every weekend for discussion and exegesis, plus private conversations on the phone. I’ve never made a cent from any of it (nor charged for any of it), all these years.