iON | Enoch, 22 October 2022


Transcribed by Nan

[1800 hour]

Ginney 15:17
Thank you. Okay. The Book of Enoch. We’re on Chapter 5. No, wait, we did 5. We’re on Chapter 6. Shall we do a Chapter tonight?

iON 15:26
You want to?

Ginney 15:27
We talked about — yeah, just ’cause I think it’s gonna mention Bob in here.

iON 15:27
Oh, well, then that’s important.

Ginney 15:36
Yeah, then we should probably do it. Right?

iON 15:40

Ginney 15:40
Okay. All right. Chapter 6. "1) And it came to pass when the children of men had multiplied that in those days were born unto them beautiful and comely daughters. 2) And the angels, the children of the heaven," So, here it says the angels are the children of heaven.

iON 16:00
Uh huh. And some would say okay, but that now you have to figure out is it the cast out ones? Or is it the ones that can purge and move back and forth? See the difference? Because all of them, apparently, had this — this becomes the sandbox for all the angels sooner or later. So, to call them the children of heaven, ehh, we suspect a little miscegenation going on in this confab. Go ahead.

Ginney 16:31
Okay. "the angels, the children of heaven, saw and lusted after them, [the children of men] and said to one another: ‘Come, let us choose us wives from among the children of men and beget us children.’" So, this is the very similar story. Is this the same different telling but the same story of Sodom and Gomorrah?

iON 16:56
Mm-hm. Lot. You’re talkin’ about Lot.

Ginney 17:01
Yeah. Lot. Okay.

iON 17:02
Bring them out. Bring them out so that we may know them. Apparently, angel ass is the best, Ginney. Apparently. Nobody could ever imagine how comforting alien ass is. [Bob chuckles] So, apparently, it must be too much. Too much sugar for a dime for sure.

Ginney 17:18
Yes, Bob.

Bob 17:19
Let’s note that heaven is Non-Physical that was created by fallen man; it’s not as great as physical. And this is shown by the angels desiring physical contact with the daughters.

Ginney 17:30
Ah, very good.

Bob 17:32
Physical is better than heaven.

Ginney 17:35
Yes, yes. Okay. Very good. Yes. Okay. So, let us take "’us wives from among the children of men and beget us children.’ 3) And Semjaza, who was their leader, said unto them: ‘I fear ye will not indeed agree to do this deed, and I alone shall have to pay the penalty of a great sin. 4) And they all answered him and said: ‘Let us all swear an oath, and bind ourselves by mutual imprecations not to abandon this plan but to do this thing.’"

iON 18:08
That’s a good word. Imprecations is a good word. Imprecations. That sounds like some bullshit Bob would come up with, doesn’t it?

Ginney 18:15
Well, it kinda sounds like one of your words, iON, really.

iON 18:19
Oh, no. We just make it, we just make ours up. We don’t have to actually know about the word.

Bob 18:22
Yeah, he just said implications. I say impracations. I-m-p-r-a. He just says i-m-p-l-i, being of high school education level.

Ginney 18:34
Now, here

iON 18:34
That’s true. Or less. Or less, you know.

Ginney 18:36
Here in the dictionary

iON 18:37
[indistinct] grammar, grammarian.

Ginney 18:39
Here in the dictionary it says that an imprecation — "’Let us swear an oath, and all bind ourselves by mutual imprecations’" means a spoken curse.

iON 18:52
Right. That’s what Bob says. Everything Bob says is a curse to somebody [Ginney laughs] when he’s wound up. [chuckles] No, he’s very literal. He’s very literal when Bob says that he guarantees and promises to stay with you until you buy or die. [chime heard] He’s very serious about that.

Ginney 19:15
Very good.

iON 19:15
That wasn’t somebody comin’ in, that was an email, Bob. You’re gettin’ an email. Nobody was, nobody sneakin’ in here. And hey, what’s goin’ on with all these people in here? Why are they showin’ up? We havin’ a pad sale or something? [chuckles] We only had 11 and had a hard time keeping 11, and now the banisters is overflowing.

Ginney 19:37
They’re learning all kinds of good stuff. Right, iON? They want to Ascend?

iON 19:41
Oh. Oh, well, I don’t know about all that. I hope. I wish ’em luck.

Ginney 19:46

iON 19:46
I wish ’em luck. Yeah, I want ’em to too. Let’s see how it goes. It starts off pretty good, but let’s see how it goes.

Ginney 19:53
Okay. How many people are Ascending right now? Two or three?

iON 20:00
Several. Several. And a lot of people are having the what we call — what your mama used to — well, not your mama, but most people’s mama would say growing pains. They call it growing pains. It wasn’t a problem, it was just growing pains when your muscles would be all tensed up when you’re growing or whatever. Sometimes you find it uncomfortable, as in hurt. And so what happens is, that’s the excuse that’s given. It’s just growing pains.

Ginney 20:33
I see. Okay, very good. All right. So, we have several people Ascending,

iON 20:37
Now, sometimes you’ll have, sometimes you’ll have double vision. Sometimes you’ll have muscle aches and pains. Sometimes you’ll feel like something is ripping you asunder. Like when you’re in a really tense thing, or like when you see something like, alright, if you’ve been in a car wreck, a real car wreck, where you see it comin’ you tense up; it makes the damage worse. More. It makes you more sensitive to the thing that’s gonna cause a strain or a sprain or a problem. But that’s why, that’s why the drunks always live. They’re just happy as a pig in shit. They’re just relaxed. So, they just go with it. And they walk away from the accident and everybody else is — they take them out in the meat wagon.

Ginney 21:23
Right. Yeah. They say a lot of drunk people survive a lot of accidents; they do.

iON 21:28
Mm-hm. ‘Cause they — see, there’s no, they’re not tensed up, so they’re relaxed with it. Now, the same thing would be true with Ascension. Now, we’re not saying there’s gonna be drunkards over on the Golden Shores. But we are saying that that same anesthetization, anesthetization from an anesthesious position, can be soothing a bit, but don’t get borrowing it ’cause if you borrow it, it’ll basically — it’s like fentanyl; it starts off real good, but it doesn’t end up well. ‘Cause if you’re borrowing peace — now wait now — if you’re borrowing peace, somebody else controls your peace if you’re borrowing it. And so if that’s true, then you don’t have peace. So, therefore, you just have a piece of someone else’s peace that they’ll control over you. ‘Cause see, once again, were trying to bring you and Enoch was trying to bring you into your power. But we’re gonna get here when we get to the summit of Mount Hermon. So, go ahead.

Ginney 22:35
Okay. So, "5) Then sware they all together and bound themselves by mutual imprecations upon it. 6) And they were in all two hundred; who descended in the days of Jared on the summit of Mount Hermon, and they called it Mount Hermon, because they had sworn and bound themselves by mutual imprecations upon it. 7) And these are the names of their leaders:" And then it goes through all the names of the leaders. Do we need to read all their different names?

iON 23:10
If you want to it’s okay with us.

Ginney 23:13

iON 23:13
Put it on the record ’cause Bob’s gonna question you anyway so you might as well.

Ginney 23:18
Okay. "Semiazaz, their leader, [and then] Arakiba, Rameel,"

[1900 hour]

Ginney 0:00

iON 0:02
Watch the aclive. Watch the aclive accent. "Rameel, Kokabiel,"

Ginney 0:08
Rameel. Okay.

iON 0:10
Kokabiel. You see the "O" is long. And then Tamiel.

Ginney 0:14

iON 0:12
"Tamiel, [and] Ramiel, [and] Danel, Ezeqeel,"

Ginney 0:15
All right.

iON 0:18
And "Baraqijal," Baraqijal. The Q is silent. Just like with President Trump. Just like with President Trump, the Q is silent.

Ginney 0:34
[chuckles] Very cute. Okay. And then "Asael," right?

iON 0:40
Uh huh. Armaros.

Ginney 0:43
Armaros and

iON 0:47
"Armaros, Batarel." Batarel. Just flow with it. And see, like Finnegans Wake, it’ll just flow.

Ginney 0:51

iON 0:52
[indistinct] and don’t know, just go with it. And then it works itself out. Now, a lot of these different things, that’s where your languages actually begun, actually. But see, you have to go, you have to understand orphic Baroque spirals in order for that to work. Because see, the — Prometheus never meant you to get this. You get that, right?

Ginney 1:19
Why not? Why would they, what was so

iON 1:22
Because of the stages of apprehension. That’s easy. That’s easy. Stages of apprehension.

Ginney 1:29
Okay. All right. And then we have "Ananel, Zaqiel, Samsapeel, Satarel, Turel, Jomjael, and Sariel. 8) These are their chiefs of tens." What’s the chiefs of tens? Is that like the chieftain?

iON 1:45
The Secret Council, the Secret Council of Ten. That’s what they’re making reference to.

Ginney 1:51
Oh. Now, do these guys know

iON 1:46
Now, this is also listed, this is also listed in the Apocrypha too, but you’re not doing the Apocrypha. But they do cross-reference it in the Apocrypha pretty fondly.

Ginney 1:53
And are these guys — do they know Opheniel?

iON 2:08
Sure. Of course. He starts most of this bullshit. Every time there’s a problem, you look around, there’d be Opheniel. Every time somebody wakes up with a sore butthole, there’s Opheniel. Every time somebody gets ripped asunder, there’s Opheniel. Every time somebody loses a mantle, there’s Opheniel just watching it. Everywhere. He’s everywhere. Bob makes everything better because Opheniel made everything so really bad. [laughs]

Ginney 2:40
Now, why do we think Bob does that?

iON 2:43
We don’t think it, we just — that’s what he does.

Ginney 2:45
It’s just what he does.

iON 2:46
He is, he’s got to, he’s got to hurt it so he can help it. He’ll never waste a good, good catastrophe. Why waste a perfectly good catastrophe? They’re hard to come by.

Bob 3:00
Create the disease and offer the cure, Ginney. That’s the root of my success.

Ginney 3:05
Very good. Very good. All right.

iON 3:07
And congratulations. Congratulations on your 84 score of your vitamin D. The way to go.

Ginney 3:14
Ah, thank you. Thank you.

iON 3:18
Not everybody can say that. But see, once again, you actually engage. If you’ll take this shit, it will make a difference, but you gotta take it. Just buying it, one bottle of it a year –

Announcer 3:29
Hello. Well, there’s all this…yeah, man.

iON 3:29
– doesn’t help. You need a little bit more than that.

Ginney 3:33
Okay, Bob. Thank you.

Bob 3:36
Yeah, I clicked on something accidentally. Sorry.

Ginney 3:38
That’s all right. Okay, all the okay so

iON 3:42
So, we all know, and we all know there are no accidents, don’t we?

Ginney 3:47
That’s right. That’s right. Okay, so let’s do Chapter 7. Ooh. This is where it gets kinda gnarly. "1) And all the others together with them took unto themselves wives, each chose for himself one, and they began to go in unto them and to defile themselves with them, and they taught them charms and enchantments,"

iON 4:13
Excuse me ma’am, I would like to defile myself with you. [laughs]

Ginney 4:17
Right! That’s their line. "and the cutting of roots," That sounds like Ayahuasca, iON. Would that be Ayahuasca? Could it be?

iON 4:32
Okay. Peyote of some sort. Choppin’ a — some would call it choppin’ a dutch. Choppin’ a dutch.

Ginney 4:38
Choppin’ a dutch. "and made them acquainted with plants." So, I’m imagining that they were

iON 4:43
Uh oh.

Ginney 4:44
Yeah. Okay and then

iON 4:47
That could be acorn squashes. Marital aids too, so always be aware of that. [laughs]

Ginney 4:54
[laughs] Okay. "2) And they became pregnant, and they bear great giants, whose height was three thousand ells: 3) Who consumed all the acquisitions of men. And when men could no longer sustain them, 4) the giants turned against them and devoured mankind." And this is where we come to the alien part. Is this the alien story?

iON 5:19
This is why, this is why you’re gonna need so much Spam. They’re already building the plants now to produce the human Spam. It’s so exciting.

Ginney 5:28
Yeah, the compost thing.

iON 5:30
It’ll say, it’ll say, Made in America, the human Spam. It’ll say Made in America.

Ginney 5:39
And the angels aren’t afraid of the human flesh in any way.

iON 5:45
Why would they be?

Ginney 5:46
Well, cuz they’ve been vaccinated and stuff like that.

iON 5:50
Naw, that don’t make any difference. That’s not even the point. The only thing the angels are scared of is that you’re gonna come into your power and then they lose.

Ginney 5:57

iON 5:57
They lose the war in heaven. That’s what this is about.

Ginney 5:59
So, all the

iON 5:59
And that’s why they fuck, and that’s why they fuck with you. That’s why they fuck with you the way they do. Everybody thinks that these wonderful angels, "my guardian angel." Yeah, fuck that. Yeah, they’re not — they’re fucking with you. They’re not, they’re not trying to — they’re not here for your health. They’re trying to ease you into a watery grave.

Ginney 6:00
Mmm. iON, were you in Atlantis?

iON 6:25
Day before tomorrow.

Ginney 6:28
Was — but I mean Atlantis, the one that is and has been and will be again and all that. Were you like iON in Atlantis?

iON 6:38
Yes. Well, and see, JW was there actually this week. He doesn’t remember it. He’s gettin’ all fried. He thinks he’s suffering from magnesium poisoning. [Ginney laughs] He thinks he’s suffering from magnesium poisoning. [laughs] No joke! No joke, no joke. He’s almost cuttin’ everybody else off ’cause he has a couple of ounces a day, straight. Twice a day.

Ginney 7:05
Oh, my.

iON 7:05
And he don’t, and he would give any sum of money to have the laxative effect. Would be thrilled! to have that, but not so much.

Ginney 7:16
Okay, so JW was in Atlantis earlier this week which he doesn’t remember. But iON, when you were in Atlantis, what were you called? Were you called iON?

iON 7:27
No, the conversation is different there. You don’t do titles. You don’t do titles. You just know people. You don’t have — there’s no king of Atlantis. And you don’t have — and you just know those people like, there is Umm. They’re Umm. There is Umm. So you know who that Mmm is. When we say Mmm, you know, "Yeah, that’s Umm. She’s married to Hmm. Yeah. Umm and Hmm." And so, you don’t do names. You don’t do titles. So, it’s not like that. You don’t need it ’cause you know, there. You know, there. And you don’t have to make references. You would never make references to someone else that would require a title. That why you become to somebody else [indistinct/overtalk]

Ginney 8:10
So, in Atlantis are they all Ascended?

iON 8:16
Mostly. Mostly. There’s some that aren’t. But mostly.

Ginney 8:19
So, you would not have been there like doing what you’re doing with Bob to be answering questions.

iON 8:25
Oh, hell no.

Ginney 8:26

iON 8:26
Hell, no. No, no, no, no, no. See, that’s a wonderful, this Ascension thing is ridiculous. You get past that, then it’s fun. Y’all making this hard, and we don’t know why. It’s really simple so just go with it. Shit. Get on with it. Get happy or get out!

Ginney 8:43
Now, were all of us in Atlantis too?

iON 8:47
No, not all.

Ginney 8:49

iON 8:52
Everyone who drinks the blood.

Ginney 8:55
Yes, because it talks about that here. The men could no longer sustain them and then they devoured mankind. "5) And they began to sin against birds, and beasts, and reptiles, and fish, and to devour one another’s flesh, and drink the blood."

iON 9:08
Do you know, do you know, do you know the — now, Eira would know all about this. What we call the Odins. See, they talked about the giants in the, in that reclaiming the, the Thor. You know, the hammer. They make movies about it. Who’s that, who is that little wormy dude that plays Thor? You know, he’s really, he’s very, he’s pitiful looking. He’s kinda like a — he’s got a body, body is like Bob; he’s like a toothpick, you know, ain’t much to him. But um, he thinks he’s all that and a bag of chips, but there ain’t much to him. Anyway, that Thor aspect of the giants in the land that would drink the Mead from the Odinites.

Ginney 9:54

iON 9:54
Odins. The same conversa — same lore and positions that’s being laid out here.

Ginney 10:05
It says, "6) Then the earth laid accusation against the lawless ones." So, the Earth has a personality to accuse.

iON 10:15
Of course.

Ginney 10:17
Okay. So, is that Mother Nature or Gaia?

iON 10:21
Of course. That’s where, that’s where the Empire Strikes Back. That’s where the Empire Strikes Back.

Ginney 10:27
Oh, oh.

iON 10:28
And when New York — if New York gets a little bit more dirty, it’s gonna be due for a good old timey bath.

Ginney 10:35
Oh. So, this earth laid accusation. And is that Earth? Is that the Earth, Mother Earth, or Gaia, or what is a name that it has?

iON 10:47
Well, once again, it would be — let’s just call it Earth. Let’s just call it what you call it. ‘Cause you have to be careful, Ginney, ’cause you start having this conversation and you’re knowin’ somethin’. And then 30 minutes later, we’re gonna start talkin’ about that there’s 17 Earths –

Ginney 11:03

iON 11:03
– that you’re living in now. See, so there’s different realms of reality of capacity can overflow into the other, you see. So, so much so that then they start using diabetic drugs to lose weight. That’s a Hollywood, Hollywood diet.

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