Below, Bob Dobbs’ comment:
Van, you said you’d give Jack the last word.
Then when he was gone, you said, “His ass was kicked!”, when Jack couldn’t respond.
The glaring fact is your and Rachel’s asses were slammed!!
You had no clue what Jack was declaring.
AND THEN I come down here and never have I seen so many deluded and uninformed people in a comments section.
The major clue that something was off was when Rachel started shaking and trembling at what Jack was saying.
The power of Jack’s words put her in shock.
And you, Van, go off into cultural history – the most irrelevant response to what Jack was saying.
The only clear head here seems to be Ramona Anderson.
You, Rachel, and most commenters then proceed to demonstrate your lack of knowledge of historical media dynamics wherein the glaring fact IS the historical obsolescence of the Gutenberg Galaxy – “book/literate culture”.
Here’s what Jack wasn’t given time to explain:
[[ Today, the least relevant issues – FIVE, actually – are those of race, class, gender, finance, and health.
In an environment of hyper-communication, often the least discussed subject is that which examines the effects of so much expression in these FIVE areas.
Oh, it is not uncommon to witness emotional reactions to any of our daily diet of headaches and delights.
But to single out “technology” as an influential factor in the FIVE issues is to evoke a bland response.
Probably because it is such a common experience people don’t notice that technology is what unites the world – way more than race, class, gender, finance, and health.
The media world demonstrates regularly that there is no agreement among cultures around the world on the relative importance of these FIVE concerns.
Especially, today.
It’s not that people haven’t had technology in their lives before.
It’s the quality of electronic and digital technologies that is completely new, now.
Technology has become intimately involved with our perceptions and cognitive processes – they go INSIDE us.
Marshall McLuhan was perhaps the first thinker to spell out the implications:
“At the speed of light, minus his physical body, man is discarnate, and discarnate man is not related to ‘natural law’.”
“In the same way, when man is on the phone or on the air, moving electrically at the speed of light, he has no physical body, he is translated into information, or an image.”
“In the electronic age, we wear all of mankind as our skin. We become an extension of our physical nervous system in a global theater.”
Real life example 2022 #1: We spend more time on our cellular devices than we do interacting with other people. Even when we are outside in the environment, the majority of the time we are still engaging in our phones.
Real life example 2022 #2: The media is attempting to get everyone to react and respond to particular information in this new larger environment that humans don’t know they’re in. One might as well consider social media as adding a new body to our present Physical Body. I call this the Chip Body. We are actually reacting from our Chip Body rather than our Physical Body. Because the Chip Body usually reacts way faster in an environment of thousands, who are also reacting at the same time, the Physical Body with its old friend, printed material, is confronting a logic that’s more emotional than thoughtful and sequential.
Real life example 2022 #3: Van uses book culture as a way to convey intellect or education but all these things are products of technology. And we look at these machines as just things that convey info, but they actually are shaping our world, which means the book is no longer relevant because our world is being shaped by social media, an environment that dwarfs all literate media.
All News emphasizes the Physical Body. We are getting conned. Social media is not a world where the Physical Body is present.
It is not normal to be texting all day long looking at technology through a screen. It is doing something to us that we don’t observe. The screen is watching us, not only are we watching the screen.
Van can appear more relevant because he is referring to the FIVE issues involving the Physical Body. Van is not aware of the larger stresses and strains that the Chip Body creates. Society, in general, does not know how to talk about these new pressures. I am drawing attention to present-day realities – the new technologies that create this DISEMBODIED CONDITION.
It doesn’t matter if you have 2 billion viewers, it’s a distraction from what is actually going on. What your face is expressing is puny if you’re not pointing out that one’s face is mingling with the faces of 2 billion viewers – a veritable mosh pit of resonance and emotions – what’s actually happening in the discarnate environments. The resulting intensity forces people to focus on what has been the old easily-noticed cliché environment for centuries – the familiar FIVE issues singled out in the first sentence. ]]
Bless Jack, for being an African-American who understands the CONTEXT of our time – and dares to explain it.
The rest of you start watching Marshall McLuhan videos.