iON’s Quadrophrenic Paramedia Ecology


2 February 2021

Transcribed by Nan

iON 0:01

Now, there are horses on every corner, the Four Horsemen. The winds are blowing. They’re gonna blow and they’re gonna change every dynamic that you know to be a dynamic that’s dynamic proof. Everything that you know to be right is wrong; everything you know to be wrong is right. Everything that will be up is down. It’s gonna unturn and undo every aspect and ramification of what you know to be what you call goddamn right or wrong, up or down. You see? The serpent’s gonna start telling the angels that they’re verbose. What?

Bob 0:41
[chuckles] I’m lookin’ forward to that.

iON 0:44
It’s happening. Well, goddamn! Turn to the, turn to your Senate –

Bob 0:48

iON 0:49
– right now. Turn to your Senate right now. You’ll see it right this hot damn second! It’s great. It’s ridiculous. I mean, it’s ridiculous. So, so, the things that you know to be in the knower like, “iON, I know things. Okay, I’ve done a little living. I know what’s up or down or over and under. I know the difference between what a rabbit can do to a stump. I’ve been exposed to most of the prepositions. I know what the quantum reality [Bob laughs] of something tells the truth of what the object of a preposition is, or could be, or the quantum mechanics that goes with wordology and the Gutenberg Galaxy and what Marshall McLuhan meant when he was quoting Kroker trying to figure out the dynamics of what LaRouche might have a circuit into the William Irwin Thompson quadrant of how it would affect the Android Meme! I know those things!” [Bob laughs] Which eases onto a little different, a little deeper dynamic, because now we’re starting to get to where the grits hit the gravy. Now what that means is when you lay your ear down on the railroad tracks, you can hear the train a’comin’. It’s rollin’ around the bend. You can feel the vibration of the Snowpiercer as it arrives. Yeah.

Bob 2:25
Very eloquent there, iON.

Ginney 2:28
Beautifully executed and stated. Thank you.

iON 2:32
Well, our teachings are our forte.

Bob 2:34
Because the chart is merged, iON’s always interweaving Thompson into Kroker into LaRouche into McLuhan; he’s always doing that.

iON 2:41

Ginney 2:43
So basically what you’re saying is

iON 2:45
We have to ’cause Bob won’t give us, Bob won’t give us room for Ezra Pound. Bob won’t give us room for Ezra Pound. [Bob chuckles] Ezra Pound was subjugated of all of that condition. Without Ezra Pound, McLuhan would have never been noted.

Bob 2:53
That’s true.

iON 3:03
We give him kudos, because had — were there no Ezra Pound, there’d been no Marshall McLuhan or Marge Stewart; neither would have made it.

Bob 3:13
That’s true. I have the PhD by the guy who wrote about that period ’48 to ’52 when McLuhan was very involved with Ezra Pound. And he documents and shows how Pound is the biggest influence on McLuhan, not Gideon, or Innis or anybody else. It’s a very rare PhD. I won’t tell anybody where it is.

iON 3:32
Oh, Harold Innis. Harold Innis was a pussy.

Bob 3:35
Yeah, I know.

iON 3:34
Harold Innis is nothin’.

Bob 3:37
He worked for the Center for the Study of Democratic institutions with the Princeton (overtalk/indistinct)… McLuhan in 1970.

iON 3:43
Oh, my god. He was in the, he was in the Habs — he was in the Habsburg quadrant.

Bob 3:47
Habsburg pocket. [chuckles] Habsburg quadrant. [laughs] Hear that, Ginney? It’s a new wrinkle. The Rothschild quadrant. [laughs]

iON 3:48
Yeah, that’s all ridiculous. Ain’t got no damn money checks.

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