Bob Dobbs, 25 October 2021

This F/G interview (2012) with me about universities (interesting debate about my works in the comments at the bottom) was deleted from its website many years later. I make an inventory of the misguided nature of “Education” in the 20th Century and the early 21st Century

In the comments below the interview, Doug Rushkoff labels me as a “genius/schizophrenic”.

I would say he should call me “quadrophrenic” – which we all are (as I define it) except not many are conscious of this fact.

iON said in March, 2020, that the COVID crisis would allow Dr. Carolyn Dean to take over the global institution of medicine, shortly.

The incredible success of her products around the world these 18 months later have confirmed iON’s projection.

One of our products – the RnA Drops – will become the new “Ground” of the coming reworked world economy.

Meanwhile, iON predicted that the global education system will collapse and I will develop the new “curriculum”.

This projection has also proven auspicious as we see my counter-moves to the “Eighth Sphere” (Rudolf Steiner) beginning to be accepted by Queen Elizabeth the Second, MI6, the Vatican, Putin, Arab leaders, and “the Mountain” (controls China – the CCP is fading fast).

The following are foreshadowings of the educational protocols looming from the mind of and from the implications of a syllabus in the Tiny Note Chart.

1. My dialogues with Cameron McEwen;

2. My dialogues with Jack McClinton and his interracial “base” in professional sports on “manifestmcclinton” on Instagram;

3. My dialogues with Clinton Ignatov, Greg Duffell, and Brian Taylor – sometimes including Dave Newfeld – on our weekly 5-hour “Office Hours” radio/Internet show on;

4. My dialogues with iON and their “fans” for over 13 hours per week (2 shows) on;

5. My exploration of FINNEGANS WAKE (1939) with iON and their audience for the purpose of illustrating how the “book” X-rays the details of the PRESENT (the weeks of 2021 forward through to 2030) with the secondary goal of creating a new sequential order for the pages of FINNEGANS WAKE (page 44 is the new page “one” of the revised FW, for example);

6. My participation in the British Wyndham Lewis ZOOM GROUP with the top Lewis scholars (especially Paul Edwards and Alan Munton) who are spearheading the Lewis revival with the goal of replacing James Joyce (who was the literary star of the 20th Century) in the 21st Century;

7. Dr. Carolyn Dean’s weekly 2-hour show of extraordinarily beneficial comprehensive health solutions at

I gotta tell you that it is so much fun being part of iONdom which has the solutions for what ails so much of our solar campus – nobody’s program comes close to ours.

No wonder the coming Aliens want access to iON!!!

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