1. Atlantis hasn’t happened yet
2. earth between 2 black holes
3. Yarmulka continent is at the end of TIME of our Earth
4. Garden of Eden is connected to Atlantis
5. Dobbstown memorabilia is under the left paw from our perspective – how to get to Andromeda
6. Book of Revelation is the first book in the Bible
7. cancer cells are immortal and good for you
8. Second Coming – Bob’s friends return
9. Bob is not human
10. Carolyn stops the Delta
11. Radiation is good for us
12. Carbon footprint must grow
13. all deaths are suicide
14. relax and allow
15. engage and apply
16. don’t watch your baby – mothers are bad
17. autism is not a problem – the kid is doing well
18. the womb is closing
19. RnA Drops will be the new gold standard (“default currency”)
20. China owns America
21. no money – only debt
22. our choice at the end of TIME – “get happy or get out” (ascend or die)
23. healing is a wrong concept – only for dogs
24. a lie is a truth that hasn’t happened yet
25. a belief is what you’ve been thinking for a long time
26. it’s not a thinking man’s game
27. it’s all about the distance between you and you
28. if you suck a dick for money, you’ll suck a dick for free
29. people don’t know what they like, they like what they know
30. electricity is vibrational energy which is Non-Physical, the Toaster is Physical, the Toast is the creation by Non-Physical and Physical, Toast is created by the Toaster with the assistance of electricity
31. peanut butter sandwich metaphor
32. “need” is not good – kneading is what you can do
33. 14 degrees of freedom
34. six degrees of separation
35. the 3-2-1 process is the unlawful degree of magnetism (not the Law of Attraction)
36. no sacred geometry
37. there are no rules.. and that’s a rule
38. you can be, do, have anything
39. words are more powerful than thoughts
40. now words don’t create but they have power
41. we are creator gods with amnesia (“you don’t know how you got here – you forgot”)
42. Moses’ ten commandments
43. Bob is Santa Claus
44. three Jesuses
45. Non-Physical doesn’t create (iON now can create)
46. 12 JW’s
47. nobody has ever slept
48. the role of Chromosome 14 (activates 144,000 double helix strands) (the only Chromosome which has Rings and Arms) (the meaning of the Christian Cross)
49. you’ve never been ("your mothers are lying to you”)
50. Bob is not human – came from Alpha Centauri
51. our home is the Andromeda Galaxy
52. Angels are not our friend
53. the Soul is a stenographer and stays here when you die – the Soul is always here – it is the individual, emotional personality of the person – the Soul is eternal and the Non-Physical is beyond eternal – the Soul monitors everything one does in Life (“monitoring the electricity”) – the Soul is an essential part that helps one to find one’s way back up the Tree of Life – the position of the Soul is the wire in which electricity is gauged by – the Soul is the conduit for Non-Physical – the Soul could be considered the insulator – Non-Physical never leaves the Body but the Soul can leave the Body
54. is it live or memorex?
55. thought is a particle and emotion is a wave – thought negotiates reality and decides access to Source – thoughts have no frequency and emotion does (emotion is the driver, not the fuel – “is therefore the Soul emotion?”)
56. Pole Shift causes the obsolescence of the human Chemical Body
57. the blood has to change and is changing
58. all Nature is Non-physical
59. European civilization came from America
60. “freakency” is iON’s gauge
61. pi gets balanced
62. negative pH does exist
63. the FOREX Formula
64. every conversation is two conversations
65. there is no negative (“evil is LIVE backwards”) (“15 minutes GOOD, 15 minutes BAD”)
66. creativity requires contrats
67. sex vs. coitus (“orgasm is the closest thing to Bliss for Little Man”)
68. marriage means not responsible for the spouse’s happiness
69. iON is not here to make you happy… we’re only for the Ascended
70. Bob will stay with you until you buy or die
71. the constant is 11 (“11 listeners”)
72. the Soul connection happens at the baby’s first breath –
73. conception happens at arousal
74. we don’t inhale, we only exhale
75. Carolyn – “she’s the sharpest machete in the shed”
76. Carolyn’s spray will stop the Delta plague
77. we are coming to the End of the Beginning
78. everything changes in the 21st Century
78. “we/iON are always literal”
79. “Power is power – not good power or bad power. How it’s applied is the conversation.” (power vs. authority)
80. the Guf has emptied
81. there is no reincarnation
82. the Tree of Life is more important than the Tree of Knowledge – the root of the Tree of Life is in the Andromeda Galaxy
83. you won’t remember, you will know
84. the Octad is the ascended level
85. the Angel Chart is how Angels see the Perfect Cell
86. iON’s cloud ("everyone’s Soul is uploaded to iON’s Cloud”) will replace Bill Gates’ cloud
87. the Heart is not connected to the Body
88. on that resurrection (glory, great gettin’ up) morning, when the Dead in Christ shall rise, you’ll have a new Body, a new Life
89. stages of apprehension: you create based on your words
your words are based on your thoughts
your thoughts are based on where you are vibrationally
where you are vibrationally is sometimes your sighted place of reality
your sighted place of reality is the beginning point of creating the electrical current
90. iON’s stages of apprehension ("McLuhan”):
you create based on your words
your words are based on your thoughts
your thoughts are based on where you are vibrationally
where you are vibrationally is sometimes your sighted place of reality
thoughts are under the words, vibrations are under the thoughts
where you see that you are is underneath the vibrations
the mind is involved
91. the Tiny Note Chart is in the Book of Revelation
92. we are, at root, Salt and Light – Angels are only Light – that’s why they want our tears (Salt)
93. electrical current is the conduit in which the electricity flows through
when electricity is retrieved, it is not – Non-Physical is a conduit
94. when the electrical environment expanded, it created the reduction or elimination of the Guf (“McLuhan”)
95. iON doesn’t like humans
96. the missing Amino Acids
97. we’re not here to thrive – we’re here to win
98. we’re “spiritual atheists”
99. a) you exist always
b) all Non-Physical is Non-Physical, no matter if it is spread out over a thousand people or one – "relax and allow" helps move towards this – there is no you any different from anything else – all is one
c) what you put out is what you get back – and your physical reality is just a reflection of what you believe as true, and will not change unless you first change – there is no karma – karma creates all kinds of degrees of separation
d) the only constant in the universe is change
e) the first three (above) never change
100. Coronation is staying in the Body forever and actualizing the realization of the Body.
P.S “obedience to God (they’ll fall for this) is better than sacrifice” – Ophenel 32,001 BCE