Transcribed by Nan
Bob 0:01
Okay, this is number 12, Carolyn? Session 12?
Carolyn 0:06
I have no idea.
Bob 0:08
I’ll look it up.
Carolyn 0:10
Yeah. Yay. Hi, iON. You and me, iON.
iON 0:14
Hi, honey. Yep, we got this.
Carolyn 0:15
Welcome back.
iON 0:16
What page are you on? What page are you on?
Carolyn 0:16
Well, you said – yeah, you said last time we ended on page 28. So, there we are.
Bob 0:21
Yeah, this is part 12.
Carolyn 0:24
Okay. So, the first words are: "APPENDIX (From the Papyrus of Nu, Sheet 5)." So, I guess that’s where –
iON 0:40
So, everybody, that’s mid – that’s midway of page 28. So everybody can find it if y’all are using the Holy Books, Lichtenberg press crap.
Carolyn 0:52
Great. Thank you. So, the first –
iON 0:56
Because they got, they gotta find it ‘cuz they don’t know, and if they don’t know where it is, they’re lost the whole way through. And then they get mad and go to bed and all that stuff. So, we’re tryin’ to get it right.
Carolyn 1:05
Thank you. Okay everybody, the first words of the first chapter in capitals are: "THE CHAPTER OF NOT LETTING THE HEART OF NU, WHOSE WORD IS TRUTH, BE CARRIED AWAY FROM HIM IN KHERT-NETER." And Khert-Neter, as we know, is the underground.
iON 1:24
Carolyn 1:27
Oh yeah, underworld. "He saith:- Hail, thou Lion-god! I am Unb (Carolyn: U-n-b) (the Blossom). That which is held in abomination to me is the block of slaughter of the god. (Carolyn: small "g") Let not this my heart-case be carried away from me by the Fighting Gods in Anu. Hail, thou who dost wind bandages around Osiris, and who hast seen Set. Hail, thou who returnest after smiting and destroying him before the mighty ones! This my heart weepeth over itself before Osiris; it hath made supplication for me. I have given unto him and I have dedicated unto him the thoughts of the heart in the House of the god (Carolyn: small "g") (Usekh-her), have brought unto him sand at the entry to Khemenu. Let not this my heart-case be carried away from me. I make you to ascend his throne, to fetter heart-cases for him in Sekhet-hetep, [[to live] years of strength away from things of all kinds which are abominations to him, to carry off food from among the things which are thine, and which are in thy grasp through thy strength. And this my heart-case is devoted to the decrees of the god (Carolyn: small "g") Tem, who guideth me through the caverns of Suti, but let not this my heart, which hath performed its desire before the Tchatcha Chiefs who are in Khert-Neter, be given to him. When they find the leg and the swathings they bury them." So, all those words about the heart and the hard-case how, I guess, iON, to protect the heart and heart-case. Correct?
iON 3:42
Pericardium. The pericardium. That’s what it’s – the pericardium. See, you can get a new heart, but if you lose your pericardium, they can’t transplant that.
Carolyn 3:45
Mm hmm. Wow. Interesting. Got it.
iON 3:50
But they can give you somebody else’s dead heart. Now, think about this. They can take a dead heart and give it to someone else, but they can’t transplant a pericardium.
Carolyn 4:13
Yeah, I’ve never heard of that, but it makes total sense. Very good. Continuing, the next chapter’s titled: "THE CHAPTER OF NOT LETTING THE HEART OF NU, WHOSE WORD IS TRUTH, BE DRIVEN AWAY FROM HIM IN KHERT-NETER." So, more about the heart. Continuing: "He saith:- My heart of my mother. My heart of my mother. My heart-case of my existence upon the earth." So yeah, it’s – following along from what you just said, then the heart of the mother is different from the heart-case. The heart-case is existing.
iON 4:57
Carolyn 4:57
iON 4:58
Exactly. Exactly.
Carolyn 4:59
Got it. And then continuing: "Let no one (Carolyn: stay. Excuse me.) stand up against me when I bear testimony in the presence of the Lords of Things. Let it not be said against me and of that which I have done (Carolyn: quote) "He hath committed acts which are opposed to what is right and true," (Carolyn: quote) and let not charges be brought up against me in the presence of the Great God, (Carolyn: capital "G," capital "G") the Lord of Amentet. Homage to thee, O my heart (ab). Homage to thee, O my heart-case. Homage to you, O my reins." Hmm. O my reins, is that – there’s still some attachment with something there, iON?
iON 5:53
They’re, they are. They are.
Carolyn 5:56
So that, yeah. So still attached to maybe the previous life, not ready to move on?
iON 6:07
Ah, indirectly, but there’s more to the – the reins are what pull you from one side to the other. The reins are what connect it all together. You see, those arteries and veins have to go through the pericardium, right?
Carolyn 6:21
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah got it. Ah huh.
iON 6:23
Right? Well, that’s, that’s the reins. And now, we’re gonna develop that more, so, yeah.
Carolyn 6:31
Awesome. Love it. Continuing: "Homage to you, O ye gods, who are masters of [your] beards, and who are holy by reason of your sceptres. Speak ye for me words of good import to Ra, and make ye me to have favour in the sight of Nehebkau." And again, all these names are placeholder names. Correct, iON?
iON 7:04
They are, and it’s the way it connects.
Carolyn 7:08
iON 7:09
Placeholders and how it connects. So, ‘cuz, you got to remember now, this is why this is good. Because if you didn’t have access to these words, if you didn’t have access to these words and you get stuck in Khert-Neter, what the fuck you gonna do?
Carolyn 7:28
Mm hmm. Yeah.
iON 7:29
You gonna use the Keys and Aethyrs, you gonna use the Keys and Aethyrs? You’re still in the underworld. You see? You gonna make the angels work for ya? Yeah, the’ll polish your shoes, but you still gonna be in the underword. The upside down as Thompson would prescribe.
Carolyn 7:47
Yeah, so you got the words. Got the words.
iON 7:50
This will give you the keys, the, the keys to transend the outer, the middle, and the inner kingdom.
Carolyn 7:59
Oh, I see. Okay. Transcend the – Yeah, ‘cuz you have to put those aside to get, to get anywhere.
iON 8:14
Yes, and see, now this, now in this realm, in this realm it’s a different thing. It takes, like, Tariq, who they, who didn’t do anything; and they went after him and then they got him. When they got him, then he did something and shifted it. And on one hand, everything was kosher for Passover; he knew he was right, he got em. On the other hand, his eye was clouded; he lost his sight.
Carolyn 8:38
Ah, ah.
iON 8:40
On the other side, without looking full frontal, without looking full frontal you sometimes you can, you can be blinded by the rightness; as this divides the true from the right, and the good, the bad, the up, the down. And I done this and I done that. Well, I didn’t do this, but I’ve done somethin’ else. You see? And all those things build against you from the same condition. Now, now it’s been recognized. Ooh, that’s so good. Now it’s been settled. Ooh, that’s so good. Now, he can go have a little procedure done and made it just as though it was. See?
Carolyn 9:17
Mm hmm.
iON 9:19
Perfect. Good. That was a good segue because it built up the point to apply in this realm; it works. And also in that realm, so it’s not just there, that it works. Although you’re gonna have so many people there that are here, you ain’t gonna be able to tell the difference in about a second. There’re some people that are just butt fucking crazy these days. They’re just crazy. I mean crazy; they got no sense. Oh, but CNN did have to settle the lawsuit with Nick Sandmann. Ha ha ha ha.
Carolyn 9:48
Did so. –
iON 9:50
That’s a bitch.
Carolyn 9:50
– Yeah, iON, how much – they won’t, they won’t say how much, well, how much did –
iON 9:57
It was more than six. It was more than six figures.
Carolyn 10:03
Okay, yeah, well, it would have to be –
iON 10:06
So, it was a lot.
Carolyn 10:06
– seven figures. He was asking for about 140 million.
iON 10:11
No, no, but that was from a bunch of – nah ah – that was for a bunch of people. CNN was just one part of it. They sued, they sued a bunch of people.
Carolyn 10:20
Ah, got it. Okay.
iON 10:23
But they settled. –
Carolyn 10:23
Okay, contin –
iON 10:24
– ‘cuz they know, they know it’s bad. And see, here again, here again, here again it’s an example from the Book of the Dead aspect. From the Book of the Dead aspect. That’s something happening right here, right now. It was ridiculous then; the whole thing was ridiculous. The whole thing that was played out of it was ridiculous. The settlement that he’s asking for is ridiculous. Jesus fucking god, Carolyn, what if you stood up in front of somebody that was standin’ there saying somethin’ and then the next thing you know you qualify to get $140 million? You’re in the wrong damn business!
Carolyn 10:58
I know.
iON 10:58
It’s crazy! And here, CNN settles it. They’re like, "Oh yeah, we’re really bad. We’re bad asses. We better pay, we better pay. Yeah, we better pay." It’s like, come on now. It’s just, it’s not logical, but it’s okay. Bob said, just keep typin’, Carolyn, so that’s all we got to do. We just keep typin’. It’s all good. –
Carolyn 11:16
Yeah. Well, he gets after me –
iON 11:19
– As the stockmarket hits twenty-nine thousand.
Carolyn 11:21
Yeah. Very good. Yeah, Bob, Bob got the typing from me because that’s all I do is type. –
Bob 11:27
No, no.
Carolyn 11:28
– I think through my fingers.
Bob 11:30
No, I’m not, it’s not. It’s a symbol for electronic involvement, digital involvement, –
Carolyn 11:36
Bob 11:36
– not literally typing. Of course, this prompted me to clarify this. Sorry, I didn’t clarify this over the last 50 years.
Carolyn 11:43
I’m the outer kingdom of your statement. Okay?
Bob 11:47
What? What did you say?
Carolyn 11:48
I’m the outer kingdom of your statement.
Bob 11:51
No, no, no, you’re the inner kingdom, the symbolism of it.
Carolyn 11:55
You’re the inner kingdom of it.
Bob 11:57
No, I’m the middle kingdom.
Carolyn 11:59
Heh heh heh heh.
Bob 11:59
I’m everywhere. That’s why I (overtalk) to say.
iON 12:01
As the devil, Carolyn, as the devil just laughs. Heh heh, the deveil just laughs. Ha ha ha.
Bob 12:12
Yeah, Carolyn just laughs.
Carolyn 12:14
I know! I put up with that laugh for 52 years!
Bob 12:15
Carolyn 12:15
iON 12:15
And you know what?
Bob 12:16
52? We’re goin’ on 54 now.
Carolyn 12:17
Oh, my god.
iON 12:17
And you better be careful. And you better be careful. You better be careful ‘cuz you know what, Bob? She almost got used to your death rattle, too. Heh heh heh. But then it went away, and then it went away just like (overtalk).
Bob 12:32
Like everything. So what, –
Carolyn 12:35
Bob 12:36
– who’s 140 million? What’s that about?
Carolyn 12:38
Ah, the kid who –
iON 12:39
The, the little – Nick Sandmann.
Carolyn 12:42
Go ahead.
iON 12:44
Nick Sandmann –
Bob 12:44
Which kid, Carolyn?
iON 12:45
The little guy. He had the MAGA hat on in Washington, –
Bob 12:49
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. The aboriginal guy went after him. –
iON 12:52
– and Pocahontas thought he ayayayayaya
Bob 12:52
– $140 million, Carolyn? Is that what they’re sayin?.
iON 12:54
No, no. That’s what he asked for. And it from from a bunch of different people. CNN has settled their part of the lawsuit.
Bob 13:03
I see. Okay, thank you.
iON 13:05
So, it figures.
Carolyn 13:06
Continuing on with the Egyptian Book of the Dead. The next Chapter heading is: "THE CHAPTER OF BREATHING THE AIR AND OF HAVING POWER OVER WATER IN KHERT-NETER." Okay, so we’re moving on to the physical elements. "The Osiris Ani saith:- Open to me! Who art thou? Whither goest thou? What is thy name?" So, it’s all the degrees of separation questions.
iON 13:35
Yep. Yes.
Carolyn 13:35
Continuing. Mmm. Continuing: "I am one of you. Who are these with you? The two Merti goddesses (Isis and Nephthys). Thou separatest head from head when [he] entereth the divine Mesqen chamber. He causeth me to set out for the temple of the gods Kem-heru. "Assembler of souls" is the name of my ferry-boat. (Carolyn: quote) "Those who make the hair to bristle" (Carolyn: quote) is the name of the oars. "Sert" ("Goad") is the name of the hold. "Steering straight in the middle" is the name of the rudder; likewise, [the boat] is a type of my being born onward in the lake. Let there be given unto me vessels of milk, and cakes, and loaves of bread, and cups of drink, and flesh, in the Temple of Anpu." So, I don’t know if there’s much to say there except we’re continuing on gettin’ –
iON 14:45
Two sides. The two, the two sides. The two-headed, two-faced, two represented, –
Carolyn 14:50
iON 14:50
– two, two perspectives that have to fight and open. And then you question it, always, even when you know it. See? We’ll use Tariq on his side. He knew what he knew. But then all of a sudden they were like, "What are you talking about? You’re guilty. You got this, you did that, you didn’t -" See, all that stuff they came against him. Well, he had to prove that point. You see? It’s the point. And then it’s like, well now, wait a second. "Why I gotta prove that I’m innocent? I don’t have to prove I’m innocent. I don’t have to prove I’m not guilty." See, they go the other way. So, it’s like, well, wait a second. That don’t make any sense.
Carolyn 15:28
Yeah, no, none of it did. Um, continuing. It says: "RUBRIC: If the deceased knowest this Chapter, he shall go into, after coming forth from Khert-Neter of [the Beautiful Amentet]." Just like you said, these are the words that are important to know if you’re if you’re doing this –
iON 15:53
Carolyn 15:53
– this crap.
iON 15:54
You’re stuck like Chuck, you need to know it.
Carolyn 15:58
Next chapter heading called: "THE CHAPTER OF SNUFFING THE AIR, AND OF HAVING POWER OVER THE WATER IN KHERT-NETER." Now, that’s very similar to the previous chapter, breathing the air and of having power over water in Khert-Neter. So, snuffing is more assessing (?) rather than just passive breathing, correct?
iON 16:23
Correct. Unless it’s French snuff; then it’d be different.
Carolyn 16:28
True. Heh heh heh. Continuing –
iON 16:31
Then you’d sniff the snuff. You’d sniff the snuff, but that’s what they’re talkin’ about, is to actually bring it into the nostril like you would snuff; to snuff.
Carolyn 16:41
iON 16:41
That’s why they call it snuff, you’re snuffing it into your nostril. And that’s what they’re saying that this particular condition – now, okay, William Irwin Thompson had a whole bunch to say about this. We gotta, we gotta do one little thing here. Thompson tried to lay out the subset within these positions. Didn’t do it very well, and it’s pretty ridiculous. We don’t know why Bob picked him anyway, but he had to speak about this condition of the different aspirations that humans engage and why. One of the few things he actually did. So, anyway, that will matter to Bob one day, so, good.
Carolyn 17:21
Mm hmm. Very good. I’m continuing: "The Osiris Ani saith:- Hail, thou Sycamore tree of the goddess Nut!" Now, I don’t know, have we come across sycamore trees before except in what’s his name’s –
Bob 17:42
Twin Peaks.
iON 17:42
Zacchaeus. Zacchaeus. Zacchaeus, the tax collector, was in a sycamore tree.
Carolyn 17:50
Oh. Right.
iON 17:52
And he took Jesus home with him that night. And he was a publican, a bad, a bad dude. And he took Jesus home and it all went really good. The sycamore tree is something that elevates you. It did it in Twin Peaks. It did it in all kinds of things. It’s an elevator.
Carolyn 18:11
Mm hmm. Awesome. So, we’re getting elevated here. "Hail, thou Sycamore tree of the goddess Nut!" And there’s an exclamation at the end of it; I don’t see many of them.
iON 18:23
Mm hmm.
Carolyn 18:24
And continuing: "Give me of the [water and of the] air which is in thee. I embrace that throne which is in Unu, and I keep guard over the Egg of Nekek-ur. It flourisheth, and I flourish; it liveth and I live; it snuffeth the air, and I snuff the air, I the Osiris Ani, whose word is truth, in [peace]." So, embracing nourishing, it’s like growth, growth words.
iON 19:03
Basically. And it gives, and it gives the example. You know, in "The Game of Thrones," the little chick that was the dragon whisperer that kept the eggs. –
Carolyn 19:13
Yeah, yeah.
iON 19:13
– She, when those eggs did somethin’, she felt those things. And that condition came back and forth, back and forth. So, it was an example of like that, of how someone was in charge of that condition; and someone else then set it up to say, oh, okay, –
Carolyn 19:32
Mm hmm.
iON 19:33
– this is how it’s gonna go or not gonna go. Or, this is how it’s gonna be or not gonna be here. Or, this is how we’re gonna do it or not gonna do it.
Carolyn 19:41
iON 19:41
So, the eggs are conditional and very important.
Carolyn 19:46
Mm hmm. Next, continuing, and this is the next Chapter heading: "THE CHAPTER OF NOT DYING A SECOND TIME IN KHERT-NETER." And how important is that?
iON 20:04
Carolyn 20:04
"The Osiris Ani saith:- My hiding place is opened, my hiding place is opened." Okay, so actually that reminds me of Key 12, uncover the covered. Mmm.
iON 20:19
Yes, that’s right. Exposing it; exposure.
Carolyn 20:24
Mm hmm. And then continuing: "The Spirits fall headlong in the darkness, but the Eye of Horus hath made me holy, and Upuati hath nursed me. I will hide myself among you, O ye stars which are imperishable. My brow is like the brow of Ra. My face is open. My heart-case is upon its throne, I know how to utter words." So, yeah, look at all we’ve accomplished already. We’re – the heart-case is doin’ good, the face is open, you’re exposed in a good way.
iON 21:05
And look, they’re sayin’ that the heart-case is on the throne even though the rest of you may not necessarily be.
Carolyn 21:10
Yeah, but that’s because it’s the most important.
iON 21:14
So far, so good.
Carolyn 21:17
Yeah, good, good. Continuing: "In very truth I am Ra himself." Okay great. So, we’re at the god point here. Correct, iON?
iON 21:30
Carolyn 21:32
Okay, continuing: "I am not a man of no account. I am not a man to whom violence can be done. Thy father liveth for thee, O son of Nut. I am thy son, O great one, I have seen the hidden things which are thine. I am crowned upon my throne like the king of the gods. I shall not die a second time in Khert-Neter." Yay. Okay. More power to him. So, that’s all good.
iON 22:03
Mm hmm.
Carolyn 22:03
Continuing: the Chapter – this is a great Chapter: "THE CHAPTER OF NOT ROTTING IN KHERT-NETER." So, this makes a lot of sense. "The Osiris Ani saith:- O thou who art motionless, O thou who art motionless, O thou whose members are motionless, like unto those of Osiris. Thy members shall not be motionless, (Carolyn: Ah, okay. So you’re motionless, motionless, motionless and then you’re not, shall not be motionless.) they shall not rot, they shall not crumble away, they shall not fall into decay. My members shall be made [permanent] for me as if I were Osiris." So, there’s a little transition there that keeps you from rotting. Okay.
iON 22:58
Mm hmm. That’s correct, the decay part. And that’s what – that’s the "symbolage" that people prescribed, like the – before they had the dead ringers. When the body would separate, that it would separate, it really isn’t separated, you see.
Carolyn 23:15
The body doesn’t separate.
iON 23:17
From its body.
Carolyn 23:21
No, don’t get that. Let’s, um, so, there’s a –
iON 23:25
The soul – man has a soul, people die, they say the soul leaves the body. They say it separates; they put the body in the ground. Ashes to ashes and dust to dust, won’t fuck with women that I can’t trust. Oh, wait, that’s a different thing. But anyway, you’re supposed to die, but this is saying that they – they’re motionless for a minute, but there’s no separation; it’s all back together really quickly.
Carolyn 23:47
Yeah. Got it. Thank you.
iON 23:51
Carolyn 23:51
Continuing. The next word is "RUBRIC." And it’s probably an editor’s note. "If this Chapter be known by the deceased he shall never see corruption in Khert-Neter." Very good. And then, "APPENDIX (From the Papyrus of Nu, Sheet 18)" The next Chapter is: "THE CHAPTER OF NOT LETTING THE BODY PERISH." So, continuing the theme here seems. "The Osiris Nu saith:- Homage to thee, O my divine father Osiris! I come to embalm thee. Do thou embalm these my members, for I would not perish and come to an end [but would be] even like unto my divine father Khepera, the divine type of him that never saw corruption. Come then, strengthen my breath, O Lord of the winds, who dost magnify these divine beings who are like unto thyself. Stablish me, stablish me, and fashion me strongly, O Lord of the funeral chest." Okay, first of all, this is where they used to embalm people to keep them from perishing, but that’s not necessary anymore is it, iON?
iON 24:00
Nope, not anymore.
Carolyn 25:14
Okay. So, is – are these words then not appropriate anymore and they’re from the past before people really could preserve their bodies without embalming?
iON 25:34
It doesn’t make any difference because if you’re dead, you’re not ascended. So, whether they keep the blood or pump the blood out, the blood’s no good anyway.
Carolyn 25:42
iON 25:44
So, either you do or you don’t; either way, it doesn’t make any difference, actually.
Carolyn 25:49
So, the embalming only happens if you’re dead dead.
iON 25:54
Right, right. Right, right. Ha ha.
Carolyn 25:56
Yeah. Heh heh heh. Got it. And then continuing: "Come then, strengthen my breath, O Lord of the winds, who dost magnify these divine beings who are like unto thyself. Stablish me, stablish me, and fashion me strongly, O Lord of the funeral chest." Now I wondered ‘cuz we’re talking about air and all that above a-i-r, does a funeral chest just referred to the lungs, iON?
iON 26:02
No. To the casket. Where they – where the motionless aspect occurs. And you’re snuffing air, or snuffing snuff back into the nostrils. A dead guy would really like to snuff anything.
Carolyn 26:44
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Got it. Thank you. Continuing: "Grant thou that I may enter into the land of everlastingness, according to that which was done for thee, along with thy father Tem, whose body never saw corruption, and who himself never saw corruption. I have never done that which thou hatest, nay, I have acclaimed thee among those who love thy KA." Capital "K," capital "A." Now KA, isn’t KA soul, iON?
iON 27:26
Ah huh. Yeah, that’s the condition of souls. Mm hmm.
Carolyn 27:31
Okay, so loving thy soul. Continuing: "Let not my body become worms, but deliver thou me as thou didst delivered thyself. I pray thee, let me not fall into rottenness, as thou lettest every god, and every goddess, and every animal, and every reptile, see corruption, when the soul hath gone out of them, after their death." And, we’ll continue –
iON 28:01
See, we actually ruined it. We kind of gave a precursor of what that we were – that was talkin’ about, which wasn’t really cool, but we still did it anyway. Made the story go easier so you could go, Oh, yeah, okay, got it. Right.
Carolyn 28:13
Yeah, yeah, very good. "And when the soul hath departed, a man seeth corruption, and the bones of his body crumble away and become stinking things, and the members decay one after the other, the bones crumble into a helpless mass, and the flesh turneth into foetid liquid. Thus man becometh a brother unto the decay which cometh upon him, and he turneth into a myriad of worms, and he becometh nothing but worms, and an end is made of him, and perisheth in the sight of the god of day (Shu), even as do every god, and every godess, and every bird, and every fish, and every creeping worm, and every reptile, and every beast, and every thing whatsoever. Let [all the Spirits fall] on their bellies [when] they recognize me, and behold, the fear of me shall terrify them; and thus also let it be with every being that hath died, whether it be animal, or bird, or fish, or worm, or reptile." Now, let me just ask here, let all the spirits fall. It sounds like he’s saying the spirits are the non physical of these animals. Or is it? What is the spirits, iON?
iON 29:39
Spirits, spirits don’t – beasts don’t have spirit.
Carolyn 29:44
Right. Right.
iON 29:45
Remember? So it’s the whole, it’s the whole conductivity. Like in a post-Mary McLuhan age. Okay, you got Mary McLuhan who was in the motionless, motionless set. So the in-between place, now that’s, that’s what Thompson talked about: was this compressed position of can’t get there, don’t know, don’t know how to ask, or don’t know how to see. Or, to see the upside downside, you can’t see the backside of the mirror. And when you turn the mirror around and look at the backside, it’s not shiny. Does that make sense?
Carolyn 30:23
iON 30:24
But when you’re in the condition when you’re in the condition response, you can’t see both sides of those worlds. So therefore, you would not know that as, I’m dead or I’m alive, or I’m with myself or not with myself.
Carolyn 30:38
iON 30:38
The spirits are the in-between places before you realize what’s up. When we say you’re a god, but you haven’t ascended yet, does that mean you’re a little man? Well, no, you’re still a god, you just haven’t ascended.
Carolyn 30:49
Ah, yeah. Okay.
iON 30:51
But you can’t see that and you don’t know. You don’t know, basically. Boy, it was a nice save. Did you see that one, Carolyn?
Carolyn 31:00
Yeah, yeah, that’s perfect.
iON 31:02
Ha ha ha ha.
Bob 31:03
Okay, I got a question.
Carolyn 31:04
Uh oh. Dark Soul, Dark Soul alert!
iON 31:07
Oh, lord. Oh, lord.
Carolyn 31:07
Dark Soul alert!
Bob 31:08
Heh heh. So, beasts are non physical. Are trees, and grass, flowers, non physical, iON?
iON 31:20
They don’t have a spirit, so, yes.
Bob 31:25
So, is most of nature non physical?
iON 31:29
In the firmament thereof. In the firmament thereof.
Bob 31:34
You mean the constellations?
iON 31:38
Yeah, yeah, Bob, Bob, Bob Bob, here’s a little sidebar. Now listen, now don’t tell anybody. Okay? Don’t tell anybody.
Carolyn 31:47
iON 31:47
How do you think we have so much capacity to say, I don’t know, destroy Puerto Rico? Anybody’s in Puerto Rico,
iON 0:00
– look out, right now. Don’t wait till tomorrow.
Bob 0:05
Okay, how do you have the capacity? Is that because Puerto Rice –
iON 0:09
Because, because –
Bob 0:10
– is nature? That it’s non physical?
iON 0:12
Bob 0:12
Is that what you’re saying?
iON 0:13
Yeah. Yes.
Bob 0:15
Geography is non physical.
iON 0:18
Burn, Argentina. Poof. And there it goes. Burn, Australia. Poof. There it goes.
Bob 0:24
Heh, heh. So, so, humans, they got it backwards.
iON 0:26
Bob 0:26
They think nature is more physical than them. –
iON 0:29
And that’s why you laughin’, we talkin’ about, you laughin’ –
Bob 0:32
The human word is the only thing that’s physical. Human words! The only thing that’s physical.
iON 0:36
And you, and you, and you turn around –
Carolyn 0:39
Hey, Bob –
Bob 0:37
– Is that true, Carolyn? Try to focus now.
iON 0:39
– and you’re trying to make the point about Pele, you’re trying to make the point about Pele, and that’s why we’re just laughin’. ‘Cuz Pele’s in our pocket.
Bob 0:47
Right. Well it’s another non physical. There’s hardly any physical. It’s just our words, but they control everything.
iON 0:56
They’re very little. They’re little.
Carolyn 0:56
Hey, Bob.
Bob 0:58
What, Carolyn?
iON 0:56
Your interaction with the, with the aliens.
Bob 1:01
Right, but you just said very little. The word is very little? Tiny? Cellular?
iON 1:07
Yeah, yeah.
Bob 1:09
Yes, but it is, it does control –
iON 1:11
You humans –
Bob 1:11
– everything up until recently –
iON 1:13
– you humans –
Bob 1:13
– until the Tech Body showed up.
iON 1:14
– you humans. You humans.
Bob 1:14
Yeah. That was your first word as Ian back in April 15, 2009!, iON. –
Carolyn 1:16
You, humans.
iON 1:16
You think –
Bob 1:22
– At the end of your interview you went, "You humans!" Yeah. Okay, go ahead.
Carolyn 1:26
Category –
iON 1:27
Mm hmm. You think something has to be very big.
Bob 1:27
No, no, I meant let iON finish, Carolyn.
Carolyn 1:30
iON 1:30
You think something has to be – if it’s important, it has to be very big. That’s not the case. The most important things are tiny, tiny, tiny. Like Dr. Dean: tiny, tiny, tiny.
Bob 1:37
(Bob and Carolyn laugh). Okay.
Carolyn 1:44
Hey, Bob.
Bob 1:45
Carolyn 1:45
Category five storm heading to Puerto Rico.
Bob 1:48
Oh, it’s gonna be evaporated.
Carolyn 1:50
Wide-spread devastation. The winds have swept away the roofs of almost every house.
Bob 1:55
Carolyn 1:56
Bob 1:57
So, iON, is a storm non physical?
iON 2:01
No, the storm is what – it’s the winds that blow. The earthquake that destroys the rest of the grid, that’s what’s gonna do – an end.
Bob 2:11
Is that a non physical?
iON 2:14
Earthquake. Shaking of the earth is shaking of non physical.
Bob 2:18
Yeah, so the Hindus named it –
iON 2:19
We made this world, we made this world so you, we made this world so that you, little men, have a place to survive until the day that time – god declares time on earth shall be no more. Fire and brimstone showering down, melting like the snow. What will you have, Dark Soul, to offer then to a dying soul?
Bob 2:47
Heh heh heh. In this particular case, I’m the god that triggers that. I make a decision the next week or so, don’t I?
iON 2:54
You got until next Friday at lunch, this time.
Bob 2:56
Ha ha. So, so what, so, is the Inner King – the Outer Kingdom is non physical. Is the Inner Kingdom non physical?
iON 3:09
Well, that’s what we’re saying. The bleed through is gettin’ so heavy that you almost can’t tell the difference now.
Bob 3:15
iON 3:16
Does that make sense? – you almost can’t tell the difference? Now, that’s not exactly the case. And we’re very careful ‘cuz every single time without fail exception, it’s gotten to a blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, and all that bullshit. That’s what, that’s what duffel bag had trouble with us because it wasn’t that way for his world. But that’s another conversation. But then that was, that was an Art, Art Linkletter state of mind, kind of, wasn’t it, Bob?
Bob 3:41
Yeah. Yeah.
iON 3:40
You had an Art Linkletter kind of a day, have you? When’s the last time you thought of Art Linkletter?
Bob 3:41
Not in a few days.
iON 3:47
Not in a few days?
Bob 3:47
About a month ago you brought him up. You brought him up about a month ago.
iON 3:50
Oh, yeah. Yeah.
Bob 3:52
Yeah, ha ha, you forgot.
iON 3:53
We’re good. Art. We don’t know, we don’t know. There ain’t no time It was like, yest – next Tuesday, we said it again. So, we got it. Good. Okay. So, the rub becomes the interplay. What – do you remember back, burning in the belly? Back, way back, way –
Bob 4:11
iON 4:11
– back yonder, Bob, remember? And we talked about the –
Bob 4:13
Yes, 10 years ago
iON 4:14
– Outer Kingdom and the Middle Kingdom merging back together. That’s sort of like –
Bob 4:18
iON 4:18
– the overflow and the overlay is what you’re having to deal with. When the unquiet dead –
Bob 4:20
iON 4:24
– start gettin’ up. They talk about it, they talk about it, they talk about that when Jesus comes split the Eastern sky, and they bust them graves, bust wide open and people get up out of the grave. And there’s a remnant, and they get the rupture. They gotta go through the rupture. Don’t forget about the rupture. Some, some of your people believe in the rupture. Don’t forget about the rupture –
Bob 4:45
That’s the Church of the Subgenius. That’s what the X-ists comes –
iON 4:48
OHH! Okay.
Bob 4:49
– Sex Goddesses on the vehicles. The X-ists.
iON 4:53
There you go. There you go. Another (indistinct)
Bob 4:55
But, you said there’s an overlay. Is the Middle, Middle Kingdom in there as non physical, too?
iON 5:03
Well, we’d have to say yes because it’s temporal. See, that’s all temporal until you create a new heaven and a new earth. We got to get the new earth ready to go back home; which is not your home, but everybody else’s home, to get y’all back to heaven. You want to go to heaven –
Bob 5:20
Right. And that place out there –
iON 5:20
– but don’t seem to want to go today. You don’t seem to want to go today.
Bob 5:24
That, that place out there, Andromeda, is that non physical? Yes. According to what we’ve been saying. So, –
iON 5:31
Bob 5:31
– are parallel worlds non physical?
iON 5:35
That’s why, that’s why Vestal sings, "This World Is Not My Home." See?
Bob 5:40
Yeah, yeah.
iON 5:42
That’s why she sings it.
Bob 5:43
Are parallel worlds non physical?
iON 5:47
They would have to be, Bob. They’ve had to be ‘cuz how could a – how could a parallel – how could this world be non physical, and a parallel world be physical? The merging alone would crush it.
Bob 5:58
iON 5:58
Don’t you remember Walter on "Fringe," –
Bob 6:00
iON 6:01
– when Jean on one world had spots, and Jean on the other world didn’t have spots? That was huge, Bob. (Bob and Carolyn laugh). He liked Jean. He liked Jean.
Bob 6:12
Yeah, I think Newfeld missed that. Dave Newfeld missed that. And Mike Kroeger and Alan Doutie. All three missed it.
Carolyn 6:18
Can I continue?
Bob 6:19
No, this is pretty interesting, Carolyn.
iON 6:22
All of a sudden.
Bob 6:23
I mean, is Carolyn non physical?
Carolyn 6:25
Oh, come off it!
Bob 6:30
If I look out and see Carolyn –
iON 6:31
She’s the best, she’s the best, she’s the best physical you’ve ever had, that’s all we can say.
Bob 6:39
Ha ha. Okay, so we’ll digress from there, Carolyn?
Carolyn 6:42
iON 6:43
Oh? Digress. Now look, Carolyn, he’s embarrassed. Now we can digress. Look at there, that was pretty good.
Bob 6:49
Oh, no if you’re gonna say I’m embarrassed, no, no. Let’s pursue this. So, where is non physical? Besides Carolyn?
iON 6:53
Oh, well, no, no, Carolyn, Carolyn, Carolyn, let’s get down to it. We can get down to it. We’ll send his butt to bed. Wouldn’t that be a treat? Ha ha ha. We’ll make him stomp up the stairs and off to bed with you. That’s good.
Bob 7:09
Are you saying the physical is the interval, in the interval?
iON 7:14
The resonant node.
Bob 7:16
Yeah, not the spherical resonance; that’s non physical. The resonant node is physical.
iON 7:23
It doesn’t matter.
Bob 7:21
We got somewhere, Bert.
iON 7:23
Those words – the spherical thing you don’t even know. You can’t even prove that.
Bob 7:29
iON 7:29
You can’t, you don’t even know that. You can’t prove, you can’t prove Marshall McLuhan ever was, and yet you quote the bastard.
Bob 7:38
Well, what if you show video of them? What’s that? That can be faked?
iON 7:41
Well, wait a minute, CNN said that, CNN, CNN said, said "pussy" on the air! You can’t do that either!
Bob 7:50
Heh heh heh. Okay, well, I expect tail –
iON 7:56
All those, all those –
Bob 7:56
– we should have an interesting tailgate discussing this later.
iON 7:59
– Yeah. All those aspects and ramifications apply, but it’s kind of like if you take it as an artist paints a picture; a Renoir, a, a van Gogh, a Rembrandt. That’s Rembrandt’s ideology of what that is, and put it on the picture. Now something helped it, but did he create non physical? The painter? The painter painted the painting, and then the painting is. Then people look at the painting, and then they judge where they are in perspective to that painting. Like, I like it. I don’t like it. I think it’s good. I think it’s a polyp and it needs to be burnt. I think it’s a Suzanne and it’s overpriced. Ah, you know, it’s all these different things that have value judgments that are constitutionally "to it" from a "based on where you are." You see, that’s why artists’ works get much more valuable after they’re dead. Because the thing that connects it to the non physical is now immersed in the non physical, so they’re worth much more after the artisan is dead. You see?
Carolyn 9:10
You’re muted, Bob, for some reason.
Bob 9:12
Did he say that painting was non physical? That’s what he started?
iON 9:15
After – it’s more non physical after the artist is dead. They bring more money.
Bob 9:21
I see. Yeah, it’s in the interval, too, as a creation.
iON 9:27
Precisely, and that’s what we’re saying. A TV show is in the interval because it can change.
Bob 9:33
That’s right.
iON 9:33
They say, oh, fake news, fake news. Fake News. No, it was Yes, it was. Yes, it was. No, it wasn’t. Now you’re, now you’re having a fucking argument. You’re arguing about it, it’s not proving the point. It just is a code for an argument. Yes, he is. He’s a bigot. No, he’s not, he hates us. He doesn’t, he doesn’t hate niggers, he hates everybody. It’s not, but it’s not that way. You can’t, you can’t. You can’t use that as a bias for why something is or is not incapacitation. In capacitation. Not, not –
Bob 10:03
Almost too many words there. –
iON 10:04
– incapacitation. Almost, well, we better stop while we’re ahead.
Bob 10:07
Almost too many world. Let’s let that lie. All right, Carolyn? Let it lay.
Carolyn 10:11
Yeah, you guys.
Bob 10:12
Sorry. We botched Carolyn’s special moment.
Carolyn 10:18
No, I don’t care.
iON 10:19
Oh no, it’s on the point. It’s on the right point No, it’s on a great point. Because it lays out what you’re trying to develop here from the power of the Book of the Dead. If you could only see this world for what it really is, this will be the most powerful thing you ever lay your hands on. You cannot let go of the firmament thereof, and it is falling from under your feet right now. But yet you hold it as dear. You hold it as true. You’re trying to save it but don’t know how.
Bob 10:53
There’s a traditional meaning of firmament, but we added the meaning "audience" for firmament. See?
Carolyn 10:58
Ah, right.
iON 10:59
Carolyn 10:59
The cloud.
Bob 11:00
Are you including that? You’re including that?
iON 11:01
Inclusive. We do. We do.
Carolyn 11:02
The cloud.
iON 11:03
And here, and here, here’s where we have fun about this audience, this audience of 12 or 13; that all of a sudden now you got people coming out of the woodwork that’d been listenin’ all along know more about you than you do, Bob. They know more about you than you do. They know when you found out you were the Dark Soul, what’d meant, too, and how Reverend Stang reacted to it, and what Gerry Fielka would want to say (Bob laughs) if he was able to say anything. You know, normal pictures, the normal pictures of reality you so love and enjoy. Ha ha.
Bob 11:38
Okay, very good. Take it away, Carolyn.
Carolyn 11:41
Take it away. Thank you, thank you, continuing. "Let life [rise out of] death. Let not the decay caused by any reptile make an end [of me], and let not [enemies] come against me in their various forms. Give thou me not over to the Slaughterer in this execution-chamber, who killeth the members, and maketh them rot, being [himself] invisible, and who destroyeth the bodies of the dead, and liveth by carnage. Let me live, and perform his order; I will do what is commanded by him. Give me not over to his fingers, let him not overcome me, for I am under thy command, O Lord of the Gods." Now this business give me to him and him and me and Lord, that’s all me. Right, iON?
iON 12:33
It is, but a good way to explain it is Ralph Stanley’s version of "Oh, death." Just make a little notation there. ‘Cuz everybody will go into it. It’s a song that he sings where he’s, he, Raph Stanley, is talking to death "aka poco." It’s fabulous. It’s wonderfully. Mm hmm.
Carolyn 12:54
iON 12:55
Oh, death, won’t you spare me over to another year. You see? Death’s coming to get him. Well, it’s talking to him. It’s like you’re prescribing – your words are sound, but the example is that, in that song, would say, oh, death hold back. See, the death angel don’t get you today. Wait till tomorrow. I got things to do. I got, I got, I got potassium to perfect. I can’t go today. Go talk to me next Tuesday. And it makes it easy, because now what happens is you’re having a conversation, as Bob would say, to and with yourself, trying to convince you, yourself, and you, that that’s proscribable, proscribable. So that’s great, and it’s gettin’ good. Y’all startin’ to get this now because what’s happening is there’s fixin’ to be nothin’ left. There’s fixin’ to be nothin’ left. There’s fixin’ to be nothin’ left to say you can’t figure this out! There’s fixin’ to be no excuse. It’s all exposed. It’s all lined up. It’s all lined out. It’s all the ups, downs, the overs, under. You got it. So, now if the upside down comes, if Thompson reigns again, you can go right down there and you can go right back out. If you’d ought to knowed this in – two thousand – what was it? – 17, we think it was 17, you would’ve never had to go through all that bullshit. But, no, you had to go through it; and it was not pretty.
Carolyn 14:17
Right. We lost –
iON 14:20
It was a big condition.
Carolyn 14:20
– we lost people. Yeah. Okay continuing: "Homage to thee, O my divine father Osiris, thou livest with thy members. Thou didst not decay, thou didst not become worms, thou didst not wither, thou didst not rot; thou didst not putrefy, thou didst not turn into worms. I am the god Khepera, and my members shall have being everlastingly. I shall not decay, I shall not rot, I shall not putrefy. I shall not turn into worms, and I shall not see corruption before the eye of the god Shu. I shall have my being, I shall have my (Carolyn: it says I shall have "by" being. Maybe they made a typo.) being; I shall live, I shall live, I shall flourish –
iON 14:27
Carolyn 15:12
I shall flourish –
iON 15:12
Ah ah. No. I shall have "my" being. I shall have "by" being.
Carolyn 15:19
Yeah. Got ya.
iON 15:21
Yeah, it’s by being and shall being.
Carolyn 15:24
Yep. "I shall live, I shall live; I shall flourish, I shall flourish, I shall flourish, I shall wake up in peace, I shall not putrefy," A lot of – what they call them? Affirmations, positive affirmations here. Kind of new-agey to me here. Ha ha.
iON 15:39
Well, yeah, they’re trying to convince, they’re trying to – well, no – that these dead people, Carolyn, are trying to convince themselves that they’ve got a prayer.
Carolyn 15:48
Mm hmm, yeah. Heh heh. "I shall wake up in peace, I shall not putrefy, my intestines shall not perish, I shall not suffer injury. My eye shall not decay. The form of my face shall not disappear. My ear shall not become deaf. My head shall not be separated from my neck. My tongue shall not be removed. My hair should not be cut off. My eyebrows shall not be shaved away, and no evil defect shall assail me. My body shall be (Carolyn: stabilized.) It shall neither become a ruin, nor
iON 16:22
Stablished. Stablished.
Carolyn 16:22
be destroyed on this earth."
iON 16:22
It shall be stablished, not stabilized.
Carolyn 16:26
Stablished. Ha ha.
iON 16:27
Stablished. It shall be stablished, which may be a stabilizing position but stablished; look here, like, to establish something, it’s the past that establishes a stablishment. A stablished.
Carolyn 16:42
iON 16:43
Pretty good.
Carolyn 16:43
Okay, so what, what this is, that’s a description of total body meltdown, iON.
iON 16:49
Yep, that’s right.
Carolyn 16:50
These people who don’t, –
iON 16:51
That’s right.
Carolyn 16:52
– don’t know that, that they could still be alive and flourishing. They’re just succumbing to total body meltdown, and those are the walking dead that you’re always talking about.
iON 17:03
Well, isn’t it funny that everybody gets on the goober snatcher trying to order one more product to take a wrinkle away, make a hair turn color, make a saggy titty come back up, make a saggy some um fall back alive, some human growth hormone so I can fuck like a kid again, and one more little pill for this, and my Peyronie’s disease gets fixed there, and my manicures get fixed here, and I have a plastic bondo face job, and I work all these miracles so that I can have the perfectly tucked skin under my turkey neck behind my ears. See, they move heaven and earth obsessively trying to be beautiful people, as the song says.
Carolyn 17:48
Yeah. Very good.
iON 17:51
And then they can get alternative example of this very conversation. This is pretty good.
Carolyn 17:57
Yep. Very good. Next chapter heading: "THE CHAPTER OF NOT PERISHING AND OF BEING ALIVE IN KHERT-NETER." So, here we are. Khert-Neter, the underworld. "The Osiris Ani saith:- Hail ye children of the god Shu. The Tuat hath gained the mastery over his diadem.
iON 18:20
Diadem. Mm hmm.
Carolyn 18:26
"Among the Hamemet Spirits may I arise, even as did arise Osiris." And then immediately into the next chapter called: "THE CHAPTER OF NOT GOING IN TO THE BLOCK OF THE GOD." And that’s one title I couldn’t figure out: into the block of the god, iON? Can you describe that?
iON 18:50
Yeah. Yeah.
Carolyn 18:52
iON 18:53
The – go and go do it and then we’ll give a comparison to run it back out. Because basically the, the block of the capacity of godship is there, but if you don’t know it, it doesn’t do you any good.
Carolyn 19:05
iON 19:06
You see? We’ll send Bob his throne chair, but if he won’t sit in it, it’s still his throne chair, but he won’t sit in it.
Carolyn 19:13
Yeah, he got a new – Bob got a new throne chair today, actually.
iON 19:18
He did. It’s great. It’s great.
Carolyn 19:21
Yeah. Very good. Continuing: "The Osiris Ani saith:- My head was fastened on my body in heaven, O Guardian of the Earth, by Ra. [This] was granted [to me] on the day of my being stablished, when I rose up out of a state of weakness upon [my] two feet. On the day of cutting off the hair Set and the Company of the Gods fastened my head to my neck, and it became as firm as it was originally. Let nothing happen to shake it off again! Make ye me safe from the murderer of my father. I have tied together the Two Earths. (Carolyn: There we go.) Nut hath fastened together the vertebrae of my neck, and [I] behold them as they were originally, and they are seen in the order wherein they were when as yet Maat was not seen, and when the gods were not born in visible forms. I am Penti. I am the heir of the great gods, I the Osiris the scribe Ani, whose word is truth." So yeah, they’re putting – it’s like they’re putting back together the person who has his head cut off and all that so it’s all good. It’s –
iON 20:48
Carolyn 20:49
– raising people from the dead. Raising people from the dead.
iON 20:52
Reanimation. Reanimation.
Carolyn 20:56
Ah ha. So then we continue –
iON 21:03
That’s funny, Carolyn, ‘cuz then Bob, then Bob would bring it up and say, "See, Carolyn, I should have never let you cut my hair ‘cuz that was the hair – then, then he was worried about it falling out. Now he puts dirt on his head to make your hair grow back. Isn’t it great? Then all his hair grew back. Then he’s gonna get – then he fusses ‘cuz he has to get a haircut. It’s rich. Pretty good.
Carolyn 21:21
Yeah, that’s our docile Bob. Next chapter is called: ‘THE CHAPTER OF NOT BEING TRANSPORTED TO THE EAST IN KHERT-NETER." Now, the East that’s where the Eastern Gate that’s where – why don’t they wanna go to the Eastern Gate?
iON 21:42
‘Cuz it’s over! the jig’s up. The jig is up when they hit the Eastern Gate. That’s where it opens up. That’s the way you’re going back home.
Carolyn 21:53
Yeah. Okay. So, going back home though, isn’t that what they want to do?
iON 22:02
No. They don’t know what home is from there.
Carolyn 22:07
iON 22:08
See? They, they’ve missed that boat or so they think. They’re still hoping for eternal life, Carolyn. When they’re in that state they’re hoping – they don’t – eternal life is not promised to them. Well, if they don’t have the Book of the Dead, they’re stuck like Chuck. They become worm feed.
Carolyn 22:27
Mm hmm. Bob’s laughing in the background; my gosh, he’s laughing. Okay.
iON 22:34
With the pinochle – with the, with the, with the pinochle card-playing worms.
Carolyn 22:43
Yeah, he’s laughing. So yes, because awhile back in the Book you had said under, "A hymn of praise to Ra when he rises in the eastern part of heaven." You said, ‘When Jesus splits the Eastern Gate, when those levels appears, when Olivia went between the two worlds, –
iON 23:05
Carolyn 23:05
– how the aliens are going to come and greet you. This portal will open –
iON 23:10
Carolyn 23:10
– the Eastern Gate. This is the celebration of when it’s open. The Tech Body has the portal field. Heaven is here on earth." So the question is for us gods, how do we open the gate in spite of the Tech Body, iON?
iON 23:26
Well, work on that.
Carolyn 23:30
Got it. Okay. Hear that Bob? Work on that. Now Bob doesn’t know what the word "work" means.
iON 23:40
I understand. But he has work done on him. He goes, he goes gets a non-chiropractor or non-massage. He goes to the massage, he goes to the massage, lays on the table. They go, "Why are you here?" He says, "Well, I came to get a massage." And they say, "You’re the most relaxed person on this planet. You have no tension anywhere in your body. You have no muscle tight, you have no nothing that’s a problem. You don’t have a care or worry in the world. Why are you here?" "Well, they told me I should come get a massage. So, love me up, I guess." There you go.
Bob 24:15
True, but, but many people who know me say, "Bob, you work harder than me or anybody else I know." So, I do work hard, Carolyn.
Carolyn 24:26
Who said that, Bob?
Bob 24:27
Don McCready! Don McCready!
Carolyn 24:29
Well he’s just such a slacker, it isn’t even funny.
Bob 24:32
Oh, no, see, he’s a work – he’s made 100 films. You know, all he does is work. He’s forgot to come here!
Carolyn 24:39
Oh, right. Right.
Bob 24:41
Wrong example.
Carolyn 24:43
Okay, continuing: "The Osiris Ani saith:- Hail, Phallus of Ra,
iON 24:52
AHH! He’s got peter – he’s got peter problems, peter problems! Here we go. Carolyn, you can’t go to bed yet, darlin’. You just gotta suffer through this one, darlin’.
Carolyn 25:04
I know I can, I can deal with it. As a medical professional, you know, I’ve seen lots of these things so, it doesn’t pester me.
iON 25:11
Oh, my goodness. These things. These things. Look at that. These things. Ooo, yes. Ooo, yes. These things, yes. Mm hmm. Now, there’s more than one. Ah ha, so there you go.
Carolyn 25:22
Things, yeah. "Hail, Phallus of Ra, which advanceth and beateth down (iON laughs) opposition." Ah ha. True pornography.
iON 25:36
Ah ha. That’s down opposition. True.
Carolyn 25:39
Beateth. "Things which have been without motion (Carolyn: Without motion, the phallus) for millions of years have come into life through Baba." So, is Baba the Tech Body?
iON 25:56
Baba. There’s Baba.
Carolyn 25:57
iON 25:57
Baba, no, Baba. Baba, JR Bobs Dobbs Baba. That’s how they say Bob if they have a lisp. They say Baba.
Carolyn 26:06
JR Baba Dobbs. Okay.
iON 26:09
JR Baba Dobbs.
Carolyn 26:10
And continuing: "I am stronger thereby than the strong, and I have more power thereby than the mighty. Now, let me not be carried away in a boat, or be seized violently and taken to the East, to have the festivals of Sebau Devils celebrated on me." So, this guy’s fighting, doesn’t want to go to the East.
iON 26:31
Right. Right.
Carolyn 26:34
Okay. Now, I think some – I have these words here. We don’t want to – maybe I said them. We don’t want to be taken to the East until we control the Tech Body. What is going on now in Iran with the physical represent – being a physical representation of the East? That didn’t come out –
iON 26:54
Well, that’s not, that’s not. Yeah, that’s not East.
Carolyn 27:00
Oh. Well, east of here.
iON 27:04
Well, but, no. Yeah, no, a lot of things are. Ha ha. You know it’s east of Eden, just a little east of Eden, too, but yeah, not the Eastern Gate.
Carolyn 27:17
Okay then that’s – forget that. ‘Cuz then I said as part of my question: And the Tech body is the war that’s going to be conducted with Tech Body drones. Yeah, it’s gonna be a drone war. If there’s a war, it’s gonna be a drone war.
iON 27:33
Mm hmm.
Carolyn 27:33
Okay, so it’s not the Eastern Gate.
iON 27:37
Carolyn 27:37
Got it. Okay, continuing: "Let not deadly wounds be inflicted upon me, and let me not be gored by horns. Thou shalt neither fall [nor] eat fish made by Tebun." Now, I don’t know about the fish, but the question here was about the infallibility of a god. And with that – the deadly wounds. Well, if we’re gods, we don’t get, we don’t get wounds. Correct?
iON 28:16
Correct. Well, you can’t sustain damage if you get wounded.
Carolyn 28:20
Right. And then that’s part of the benefits of our products is the, you know, like with the Pico-Silver, it stimulates stem cell production. So, it’s going to heal anything. Anyway, so that, that jumped out at me.
iON 28:36
Mm hmm.
Carolyn 28:36
Continuing: "Now, no evil thing of any kind whatsoever shall be done unto me by the Sebau Devils." Now, this is the first time, I think, that the devils came up and – but the thing of it is, if you’re a god, there is no evil. And, you know, there’s no good, no evil, everything is just "is." So, are they just bringing up the last of the teasing and prodding of –
iON 29:06
They – this is for dead people, Carolyn. So, yes, they are suffering under all those appendages. That’s the rub. You know, if they were ascended, they wouldn’t be in hell or the underworld; they wouldn’t do that. They’d be where you are.
Carolyn 29:19
Oh, right, right. I’m already thinking, yeah, I’m a god and I’m through all this. But yeah, that –
iON 29:26
Well, you in essence, you in essence are because if they threaten you with it, you can say. "I vacation in hell, what are you talking about?"
Carolyn 29:34
Heh heh. Yes, I live with a devil. What do you want?
iON 29:40
That’s true, that’s true, that’s true.
Carolyn 29:41
Say somethin’.
iON 29:42
It’s true. Say somethin’. Hey! Hey!
Carolyn 29:45
Hey. Continuing: "[I shall not be gored by] horns. Therefore, the Phallus of Ra, [which is] the head of Osiris, shall not be swallowed up." Ha ha. No swallowing.
iON 30:05
Ha ha ha. Nothing like a bad maenad fellatio –
Carolyn 30:09
Fellatio, right.
iON 30:09
– a bad maenad fellatio-based relationship with the devil. There you go. And then what you gonna do?
Carolyn 30:13
Yeah, yeah. "Behold, I shall come into me fields and I shall cut the grain. The gods shall provide me with food. Thou shalt not then be gored, Ra-Khepera. There shall not be then puss in the Eye of Tem, and it shall not be destroyed. Violence shall not be done unto me, and I shall not be carried away in [my] boat to the East." Uh oh, he’s going to the East. What happened? What happened, iON?
iON 30:45
When he gets, when he ascends, when he gets that far, he can be, he’ll be resuscitated.
Carolyn 30:53
Yeah, got it.
iON 30:54
When he gets fixed. But until he gets fixed, he’s scared of it. That’s like, that’s like if you were sure of heaven, you’d want to die. If you were sure of heaven. See the rub?
Carolyn 31:06
Yeah, yeah. Got it. Perfect. Continuing: "to have the festivals of the Sebau Devil celebrated on me in evil fashion. Cruel" Well, that was a continuation of the sentence above. Let me just finish. Go back to the sins. "Violence shall not be done unto me, and I shall not be carried away in [my] boat to the East to have the festivals of the Sebau Devil celebrated on me in evil fashion. Cruel gashes with knives shall not be inflicted upon me, and I shall not be carried away in [my] boat to the East. I the Osiris, the assessor of the holy offerings of all the gods, Ani, whose word is truth, happily, the lord of fealty [to Osiris]." Continuing –
iON 32:01
The base to get you in-between where you are and where you’re going and how you get there from there. Precisely.
Carolyn 32:09
Yeah. In the in-between. And that’s what the words kind of, you know, going back and forth there. Yeah, they’re going back and forth, back and forth. One world, the other world. Next chapter: "THE CHAPTER OF NOT LETTING THE HEAD OF A MAN BE CUT OFF FROM HIS BODY IN KHERT-NETER." So if, if someone’s coming after you and is gonna cut your head off, this, these are the words that you can speak. Very helpful.
iON 32:46
Correct. It’s the, it’s the maenad. It’s the maenad. All of the shows with the maenads, the horned devils with the cow’s head. That’s what that’s regarding. That’s the, that’s the ramification where, you see – see, they take this stuff and then they make movies out of it. They do it and they accuse us of raping or stealing or plagiarizing these constructs, that it’s just kind of silly to us. But anyhow, it doesn’t make any difference. Instead, what it’s actually doing is validating. How can they show up everywhere? How can every religion have this horned devil monster, this – to do everybody in, you see?
Carolyn 33:29
Yeah, nice. Very good. "The Osiris Ani saith:- I am a Great One, the son of a Great One. [I am] Fire, the son of Fire, to whom was given his head after it had been cut off. The head of Osiris was not removed from his body, and the head of Osiris Ani shall not be removed from his body. I have knitted myself together, I have made myself whole and complete. I shall renew my youth. I am Osiris Himself, the Lord of Eternity." So I’m saying they’re rising from the dead.
iON 34:04
Yay. Raised.
Carolyn 34:08
Raised, Ah, yeah, raised. Continuing the next chapter is called: "THE CHAPTER OF MAKING THE SOUL TO BE JOINED TO ITS BODY IN KHERT-NETER." Now I’m seeing here, iON, well the soul is the stenographer. Does a god still need a stenographer?Because god doesn’t need anything.
iON 34:29
No. No, but it’s not. This is the dead guy trying to find out what he missed. The stenographer –
Carolyn 34:37
iON 34:37
– tells what you missed. So it’s trying to figure out what it missed ‘cuz they don’t know no more.
Carolyn 34:42
Mm hmm. Oh yeah. So we’re still in the dead zone. Got it. "The Osiris Ani saith:- Hail, thou god Aniu! Hail, thou god Pehreri, who dwelleth in thy hall, the Great God. Grant thou that my soul may come to me from any place wherein it may be. Even if it would tarry, let my soul be brought unto me from any place wherein it may be. Thou findest the Eye of Horus standing by thee like unto those beings who resemble Osiris, who never lie down in death. Let not the Osiris Ani, whose word is truth, lie down dead among those who lie in Anu, the land wherein [souls] are joined to their bodies in thousands. Let me have possession of my Ba-soul and my Spirit-soul," So my question here, iON, is what is a Ba-soul and what is the Spirit-soul? You said spirit might be interpreted as non physical.
iON 35:58
Yeah, the connection of putting up different aspects of you. Like I’m a mother, I’m a daughter, I’m a sister, I’m a husband, I’m a lover. I’m a this, I’m a that. Where these aspects of where you are in the dead side, you’re trying to merge all these kingdoms back together so that everything applies. And so this is the representation of how the bodies are joined together from the soul side, and it allows them, the guardians of Heaven, to be with – what’s the word? Soujourned. Soujourned.
Carolyn 36:31
So – joined. Ha ha ha ha.
iON 36:35
So -joined. Like leaving onto the next place. To soujourn into the next place.
Carolyn 36:45
Mm hmm. And this reminds me of Key 16, bringing all your stuff together.
iON 36:53
Sixteen. That’s exactly right.
Carolyn 36:55
iON 36:55
That’s right. Those lost – damn those lost scissors.
Carolyn 36:59
Heh heh. Okay, continuing: "and let my word be truth with it (the Ba-soul) in every place wherein it may be. Observe then, O ye guardians of Heaven, my soul [whereever it may be]. Even if it would tarry, cause thou my Ba-soul to see my body. Thou shalt find the Eye of Horus standing by thee like [the Watchers]." Okay, so question here –
iON 37:35
Right, which is – but before you do that, before you do that, that’s what we were saying. This is the hooking it all back together so that – you’re separated, you’re lost, and you have different parts that know what’s going on, but they’re not in the same place. This is merging them all back together. Like, you would go ask the Watcher, "Hey, what’s up? Where have I been? What have I been doing? Which world is this? How does this apply?" Just like Walter tried to do.
Carolyn 38:00
Yeah, but my question is what did the original writer of the Dead Book know about the Watchers?
iON 38:11
Easy. They’re everywhere. They’ve been around.
Carolyn 38:15
Okay. That’s good. Yeah.
iON 38:17
See, you canonicalize – see, Carolyn, here’s the problem with time. You canonicalize all these things. It’s like, well, this happened here, and the Han dynasty was here, and the Ming dynasty was here. And this occurred there, these people came – the Aborigines people came from here and there, and this timeframe did this, that era was that. When you stir that all together and put it like the bingo cart, where you put all the balls in the thing, and you turn it, and a number falls out, –
Carolyn 38:51
Yeah, yeah.
iON 38:44
– that’s the same way of what you call your time in history. It keeps changing. Then you come back and you go do the roaring 20’s all over again.
Carolyn 38:52
Heh heh. Okeedoke. Continuing –
iON 38:57
The next thing you know, and the next thing you know, Ari Onassis comes back to take care of, take over FedEx.
Carolyn 39:06
Ha ha. Ho ho. FedEx. Continuing: "Hail, ye gods who tow along the boat of the Lord of Millions of Years," So I’m saying, Lord –
iON 39:19
Carolyn 39:19
– Millions of Years. There’s another time designation.
iON 39:24
Right. Which is what we just got through going over.
Carolyn 39:28
iON 39:29
Spinning. If those are all, if all those years were balls in a bingo game, every time you spin the wheel, it comes out different. Another number comes out.
Carolyn 39:39
iON 39:40
Now what makes it worse is that when they call the number, you put it back in the thing and it can fall out again. Then we have Groundhog Day that Bob talks about so – waxes and wanes so eloquently regarding.
Carolyn 39:55
Oh, Bob’s awake. I just heard him chuckling.
iON 39:59
Oh good.
Carolyn 39:59
Continuing: "who bring it over the sky of the Tuat, who make it to journey over Nent, who make Ba-souls to enter into their Spirit-bodies, whose hands hold the steering poles and guide it straight, who grasp tightly your paddles, destroy ye the Enemy; thus shall the Boat rejoice, and the Great God shall travel on his way in peace. Moreover, grant ye that the Ba-soul of the Osiris Ani, whose word is truth before the gods, may come forth with your navel chords in the eastern part of the sky," So there we have Eastern Gate, sky, all positive affirmations getting closer to their godself. Correct, iON?
iON 40:55
Yep, to the representation that the godself presents. ‘Cuz see, they’re not acknowledging god yet. They’re just saying this sounds like the way we should be going. It’s sorta, it’s like, what we can do, let’s go with it. If it ain’t there, it’s gonna be better than where we were. So, let’s try it kind of thing.
Carolyn 41:14
Right. And then continuing: "and that it may follow Ra to the place where he was yesterday," There’s a timing –
iON 41:22
Mm hmm. That’s a bingo.
Carolyn 41:24
– mm hmm. Bingo ball. "and may set in peace, in peace in Amentet. May it gaze upon its earthly body, may it take up its abode and its Spirit-body, may it neither perish nor be destroyed for ever and for ever." The rubric says –
iON 41:44
Ta da!
Carolyn 41:44
Yep. The "RUBRIC" says: "These words shall be said over a model of the Ba-soul made of gold and inlaid with precious stones, which shall be placed on the breast of the Osiris." So, they’re directing the process which is awesome, and I rest my case, Bob. I rest my case.
iON 42:05
Excellent. So everybody save your gold and we’ll make Bob a shield. That’d be good.
Carolyn 42:12
iON 42:12
We’ll put it on his titties. It’d be great.
Bob 42:17
(in background) Why?
Carolyn 42:17
iON 42:17
And we’re gonna write in gold, "Thanks." We’re gonna write, and we’re gonna write on the thing, "Thanks for the mammaries."
Carolyn 42:22
Heh heh heh.
Bob 42:25
Did something get said to me at the end? About me or something? This armour I guess that –
iON 42:30
Yeah. We’re gonna save the gold, all this gold that they’re savin’ for you. They’re gonna make a golden calf Baal, B,a,a,l.
Bob 42:38
iON 42:39
But now we’ve decided we might make you a gold plate, –
Bob 42:45
iON 42:45
– a chestplate for your breast.
Bob 42:48
Well, let’s make it bigger. Let’s make it a baseball grounds.
Carolyn 42:54
(in background) Ha!
iON 42:54
Okay. That’d be good.
Bob 42:55
There’s a place in the middle.
iON 42:56
All right then. There’s enough.
Bob 42:58
Yeah, there’s enough.
iON 42:59
There’s enough for a home place.
Bob 43:00
A golden dream place where dreams never die? What was that movie? Where (indistinct) become –
iON 43:06
Yeah, no, the "Field of Dreams." "Field of Dreams."
Bob 43:11
"Field of Dreams." Right, right, right, right. "Field of Dreams."
iON 43:13
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Bob 43:15
We’ll bring Sidney Crosby in to teach hockey courses on it.
iON 43:16
That’s another one of those, that’s another one of those movies. That’s another, that’s another movie that you quote but have never watched. Ha ha ha.
Bob 43:24
That’s right. That’s right. Ha ha ha. No, did you get that, Carolyn? Sidney Crosby could teach his hockey classes on the gold, smooth, rink.
Carolyn 43:34
(in background) Ho ho ho.
Bob 43:35
The Skype of dreams. So, you’re finished, Carolyn? That’s it?
Carolyn 43:39
Yeah. It was perfect. Thank you, iON.
Bob 43:42
Well, here’s a nice present for all of you.
iON 43:44
You made it to page 32. 32 everybody, page 32.
Music 43:48
Ralph Stanley, "Oh, death" followed by "Going Up Yonder" by Tramaine Hawkins.
Bob 51:16
Okay, so we’ll start talking to people, see what people have to say about the Book of the Dead. Is this Sara, anonymous? Said Sara Zion? Or someone else. Want to identify yourself? Okay. Do you have something to say about the Book of the Dead, Nik? (pause) No Nik? (pause) Well, you’re gonna have to listen to Alissa for an hour. Got anything to say, Alissa?
Alissa 52:19
I’m thankful that Carolyn’s doing it. I’m taking it in. And no questions come to mind. I’m just taking it in, receiving it, applying it.
Bob 52:30
Okay. Okay, so you can ask what the questions you want.
Alissa 52:40
No questions come to, come to me now, Bob.
Bob 52:44
No, no, in general.
Alissa 52:46
Oh, –
Bob 52:48
Alissa 52:49
– not specific to the Book of the Dead?
Bob 52:52
Alissa 52:53
Ah, hey, iON.
Bob 52:57
Let me unmute him. Just a second. Okay, you’re unmuted.
iON 53:02
Okay, (mumbles made up words). Yeah, like that.
Bob 53:11
Heh heh. Catch that, Alissa?
Alissa 53:12
Ha ha. What was that?
iON 53:13
The answer to your question.
Bob 53:18
Yeah, angel talk. The question you’re gonna start with.
Alissa 53:28
Hmm. Well, I was gonna maybe talk about my mom’s abuse tonight. Is that too heavy to get into now?
iON 53:36
We don’t give a fuck. –
Bob 53:37
Not here. We want all problems.
iON 53:40
– We don’t give a fuck. Let’s lay it out, lay it out there.
Bob 53:43
We’re gonna masturbate to it. We’re gonna get horny from this talk.
Carolyn 53:45
(in background) AHHHH!
iON 53:47
All right. That’s nice. Our Dark Soul. Our Dark – now that we’ve proven, now that we’ve proven Bob’s necrophilia.
Bob 53:58
Alissa 53:58
Ha ha. Okay, so I felt kind of irritated and, like, a weird sort of resistance before tonight. Does that have to do with, like, does she, is she okay with me talking about this?
iON 54:22
Well now – go back, go back.
Alissa 54:26
iON 54:26
You gotta get a different direction. Start over. Start over. ‘Cuz, what are you asking? Does she mind? Why does she care? Go start over so we can get where you’re trying to go.
Alissa 54:37
Yeah. Well, I’m noting the kind of irritability that I felt and I’m questioning if that was from the dead that are around me.
iON 54:55
Yeah, well, you’re more, well but this has forced you – what you’re trying to say – Bob, what she’s trying to say is is that these things have forced an emotion that she’s having to settle. Is it proper or appropriate because of the social perception that she’s now being able to start to see. There are none so blind as those who will not see. Now all of a sudden your damn lying eyes are startin’ to be opened a little bit.
Alissa 55:24
iON 55:24
And the same thing happened to Bert. He can see now and it’s kind of tripping him out a little bit ‘cuz some of that he’s going, like, "Ah, I really didn’t have to see all that." Well, but, yes, hell, you did. You need to know, you need to start, now you’re gonna start to – now you’re just now startin’ to need to know. We talk about Bob says that’s a "need to know," a "need to know" conversation and you don’t need to know. Well, now you’re startin’ to need to know.
Alissa 55:49
Mm hmm.
iON 55:51
‘Cuz now you know the need. Now you know to kneed, which is what you do to bread.
Alissa 55:57
Mm hmm. Okay, so, how old was my mom when she was abused for the first time?
iON 56:08
Alissa 56:10
Yeah. Was it in Minneapolis when she was living near Lake Calhoun?
iON 56:16
St. Paul.
Alissa 56:18
St. Paul.
iON 56:21
Mm hmm.
Alissa 56:22
Okay, so was that – was it a stranger? Was it somebody in her realm that she was familiar with?
iON 56:34
A little bit of both.
Alissa 56:37
Okay. And so the, the St. Paul location. Does that, is that relevant? Do I need to go into that or that’s just like a note? Is there something resonant about that location?
iON 56:59
It’s where it happened.
Alissa 57:00
Right. Okay, so that’s that.
iON 57:04
What would it be otherwise?
Alissa 57:11
Well, she never, she didn’t live in St. Paul. So, I was just kind of talking –
iON 57:16
Well, who said it just had to happen where she lives? She didn’t stay there every day of her living life.
Alissa 57:21
Yeah, yeah. Okay. Was it a man or woman?
iON 57:31
It happened several times. First time was a man.
Alissa 57:35
And was, was my mom’s mom, blood mom, also abused?
iON 57:43
Alissa 57:44
Yeah. How about my aunt?
iON 57:48
Well, now, stop. Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, hold the phone just a damn minute now. What you’re saying is abuse in those days, and those worlds, it wasn’t called abuse, It was called normal.
Alissa 58:03
iON 58:05
You see? ‘Cuz now nowadays, if you correct the child, if you correct the child, guess what? That’s abuse.
Alissa 58:14
Okay, so let’s –
iON 58:16
Alissa 58:17
iON 58:17
No, no, let’s don’t, let’s just stop right there. Nowadays if you catch a child and they misbehave and you give them attention and you pull their pants down, and you whip their ass with your hand, that’s abuse.
Alissa 58:32
iON 58:32
But in those days, that’s what you did to correct your child.
Alissa 58:36
iON 58:39
So, you can’t sit here and talk about how, how inappropriate it is, and you’re not gonna pull the thread and say, "This is why I am because of this generational levels of abuse that I’ve endured." Darlin’, we’re post-Mary McLuhan now. We don’t have that. We’re not having that no more. So, we’ll answer your questions. We’re not tripping about that. We don’t care. That’s just fine. Bob don’t care, so we’re good. That’s not the point.
Alissa 59:04
iON 59:04
The point is that you’re not going to pull back what they did in the 1800’s, –
Alissa 59:07
iON 59:08
– how those chamber pots actually work and use that to prescribe that this is some anomalous condition now from then, you see.
Alissa 59:18
Right. Right, right. Okay. Okay.
iON 59:18
You can borrow, you can borrow trouble all day. But yeah, not so much.
Alissa 59:26
Well, I’m, I’m, I’m coming at it from conversations I’ve had with my family members like my aunt. And I’m coming at this topic with a mix of just clarity, like clarifying, you know, questions about details, but I’m obviously coming at it from more of like what we’ve talked about and opened up last time. So, it is a mix of kind of like, just okay, –
iON 59:55
Alissa 59:55
– you know, she thought my aunt thought my grandma was also abused.