Hawaii Time + 2 hours = Pacific Standard Time (PST)
[Daylight Saving Time] Hawaii Time + 3 hours = Pacific Standard Time (PST)
ginney intro her feet floating iON’s political update (the inauguration) tumeric trump going after the Deep State bob’s audience found
lea door three the rothschild julian assange dr. li-meng yan “deo” is ayer seven
bert bob’s music returns covalent bonding “ascension is a genetic issue” bob’s method of ascension is laughter monomers the role of turkey (elves) the “mercurial” the 14 degrees of freedom (see the 5th season of “The Magician”)
bob’s koutaliaphobia pitch/roll/yaw (“fourth dimension”) ezekiel wrote his book (ion’s cloud) four horsemen = the four horses of the apocalypse his martial arts his weight training was inhibiting
roxy china’s global empire collapses around the planet biden’s inauguration trust the Plan the butterfly effect the djinn came back her mask story OA movements JW and Trump trains are on dirt roads
dimitri in colorado a lot of dying his desire for slack his programming career the “sublime” defined “keep your lines and spaces separate” ion’s methodology power comes from pain
eira her doctor gut brain feeds the whole system Carolyn built from a small situation JW doesn’t waste anything
bob go slow, its a tango!! your house qan't room a million people tomorrow….before we all become ocean bound you'll become the great Nile, but before that don't make this place a target!! don't leave screaming reds in white snow, do light hint of grey (audios are fantasticoo)
OK, but iON says we're going stealth soon.