2. Voluntary ESP (1960-2000) = digital = holeopathic TV Body = Menippean
phatic communion
3. Anthropomorphic Physical (AP)/Android Meme (AM) (2000-2006)
4. (2007 – cold fusion {endless-electricity Box}) = including 1., 2., 3., and PLUS = holeopathic
Chip Body = Menippean haptic communion
New Formula Complexities… applied to the BATTLE OF THE PACIFIC RIM.
1. Battle of the Atlantic/Atlantis/22 Lake in the 8 zone (AM over AP[b]):
“Watergate was a battle between television and newspaper for the advertising dollar.” – Marshall McLuhan, 3000 “years” ago (“We live 200 years every annum.” – Marshall McLuhan with Peter Newman, 1971)
2. Battle of the Pacific/Lemurian/14 Rim in the 44 zone (AP[b] over AM) = 1990-2004:
Obama (Southern Hemisphere of Pacific Rim/man-child) vs. Palin (Northern Hemisphere of Pacific Rim/Amazon warrior)
In which:
Obama = TV Body + AP[b] (literate oral + haptic eye) over AM + AP(a)
Palin = Astral Body + AP[b] (haptic oral + literate eye) over AM + AP(a)
“Many others listening to Sarah Palin at her debate went into conniptions about what they assailed as her incoherence or incompetence. But I was never in doubt about what she intended at any given moment. On the contrary, I was admiring not only her always shapely and syncopated syllables but the innate structures of her discourse — which did seem to fly by in fragments at times but are plainly ready to be filled with deeper policy knowledge, as she gains it (hopefully over the next eight years of the Obama presidencies). This is a tremendously talented politician whose moment has not yet come. That she holds views completely opposed to mine is irrelevant.” – Camille Paglia, 10/08/08
8 zone = 1960-1990 (30 years)
44 zone = 1990-2004 (14 years) but includes the 8 zone (30 years)
Chemical Body = “physical” archive
Astral Body = “religious/spiritual/shamanistic” archive
TV Body = “media” archive
Chip Body = “your” archive
Mystery Body (AP[a]) = no archive/First Nature (not man-made)
Android Meme (AM) = first 4 Bodies/Second Nature (man-made)
Anthropomorphic Physical (AP[b]) = shrinking AM making the user feel bigger than the “media”
Cold Fusion (AM[a]) = convergence of 4 Bodies (AM < > AP[b]) + Mystery Body (AP[a])
So “B.Obama” = BOB + AM(a) = Lockdown BobRule