Hawaii Time + 2 hours = Pacific Standard Time (PST)
[Daylight Saving Time] Hawaii Time + 3 hours = Pacific Standard Time (PST)
sheila’s painting explained bob et al.
linda who hates bert mae brussell vatican tag sale more on sheila’s painting
scott 4 and 20 elders rattlesnakes three gorges dam
ginney early years of sheila’s painting rna drops currency janet yellen no federal reserve blockchain newsmax “uncivil lefts” bob’s methodology rules trump’s coming supreme court seats
alissa and bert mimetic flesh definition of biological (including the synthetic) Archie Bunker TV show/Oliver North are now ancient worlds the great wall of china will crack not one coronavirus death in Viet Nam (see “Splice” movie) (iondom is in there)
Qing Dynasty is attacking itself “napalm for the soul” simulant-symbiont-host a “virtual-visual bias” “both earth and worm have a claim and are taking it back” china falls russia falls, too J R Bob Dobbs solved everything Bob’s mother
bones in the wall Ezekiel 37 dry bones EBOD ion names a few TV shows moved the capital of Israel irving berlin glenn miller Bones or Us?
scott “glenn miller was an odd lot” adam pugen the great wall cracking/three gorges dam greek mythology max weber ion’s recipe pitch and yaw the masons more on ion’s recipe trump as resonant interval
jack pattern-recognition gila nadia changed jack and his “moments” the wall the dermis thickening ion tells a monkey joke
germaine no more “grandiose” gregory bateson her dream about TV in the bushes jack reads “Portal 2” ion reads their manifesto
bert four types of protein bob’s body is very different now Bobitis gemstones restructure “soup” pearls are more valuable than diamonds amino acids (alanine) polar/non-polar Super Sugar the correct sex of God (hermaphrodite) where ion lives (Chip Body loosened up the rigid lines) genetic engineering Angel in his text
nik “Lucy” movie how ion sees humans how they want to use Bob he’s very particular ion makes Bob’s words come true his relationship with Bert his remodeling “Mind”, “Body”, and “Spirit” are explained dermis changes his project
steve his fall from the roof his personal psychology
eira russians selling a device to deal with a world of less oxygen a Russian young woman who required uranium definition of the trebler elephant ear wax “elephant “people” bob as a teacher the Pink Lotus Carolyn’s blood test
denny water south pacific when bob and carolyn started ascending (“back in Club 22”) his personality and mistakes being flooded his project
roxy ion doesn’t care anymore children’s mimesis how stupid mcluhan was plantagenets and vampires suicide as performance obama is scared hillary is worried john lewis ghislaine’s husband witches in mexico demons (angels) defined umberto exhausted her the blue glass
kurt bob confronting the angels natalie wood aliens and coldplay