Hawaii Time + 2 hours = Pacific Standard Time (PST)
[Daylight Saving Time] Hawaii Time + 3 hours = Pacific Standard Time (PST)
intro by ion
lynda her feelings alissa is becoming a lesbian with lynda bill gates denver omelette mark of the beast reincarnation food rotting and people starving doing an autopsy blockchain melinda gates WHO cares she’s quitting her newspaper job windmill farm the vaccination conspiracy murder hornets
lorne in argentina for 2 days his “wogs” movie babies are falling dead now tik tok’s pictures are controlled by the Tech Body lorne’s future art in canada getting fit edward snowden russian possibilities more on the dead babies in new york (it’s no longer a virus) the end of capitalism bob’s chart
linda ascension day (may 21) theophany sword of damocles the Tech Body she left california under ion’s martial law threat the perfect storm (silas do-good letters, obamagate, and trump overthrew the GOP) ion rants on bob as the dark soul what is sovereignty? no difference between Physical and Non-Physical (find out about our cells on tuesday)
obamagate jeff sessions obama will be tried for treason Dems are going to jail the endgame (“the little man’s got no hope now”) sitting on the right side of your throne dick cavett more on the difference between Physical and Non-Physical (the 10th Ayer today)
Carolyn fulfilled her duties “downton abbey” TV show (the keys are the instruction and the ayers are who you’re calling and will do the task) the angels are trying to team up with the Tech Body what ionauts are confused about (go to the beauty parlor) dead ringers explained proof of her sleeping via a camera the etheric body defined
madeleine where to move the recent storm how she’s overwhelmed by ion all the lovers that ion sent her obedience she has no more audience
jamie CRISPR-like technology had nothing to do with the coronavirus
bert zappa crabcake how bob has evolved lipids and the pole flip why babies are dying today from the coronavirus mutation “the dark canyon” get the people out of their homes because their cell phones are infected
“the designated survivor” TV show lipids and restructure’s effect more on the pole flip effects on the ascending nitrous oxide will make people laugh autonomically (reduction of CO2 due to ethanol reduction) chi obfuscation
derrick coronavirus in Italy update chinese art class sistine chapel medicis coronavirus kills at home now 5G and the virus quantum entanglement
roxy umberto food for the brain
bart passover this year was real (“the pink moon”) the pentecost will be real this year, too trump and the ET’s roxy and umberto Q’s posts
nik he’s special because he’s attentive and obedient the aliens the grand wailea elon musk’s baby X AE A-12
eira sweden’s herd mentality the sword of damocles her bunnies aren’t reproducing
kurt carolyn’s “Flora ReVive” DHS meeting with Bob in July led to resignation of its CEO RnA Drops’ 144 generation is precursor to the Bread of Life repairing Carolyn’s tooth with Bread of Life what Don thinks of Bob Kurt suggests Trump wear a purple tie for Bob
phil species on Noah’s Ark
ophie worms surfacing in Jakarta her right foot and her chi