[Bob’s Private Session April 16, 2009 (03:03 mark)]
iON: This work is about activating the Non-Physical parts of Physical human beings, which activates that “co-creation” and that alignment – which allows individual humans to find the “fastest path to their joy” without being cliché. But to activate that understanding that they could come to a place – where they know they indeed are the “Creators of their own reality.” They are anyway, but they have a more positive standpoint of an actionary role. And some people like Carolyn say: “Show me the science.” OK! So, if that becomes a geographical location, where the science can indeed be witnessed, fabulous – but it should be like your Shakespeare: “Much ado about nothing”. It should be a place where things are because it’s not going to be limited to that geographic location. It’s going to be kind of everywhere – and it’s going to move about. We are going to move about – we are going to ebb and flow. You see… just as the tide doesn’t always come back to that exact same point, it will wax and wane depending on the energy that’s flowing in the activation that’s taking place – coming forth. The cries or the contrast is the driving part that allows the Creator to consider a different feeling- thought that allows them to come into the place where they have a causal effect on their individual manifestation.