[October 4, 2014 Part 1 (20:34 mark)]
Caller: Back to the water here… I’m in a structure – in a home where I have a well – and I am off of any sort of city water where I have a lot of chemicals coming in.
iON: Oh, really! Here’s the thing, we don’t worry about your chemicals. Those things that you say are poison – they’re good – have those! Your well water is fine – but it is just jam packed full of every pesticide – every chemical – everything they’ve sprayed – everything through the ground that’s sifted through. All the yucky that is – that they buried in the ground – is in your water table. And we say: “Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful, no problem!” It’s actually more nasty than some of the other waters that run through a pipe – but that’s OK – we like that! Your body’s eating those chemicals. And it’s just fine; it was built to do that. Honey, if poison could kill you, you’d be stone cold dead a long time ago! If poison would’ve killed you, you wouldn’t have made it this far.
[Negative pH/Specific gravity iON on “PAYDAY” November 9, 2014 (01:27 mark)]
Jean: Now, that’s related to water! The chemical description of water is two particles of hydrogen and one oxygen – but we keep talking about having to take stuff out of water. Water has already changed because there’s a whole bunch more than H2O in water, is that correct?
iON: Now! There wasn’t – it’s now! Now, there is! Now, if you take water – and do it through reverse osmosis – you can’t take those parts out. If you take those parts out, it’s still water. All of your water now is becoming a “glorified weak hydrogen peroxide”.
[December 3, 2016 Part 3 (01:22 mark)]
Caller: iON, we have a little article here in the “Science Alert”: “After Centuries Scientists Have Finally Figured Out How Water Conducts Electricity”.
iON: Um-hmm! So does coal!
Caller: What they’re saying is that… ah…
iON: Excuse me! Excuse me!
Caller: OK! “Until now, all researchers really knew about that process was that H2O passes protons from molecule to molecule via their oxygen atom, sort of like a molecular relay race. This process is called the Grotthuss mechanism, and was first described by chemist Theodor Grotthuss in 1806” – your comments please on their understanding of how water conducts electricity.
iON: But it doesn’t, it’s changing. So, that’s how it is working… is, it’s changing. So, it is changing…
Caller: The process, or the water, or both?
iON: Yes, the environment that it’s in is changing. The water is changing – it is getting less… the way it handles itself is different. Every bit of it is different.
Dr. Dean: So, as it’s being obsolesced, they are able to measure it now.
iON: Well, they can see what it is, which they thought… they think it’s changed, too. It’s not changed; it changed the first time.
Bob: “It changed the first time”, is that what iON just said?
iON: It was – it changed. And now, you’re noticing it’s changed. You couldn’t notice it before. You were too damn smart!