Bob Dobbs’ Diaries: Nov. 2/1993 (New York)

William Irwin Thompson: Many people in the seminar are puzzled because you keep mentioning McLuhan’s tetrad. They don’t see how it relates to the evolution of consciousness.

Dobbs: Wait until I bring up Lyndon LaRouche. They’ll be even more puzzled.

Thompson: Seriously, Americans have completely forgotten about McLuhan.

Dobbs: Your students don’t seem to be aware of Wired magazine.

Thompson: What’s that?

Dobbs: A new popular magazine that touts McLuhan as its “patron saint.” It’s having an impact as the “Rolling Stone” of the Nineties while using McLuhan as a mnemonic.

Thompson: I’ll have to check it out.

Dobbs: And then, when your lectures start again next spring, I won’t have to mention McLuhan because perhaps you’ll carry the ball.

Thompson smiled, and quickly asked Bob to keep his voice down as it was attracting the attention of the other diners in the Upper West Side restaurant. Later that night Rudy Giuliani was elected Mayor of New York City.

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