iON Appraises the Major McLuhan Followers


18 January 2020

Phenotype theory guy

Andrew Chrystall

Robert Logan

Derrick de Kerckhove

Tom Cooper

Bob Dobbs

Michael Edmunds

Bruce Powe

Lance Strate

Neil Postman

Paul Levinson

Mark Stahlman

Richard Altman

Doug Coupland

Scott Taylor

Don Theall

Marshall McLuhan as medium for the Virgin Mary

Marg Stewart

Corinne McLuhan

Eric McLuhan

Arthur Kroker

John Fekete

Ezra Pound

T. S. Eliot

James Joyce

Wyndham Lewis

more on Marshall McLuhan

more on the Virgin Mary

Ted Carpenter

Barrington Nevitt

Thomas Pynchon (“persona indemnification”)

Richard Cavell

Judith Stamps

Judith Fitzgerald

Janine Marchessault

Elena Lamberti

Paul Grosswiler

George Sanderson

Michel Moos

Carolyn Guertin

Terrence Gordon

Philip Marchand

Wilfred Watson

Sheila Watson

Tony Schwartz

W. K. Wimsatt

Cleanth Brooks

Walter Ong

Gary Genosko

Woody Allen

David Sobelman

Pierre Trudeau

Norman Mailer

Bucky Fuller

William Irwin Thompson

Tom Wolfe

Robert Hutchins

Mortimer Adler

Howard Gossage

Hugh Kenner

Frank Zappa

more on Eric McLuhan

Mary McLuhan

Carolyn Dean

Terence McKenna

Jiddu Krishnamurti

Gerd Stern

John Cage

John Brockman

Queen Elizabeth

Prince Philip

Claude Bissell

Susan Sontag

more on Arthur Kroker

John Culkin

Kenneth Boulding

Harley Parker

more on Corinne McLuhan and Marg Stewart

Bob Carr

more on Marg Stewart

Frank Kermode

Harold Rosenberg

more on Bob Dobbs

Dwight Macdonald

George Steiner

Benjamin DeMott

Harold Innis

more on Andrew Chrystall

Corey Anton

Ralph Duby

Paolo Granata

Sarah Sharma

Donald J. Trump

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