Caller: iON, you say the womb is closing. Before the fall and the war in heaven, did gods give birth to children?
iON: No, they did not. They did not. That was the whole part. And then the man and the woman—they’re both ambidextrous—meaning they all got all the parts. It’s kind of like what good is tits on a bull? Both male and female have all the parts, just different aspects. You know, if you’re talking about ovaries or you’re talking about gonads—you all each have the same stuff. One can be more dominant in something, but not necessarily. People can’t even decide what sex they want to be now. Now that’s a god position, but people’s making like that’s a big deal. But it ain’t but a tiny little percentage of that, that affects that class of the people, you see. Just tiny, but they make it like it’s a big number. But it’s not.