Bob Dobbs’ Diaries: Feb. 2-3/1978 (Dallas)

Feb. 2/1978 (Dallas)

Dobbs (sitting in a bar): What’s your name?

Young Man: Doug St. Clair Smith.

Dobbs: And yours?

Second Young Man: Philo Drummond.

Feb. 3/1978 (Dallas)

Doug St. Clair Smith (sitting in the same bar): Can you run that by us again, Mr. Dobbs?

Dobbs: Ontologically, each one of us is now constituted of one-fifth chip, one-fifth neuron, one-fifth astral body, one-fifth television screen, and one-fifth archetype. Epistemologically, we are now constituted of one-fifth NASA, one-fifth CIA, one-fifth Xfiling, one-fifth human scale, and one-fifth genetic engineer.

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