iON | Meat Sack Has Nothing To Do with Ascension

Transcribed by Bert.


[23 May 2015 Part 1]

(25:45 mark)
Dr. Dean: Is the meat sack involved with Ascension, iON?

iON: The meat sack has nothing to do with it.

Dr. Dean: So, there!

Bob: Well, when you say the meat sack is eternal, you often say the Physical is eternal. Does that include the meat sack or is the meat sack referred to as a degraded, vulgarized 3D image of our Physical?

iON: It’s what you get if you had a 3D printer.

Bob: The meat sack is what you get?

iON: Like with the “Eternals”.

Bob: But see, we’re talking about the meat sack versus the Physical. And you say, “It’s like what you get when you do the 3D”. Are you referring to the Physical or the meat sack?

iON: Oh, the meat sack would be like a 3D version, a printer version – a copy, a clone as it were, that would be the meat sack.

Bob: Yeah, that’s got a lot of social-mortar description imagery in it. That’s not the true Physical, the complete Physical.

iON: It’s not much of a cliché archetype, however droll.

Bob: Is Physical a cliché archetype?

iON: No, Thompson is a cliché archetype.

Bob: What is Physical in relation to that? What’s another word or words?

iON: Kroker! Kroker!

Bob: You juxtaposed Kroker to cliché archetype?

iON: And William Irwin Thompson.

Bob: But is that a ratio?

iON: It’s a perspective.

Bob: Well, do you know – can you say what Kroker’s Quadrant represents perspective-wise?

iON: Death and destruction!

Bob: OK.

Dr. Dean: Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Bob: Alright, and what is Thompson then?

iON: Ah, purgatory!

Bob: Yeah, Thompson talks about the “die off”, the mass “die off”.

iON: Do!

Bob: Kroker says the mass “die off” has already happened.

iON: Do! One’s already dead and one’s in the middle ground. Very good, Bob!

Bob: Yeah!

iON: You’ve actually listened to your damn chart! We’re so excited, y’all! He’s actually taking himself seriously. No good can come of this!

Bob: What is McLuhan in relation to the dead and the not-so dead?

iON: He’s dead! He’s dead!

Dr. Dean: He’s dead! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Bob: OK, what about LaRouche?

iON: He’s afraid of heaven because, for him, the Queen represents the hierarchy – the evolved one, the perfect one. And he’s afraid that the Queen is going to put something in his bum.

Bob: So, he thinks he’s not dead, yet. He’s worried about dying.

Dr. Dean: He’s looking for a disease to claim the body.

iON: He worries about the Queen!

Bob: Yeah, that’s like the Chemical Body, Carolyn, is the LaRouche Quadrant; and then, McLuhan is the dead Chemical Body; and then, Thompson is the dead – is the species in purgatory; and Kroker says, “There is no human species left”, no Chemical Body species.

Dr. Dean: Can I move on?

Bob: And then what would be the Dobbs Quadrant in relation to all of those?

iON: Heaven!

Bob: Yeah! Ha! Ha! Ha! That’s right!

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