[6 December 2014 Part 3]
Caller: I was asking iON to be a little McLuhan and explain what’s happening with him and the new environment and then…
Bob: So iON, you are NonPhysical entering the Physical and being able to create as we discover or recall NonPhysical, our dormant NonPhysical. In McLuhan terms, you are entering a new environment, and it’s having “Effects” and “Affects” on you. What would you say about those effects? What’s interesting for you, iON – about the new environment that you’re becoming?
iON: Well, it would have to be the way you embrace it.
Bob: The way you, embrace it?
iON: Yeah!
Bob: That’s the main rule/principle! You’re learning that to be human, it’s all about how you embrace it?
iON: Umm Hmm!
Caller 2: Is this a “First” for you, iON?
iON: “Well, I just don’t necessarily agree with everything that I say”.
Bob: Did you say, “You don’t believe”? Is that what you said?
iON: Don’t necessarily agree with everything that I say.
Bob: Ha! Ha! Ha! He’s quoting McLuhan! He brought in McLuhan. He’s quoting McLuhan. Ha! Ha! Ha!
Caller 3: That’s McLuhan! Ha! Ha! Ha!
Bob: He’s becoming McLuhan. Yeah, your stuff is very difficult – even you don’t pretend to understand it, right iON?
iON: “Well, in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is a hallucinating idiot… for he sees what no one else does: things that, to everyone else, are not there”.
Bob: That’s right! The one man – hallucinating idiot, is a King among the blind.
Caller 1: Could we talk to McLuhan and know what he thinks about the new technology and this new environment?
iON: If we can go with Waylon & Willie and the Boys!
Bob: Yep, here we go. (Bob plays, “Luckenbach, Texas” song).
iON: “The only people who have proof of their sanity are those who have been discharged from mental institutions”.
Bob: Ha! Ha! Ha! That’s a good one, yep!
iON: “We look at the present through a rear-view mirror. We march backwards into the future”.
Bob: Go for another one, iON! Lap Caller 3! Lap Caller 3!
iON: Once you see the boundaries of your environment, they are no longer the boundaries of your environment.
Caller 3: Is that based on a visual bias or acoustic bias?
iON: “Well, most of our assumptions have outlived their uselessness”.
Caller 4: Dr. McLuhan, did you enjoy the movie, “2001: A Space Odyssey”?
iON: Technology forces us to live mythically.
Bob: Mythically! That’s right! Excellent!
Caller 3: What’s up with all of the McLuhan quotes?
iON: He played “Luckenbach”, so we had to.
Caller 3: Oh, that’s what it was!
Bob: He’s becoming physical, and McLuhan is his “Gold Standard”.
iON: Oh, no! It’s because “Diaper” spelled backwards is “Repaid”. Think about it!
Bob: Ha! Ha! Ha! iON, what did you think of Kubrick’s “2001”?
iON: “Our permanent address is tomorrow”.
Bob: That’s another beautiful quote! The Future of the Future is what, iON?
iON: “Ads are the cave art of the twentieth century”.
Bob: “Ads are the cave art of the twentieth century”. These are beautiful quotes.