2. Wendy – negative pH changes the specific gravity that allows those cells to embrace that blood which changes that cell to the perfect blood of the lamb – “Leelu” – blood of the lamb – passover
3. Madeleine – salt and light – Sacha – anointment via the lampstands – ark of the covenant – first supper of the lamb – lampstands (hold double-helix strands) – amino acids – the stamen of chromosome 14 (seven layers of the blooming) – a standing candelabra
4. Ruth the Strange and her blood – they will not draw the new blood – the Indians (Nina, Penta, and Santa Maria) in the Caribbean – describes the new blood (very different) – but they won’t be able to see it
5. amino acids and ascension, Carolyn – protein carriers and lysine, methylation and the change in the specific gravity
6. convergence and harmonics, rods and cones and sightedness, adrenals and lipids, lysine and amino acids, sugar and corn liquor, the liver, supersugar, and growing a new gall bladder, new eyes and a new body (“resurrection morning”), “iON finally gives the chemical change process of ascension”
7. “destroy all the printing presses!”, Finnegans Wake explained
8. belief and disease, enjoying white sugar, constant regeneration, Bob and Jack LaLanne