“Something that may be difficult to fathom is that our inspiration for the Living Water Project came from a Non-Physical source called iON.”
When I attended Codex Alimentarius meetings in Bonn, 2004, and Rome, 2005, I learned several important lessons.
- Human beings are always going to be manipulated by forces of Authority if they don’t take their own Power back.
- The pharmaceutical industry is pulling out all the stops in their bid to take over the supplement business. The supplement dosages and brands favored by Codex are low potency and synthetic, like Centrum by Wyeth.
- Products that are patented will be “protected” because that’s how Big Pharma protects itself. Patenting “natural” products confers protected status as well.
Therefore, I wasn’t surprised when in early July, 2012, I saw several headlines about a new patented medical food. It’s called Souvenaid and it combines several nutrients that “appear to improve memory in people with very early and early Alzheimer’s disease.” I dug further and saw that it’s a milk-based drink containing a patented combination of ingredients, some in very low dosages, including: Fish oil, choline, uridine, and vitamins E, B12, B6 and folic acid.
I could not find the origin of their choline, although it’s either synthetic or GMO soy; or their uridine (a precursor to RNA), which is found in Brewer’s yeast. This lineup of ingredients, of course, means that if you are allergic to dairy, soy or yeast – this is not the product for you! Meanwhile, it won’t even be available for another few years!
I mention Souvenaid and this push to patent medicinal foods because, for the past two years, I’ve been working intently on a “medicinal” food product that I was introduced to over 40 years ago. At that time it was marketed as a water purifier grown from grains that were then trapped inside a cement matrix. That’s Right! Science Fiction! But twenty-two years later I was given the formula by the owner.
And now I’m ready to share one of the many outcomes of what we call “The Living Water” Project: RnA Drops – a technology, both old (referred to in the Bible) and new – (unique enough to qualify for patent status). The iCell patent, that I co-authored, was published in March 2012. It describes the iCell, which is the main ingredient in RnA Drops. The RnA Drops are also referred to in a patent pending called Insulinose. You can google my name and iCell Patent and see that the base ingredient is sprouted barley.
RnA Drops are a food-based product that have a direct connection to what the Bible calls Shewbread but are also referenced as “The Bread of Life”, in association with “Living Water”. RnA Drops were discovered serendipitously, while working on the initial stages of the Living Water project, as an early byproduct of the process. When the people working on this project noticed their health and environment improving dramatically by just being close to the process, we took note and explored what was happening.
We had a test group use the RnA Drops and documented the effects. Participants each tasted something different when putting the drops in their mouth. Taste varied from Doritos to dirt; from tobacco to vinegar; from peanut butter to lemons. It was bizarre, as if the Drops would accommodate every individual’s gustatory projection. I tasted tobacco at first and I’ve never smoked. But I immediately realized I might be “detoxifying” all the secondhand smoke from my father when I was growing up. Now I taste lemons.
As we began offering the drops to more people, someone grew an inch; another person got rid of their genital herpes lesions; diabetic blood sugars dropped; and several people had surprisingly rapid recovery after near-fatal accidents. After a heart attack a man with 20% heart function said his heart is back to normal after a year of taking RnA Drops.
What’s amazing about RnA Drops, and like no other product that I know, is that they are not just active at the level of the physical body. People comment on their heightened state of bliss and feeling like they are in a state of strength, confidence, and poise as their world moves in the direction they want to go. People take back their Power.
Something that may be difficult to fathom is that our inspiration for the Living Water Project came from a Non-Physical source called iON. We don’t call iON a medium – they are a “non-physical environment”. I know I’m going out on a huge limb here with this revelation but I consider this limb very solid. We think we’re living in a 3-D world but even our physicists have discovered what some call “The God Particle” (Higgs boson) with their $10 Billion Hadron Collider.
I, personally, like to consider the possibility that there are more than 3 dimensions and that medicine is more than just treating the physical body. We are living in very interesting times yet many claim that the world is coming off its hinges, that there are no answers and everything is falling apart. So, I say, why not add some miracles and answers to the mix?
iON, in describing the RnA Drops, says that the drops give new information to our RNA which affects our DNA via an improved tuning function of Chromosome14, allowing the replication of perfect cells. Imagine a photocopier that’s duplicating a faded master text and the toner is also running low. RnA Drops “enhance the master text” and “replenish the toner” allowing the new master copy to make refreshed, perfect cells.
There is also the matter of increasing our one double-strand of DNA to the numbers that we were created with. Here’s a hint. According to iON, we were originally created with 144,000 double-strands of DNA. If this is “true”, it goes a long way to explain why we have been living in a perpetual “less than” state and Authority figures have no trouble “keeping us down.” To me, this information gives some rationale to the unfortunately familiar lack of ability to come into our own Power. Our 65 hours of in-depth discussion of the Book of Revelation helps sort out the Power versus Authority battle through the ages. Information about iON, the RnA Drops and the first several hours of the Revelation series are available for free under the iON link at iON & Bob.
Yes, I hear the buzz of incredulity but I make no apologies for being at least 20 years ahead of my time. Nevertheless, if none of this makes any sense to you, just stop reading and move on. There is no need to give it any attention, especially if it triggers anger or fear. These emotions are “less than” positions that I certainly don’t want to place in your world. But if this information triggers a “knowing” as it does for many, keep reading.
I was an Honors Biology-Genetics major before I went to medical school so I know a lot about RNA. But it wasn’t until I started talking with iON that I learned how extremely important it is. We all got distracted researching DNA and unlocking the human genome. Yet little research existed on RNA until recently. Even so, in RNA research, as you can see from a recent report in Science Daily about RNA Interference Cancer Treatment, medicine always seems to choose therapies that go “on the attack.” Whereas I support treatments like RnA Drops that enhance the body.
Since RnA Drops are an expression of the Future of Medicine, which is happening Now, I believe they are capable of elevating the health status of the whole body by creating perfect cells. Negative genetic expression can happen when a body is in a “weakened” state, which is a compromised signaling capacity within and between cells that fails to communicate the proper expression of the gene. Since the new cells being created are not weak (RnA Drops consumers report no more allergies; lack of radiation effects; and no negative effects from eating junk food), our DNA is not interrupted in its process of replicating 144,000 double-strands. When our DNA arrives at 144,000, our new cells are complete, as they should be, without genetic defects.
What’s interesting about the synthetic Souvenaid product is that it incorporates uridine, which is a nucleotide precursor to RNA, but not DNA. And, the formula for RnA Drops includes baker’s yeast, with its uridine component. So, we are both on the right track. However, RnA Drops are a completely natural food, with an incredible backstory, and available now!
There’s much more, but I’ll leave that for you to research on your own. You can start at iON & Bob.
6 August 2012