Bob Dobbs Talks About Walter Bowart

Bob Dobbs, James Martinez & Walter Bowart
On 30 November 2009, James Martinez gave an interview to Kerry Cassidy at Project Camelot about his relationship with Walter Bowart. Many of the early iONettes (before Akito coined the word) discovered James and then iON through that interview.

2 May 2010

James’s relationship with Walter began late in Walter’s life and lasted until his death in 2007. To give some perspective on Bowart, on 2 May 2010, Bob Dobbs spoke about his association with Bowart which began more than 2 decades before James’s. In the later half of this 2.5 hour reminiscence (audio above), Bob goes into Peter Beter’s interest in spiritual matters, how Beter tried to corner the gold market and the importance of the Evergreens. He explained quadrophenia to me and media ecology.

A week later, Bob and James got together to compare notes on Bowart. Their talk began with a discussion of Walter’s 40 day drug trip which was administered to him without his knowledge in the 1960s. James spoke about his and Walter’s involvement with Masons and, later, Bob and James talk with Walter through iON.

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