When are Spiritual Gifts Activated


19 April 2014

“Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not have you ignorant.”
1 Corinthians Chapter 12

Transcribed by Nan

[Note: Quotes are not word-for-word bible quotes.]

Bob 0:01
Go ahead Madeleine.

Madeleine 0:03
It’s about the 144,000 strands of DNA.

iON 0:07
They’re not strands of DNA but made up of your DNA is 144,000 double helix that make up your DNA at a cellular level. But yes, go ahead.

Madeleine 0:21
When those are all present and active, are our spiritual gifts automatically activated at that time or do they come sooner? Or do we still, in our eternalness go on some, like a journey of activating them one at a time on our own? How does spiritual gifts tie in with the DNA, as in like telekinesis and clairvoyance and clairaudience and all that stuff?

iON 0:52
Is there a question?

Madeleine 0:54
Yeah, the question is, do you need to have the 144,000 activated in order for the spiritual gifts to be activated? Are those related?

iON 1:09
First Corinthians 12.

Bob 1:12
Chapter 12, verse one.

Madeleine 1:14
That’s the gifts of the Spirit. "Brothers and sisters, I do not want you to be uninformed. You know that when you were pagans, somehow or other you were influenced and led astray to mute idol. Therefore,

iON 1:26
"Therefore, I want you to know that no one who is speaking by the Spirit of God says, ‘Jesus be cursed,’ and no one can say, ‘Jesus is Lord.’ except by the Holy Spirit. There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone is the same God at work. Now, to each one, the manifestation of the Spirit is given for common good. To one there is given through the Spirit, a message of wisdom, to another a message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by the one Spirit, to another the miraculous powers, and to another prophecies, to another distinguishing between the Spirit, to another speaking of different kinds of tongues, and still another interpretation of tongues. And these are the works then of the same Spirit. And He distributes them to each one just as He determines." Now, your question regarding how spiritual gifts apply. This sort of lays it out. Now, with this information do you have a better question or another question? Or shall we slide right into telekinesis?

Madeleine 2:39
Oh, that sounds like humans are granted different gifts by the Spirit thing.

iON 2:47
Well, by God.

Madeleine 2:49
So, capital Spirit is God? That’s you.

iON 2:53
No, that’s you!

Madeleine 2:55
That’s me.

iON 2:58
Yeah, it ain’t us, honey. If we were God, y’all would be in a bad shape now. [laughs] We’d show you what the old rugged cross feels like, honey. [laughs]

Madeleine 3:12
This makes it sound like you can’t expect, like, I couldn’t expect to have all the gifts I want.

iON 3:18
You certainly may! You certainly may. That’s what it’s saying. If you don’t have one, you can blame God, and God is you.

Madeleine 3:27
And the 144,000 has nothing to do or anything to do with attaining these gifts?

iON 3:35
"Just as the body thou one has many parts but all its many parts form one body. So it is with Christ. For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body, whether Jew or Gentile, slave or free, we were all given the one Spirit to drink. Even so the body is not made up of one part but of many."

Madeleine 4:03
The old me would interpret that as like a collective kind of thing that

iON 4:09
You are.

Madeleine 4:09
Ah ha.

iON 4:10
But you are a collective.

Madeleine 4:13
So now we have a collective.

iON 4:15
You are a collective. It’s not now. You always are, you are. The reason you have to call it a collective is because you didn’t realize that you had parts. And the only reason you didn’t know you had parts is ’cause there’s stuff that you got you didn’t know you had, like the gifts of the Spirit. And now you have them, and you can use them if you want to.

Madeleine 4:35
I have them now.

iON 4:37
So, "But God has put the body together, giving greater honor to the parts that lacked it so that there should be no division in the body, but that its hard should have equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it. Now that you are the body of Christ," Remember, God, Christ? "and each one of you is part of it. And God has placed in the church first of all the apostles, and prophets, and teachers, then miracles, and teaching of healing, helping, and guidance, and different kinds of tongues. All are apostles? All are prophets? All are teachers? Do all work miracles? Do all have a gift of healing? Do they all speak in tongues? Do they all interpret? But eagerly desire the greater gifts." So, get it, get it all or get happy or get out. That’s the easiest way to do it; that’s the short version.

Madeleine 5:44
So, there’s no reason to wait for my DNA to change to claim and activate and use the gifts.

iON 5:53
"And yet, I will show you the most excellent way."

Madeleine 5:59
And that’s under a heading, "Love is Indispensable."

iON 6:03
Imagine that. And see how we acquiesce in this position, ’cause we only will allow King James. Only. There’s no exception.

Madeleine 6:13
Yes, I was just hurrying and

iON 6:15
And the point — well, I know, but the point is, we can go with you in whatever flow you go, meaning we can hang the fat. And so, to go into where you were it’s not a problem, because it’s kind of important what you were trying to do. ‘Cause we could do this exact same thing in King James, and it would be very different. No contest.

Madeleine 6:35
Well, I can go there now.

iON 6:37
Well, but it’d be very different now. This got you what you wanted to get. Now, let’s get on with this bullshit stuff that you’re tryin’ to figure out. Quit tryin’ to figure it. You’ve created all these different things and now you’re deciding that there’s parts of your body. Take it like bath time with the little bitty baby; they find their feet, they find their toes and they don’t know what they are, they’re toes. They find little bits of their genitalia here and there, and they don’t know what about that, but things happen there and it feels, it does things. And you’re bumping into things of tele — "Oh, that’s telekinesis. Oh, I’ve got some telekinesis." You play with these things, and you’d have to feel like you’ve developed them, and you already have them, otherwise you wouldn’t have this issue. See, we wouldn’t be having this conversation if you didn’t know anything about it ’cause you wouldn’t know anything about it. How would you desire something you didn’t know that was? Describe precisely the way to desire something that is unbeknownst to you.

Madeleine 6:45
So, you’re saying if you know it, then you’ve got it. You just have to use it.

iON 7:45
Well, you have access to it, and you can develop it. You can run it anywhere you want to. You know, you have to decide what, how you want it to play out. It’s up to you. Get in a world of movement and be right all the time and see how that works for you, my dear.

Madeleine 8:00
Is it required that all 144,000 double helix strands be present in order to activate these spiritual gifts?

iON 8:13
And the answer is asked and answered, no. Because as we’ve laid out through, –

Madeleine 8:17

iON 8:18
– this little bit, you have all these parts of your body. Just because you don’t know you have them doesn’t mean you don’t have them. And if you wanted to wait till you are completely Ascended, then you won’t be having this conversation because you’ll already be using those things. So, the question now is, are you still beating your lover? You know, yes, I am and I’m gonna stop now. Or no, but so you’re admitting you did used to beat your lover kind of thing. You see, it’s the "you" catching up to "you." And we’re okay with it because what you — all you’re trying to do is give a litmus to see how you’re doing. So, if we would have said yes, you must have all 144,000 and you start using your gifts, then you would be convinced because what we said, that you are Ascending. Okay? Well, if that’s what it takes to convince you you are ascending, okay, tear it up, sister, get right. But it’s not required ’cause you already can do all that anyway.

Jean 8:42
Did you just say that Madeleine already has the spiritual gift of telekinesis?

iON 9:19
Of course. Silly Bob.

Jean 9:22
Is that’s something she could focus on right now and develop?

iON 9:27
We’ll she certainly could if she wanted to.

Madeleine 9:32
Is it just a matter of allowing it, of getting the labyrinth of the mind out of the way or, you know, ignoring the — I don’t know.

iON 9:42
That’s pretty interesting if you look up the definition of telekinesis and try to get your mind out of the way. That’s sort of an oxymoron, isn’t it? [laughs] If you sharpen your pencil and get rid of your pencil, does that make the writing work go better? Yes, it would help the writing go much better.

Bob 10:01
So, what does the 144,000 activated do for a person or if it’s not the ESP or it is, describe a little bit more about what happens when you are activated.

iON 10:15
You are already activated. You’re already turned on, you just gotta pick up the phone and start pushing the buttons.

Bob 10:21
The drops make you more believing that you have these abilities?

iON 10:25
We hope not.

Bob 10:28
But what are the drops for?

iON 10:30
If it takes drops to remind you that you’re God, they may not be enough. The same way you don’t think it’d be about the money.

Bob 10:36
Why are we taking the drops?

iON 10:37
Because you fell and you left the clues all along, and you set a path of how you must go through this garden of Gethsemane as it were, in this Easter POM Resurrection Day; this is Resurrection Day. You should be resurrected. Let me tell y’all a little secret. If Jesus didn’t make the Ascension — this is when the Ascension takes place. If Jesus didn’t make it to Ascension, y’all fucked.

Bob 11:05
But we know he did, and we’re not, we’re not fucked. So, we take the drops even though we have all the

iON 11:10
But they spent so little, they spent so little energy describing the Ascension. This is the Emmaus Road. Ginney, where’s that, Ginney Belle? Get that Ginney Belle. Ginney can tell you everything you want to know about the Emmaus Road as opposed to the Damascus Road. The point is that it was this shaking yourself and coming into your Ascended state. And it’s not a big state. Okay, it’s not even as big as Rhode Island. Providence, that is.

Bob 11:39
Where Sheila lives.

iON 11:42
Yes. We love us some Sheila — Sheila’s mama lives. So anyway, what happens is you start to come into your gifts. All right. Let’s say when you’re comin’ along and your milk comes in. It comes in; sometimes it’s not fast and you don’t know what you’re doin’. Back in Elizabeth Montgomery and Tabitha, "Bewitched." See, Tabitha had the powers; she was a witch, but she didn’t know so she’d mess it up and tangle it up. She didn’t care. She just wanted what she wanted. She wanted cookies and milk; she got her cookies and milk. She didn’t give a shit about

Bob 12:14
Okay, okay. Fine. We’ve done Tabitha many times. So, people have everything they require. There’s no problem, they got eternity. Why — the drops have to come and activate because they’re fallen. She’s addressing the

iON 12:30
We’ve done, we’ve done degrees of separation. And we’ve heard all about degrees of separation and we’re not doing those.

Bob 12:37
Well, you’re gonna do what I say here. Okay, listen.

iON 12:40
Ooh, really?

Bob 12:41
Haha. Woo hoo! [chuckles]

iON 12:41
How delightful.

Bob 12:48
Now, listen to this you, you bastard. Now listen to this. We’re gonna get you to focus and not replay the old cliches from two years ago.

iON 12:56
Oh. Yawn.

Bob 12:57
Yeah, what you’re saying is that everything’s okay, but you’ve fallen! And so Madeleine’s asking you about her gifts that aren’t too apparent to her because she’s fallen. So, she takes the drops and they get her out of the fallen state. And so they are connected to activating the drops to the the ESP, activating ESP

iON 13:16
Let’s say, Let’s say it a different way. You’re setting a precedent that you don’t need to set. You’re making it harder, and we don’t wanna make it harder, we wanna make it easy.

Bob 13:25
Well, you made it hard. You said that the drops are because you’re fallen. You made a hard situation there. You said that five minutes ago.

iON 13:34
You set the precedent. You were a God. You separated yourself from your power; we didn’t do that. You set in all of what you call your recorded history, the way, the truth and the light of how you’re coming back into your place of power. You went all through great pains to riddle it all through history; through Thoth, The Emerald Tablets, every other mucking gangin’, trip bangin’, sip sangin’, flip flingin’ thing you ever wanna come up with and point you back to your way. The way back to God. Okay. And so you made these shewbread, then you got Living Water where you drink the water and you never thirst no more, and Bread of Living Water that comes and changes the body. And, and then you got the blood, the Lamb’s blood. You just got through with the Passover where you found out what the Seder plate was, the shank bone. What’s — the shank bone’s connected to the Ascension process, and then you kinda go on to the Word of the Lord. And then you get through all these details, details, details to round you right back into your Ascending process. Now, beginning you start with the RNA drops. Okay? You start with the drops, and what that does for the body is it starts in you a reset, the reset to get back to God. This reset is critical because it’s sets your body into the shaking-focus-notion that there are something that’s different. See, you make yourself not recall what Gods feel like, okay? You talk about God all the time; you sing it, you praise it, you worship it, you do all this kind of crap. But when you start coming to feeling and visceral in your body, and tactile and, and the world shakes under your feet, all of a sudden you just get all dim and demure. So, RNA drops sets this — begins your reset process. You’ll carry on and as you enjoy something, you’ll carry on and you’ll go into your Living Water, and to your bread, shewbread as it were. And that will even speed up the whole process, but you’re also going to relax and allow and remember the processes of Ascension; they’ve not changed. Now, we’ve redefined them a little bit just because we started with such a dumbed-down version so you could get your teeth around it, then now you’re asking better questions and, and so it is. But as far as your gifts go, that’s a drop of RNA drops will begin you into the process of your Ascension process, it also will unlock your gifts. If you have gifts, which we say you all have all of them — all right? — and they can be tapped and activated and turned on anytime, anyway, anyhow you want them on. You can also turn them off. You’re so powerful you got yourself into the mess you’re in now.

Bob 16:42
Well, that seemed to answer you, Madeleine. That covered more of the dynamics of it.

Madeleine 16:47
Yeah, that’s good. Thank you.

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