Ed Wakin to Marshall McLuhan | 25 October 1969

Lance Strate introduced me to Ed Wakin at Fordham in the first week of April, 1998.

Wakin was interesting to talk to because he had evoked very personal comments in his published dialogue with McLuhan in 1977, such as the famous “I am an apocalyptic” confession.

But Wakin wanted me to understand that Fordham never recovered from McLuhan’s Schweitzer Chair at Fordham between Sept.’68 and Sept.’69.

Because Gov. Nelson Rockefeller withdrew the paying of the $100,000.00 (or whatever) for McLuhan’s 12-month stay (Fordham was a private Catholic University and not eligible for state funds), Fordham was forced to come up with the money.

Wakin told Lance and I that Fordham was unable to balance their budget from that unexpected “hole” and was still limping 30 years later.

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