Bob Talks About JW

I can call spirits from the vasty deep.

Why, so can I, or so can any man;
But will they come when you do call for them?

Henry The Fourth, Part I Act 3, scene 1


  1. JW owns/runs several big corporations and the shareholders demand that he have bodyguards, so he obliges.

    He's had bodyguards for at least a decade (long before iON).

    He actually, personally, wouldn't require them now but the "little woman/man" wouldn't understand.

    This dilemma for the ASCENDED is spelled out in the Emerald Tablets (see their posting here).

  2. I can totally understand that his shareholders want him to have bodyguards, but he's not living a very free life if his shareholders have the power to completely shut him down. Why can't ION come through the electric environment without JW? It's just not as fun without ION, no offense.

  3. You are assuming JW is a free man. He is "ascending" – no doubt about that – but that doesn't mean he's becoming freer. If anything, he's becoming much less freer. The responsibilities of being a key part of iONdom are way beyond what he had going pre-iON. I knew JW back then and he could drive along the freeways of Georgia at 150mph or more and have no interference from cops. Nobody imposed rules on JW. That's still the case, but JW has gladly accepted his new fantastic obligations because, to put it bluntly, the "constant orgasm" is NO PROB… NO PROB!!… for JW.

    Now, note what I posted elsewhere. It suggests you may be missing the fun:

    [[ Third Point: "New and fresh"? Are you listening to my "Answer to Cancer/Chromosome 14" series on PAYDAY? There you will hear actual workshops, mainly between iON and Carolyn, about scientific (in particular, genetic) matters recorded 3.5 years ago. If you have, you should realize you are hearing something EXTREMELY new and refreshing… for YOU.

    Fourth Point: When iON returns for public performances, please prepare yourself for an experience TRULY NEW and REFRESHING!! So much so, that… well… well, fair warning. ]]

    Re: your desire for iON to come through the electric environment. They already are… for a few (perhaps many) people already. We have reported some of these interventions by iON on PAYDAY. So, do the 3-2-1 Process/Evocation and maybe you will have a non-verbal visit from my colleagues whom, I assure you, are an upstanding, phun SWITCHGEAR.

  4. His "shareholders?" ha! Really, why not be more honest about JW's status? JEFFREY WALLACE “J.W.” EDWARDS, 46, of Bremen, Georgia, was sentenced (12.1.2011) by United States District Judge Robert L. Vining, Jr. to prison on federal charges of wire fraud, mail fraud, and money laundering. That is from the FBI and US Justice Dept websites, NOT some online forum. The US Patent office shows the exact same name, from the exact same tiny Georgia town < Jeffrey Wallace Edwards (Bremen, GA, US) > as an "inventor" along with Carolyn Flora Anne Dean (Kihei, HI, US) for "Class name: Chemistry: molecular biology and microbiology plant cell or cell line, per se (e.g., transgenic, mutant, etc.); composition thereof; process of propagating, maintaining, or preserving plant cell or cell line; process of isolating or separating a plant cell or cell line; process of regenerating plant cells into tissue, plant part, or plant, per se, where no genotypic change occurs; medium therefore
    Publication date: 2012-03-22
    Patent application number: 20120070898 Read More:

    You can't just keep denying JW's status. He's another Bernie Madoff. I'm surprised that people who lost MILLIONS in this investment scam don't call in to one of your shows. Or maybe the upcoming marathon?? Now, that doesn't mean you, BOB, can't keep talking about the non-physical. It's great stuff. But why do you and your fabulous wife want to be so closely associated with this creepy con man? That's the perplexing part for me.

  5. You've got the wrong guy.

    Our "JW" is not in jail.

    Call in during my 5-day marathon broadcast and I will explain it all to you.

    Or listen to all of "my" second album/CD, BOB'S MEDIA ECOLOGY SQUARED (1993).

  6. Bob, you always say "not our guy." But how do you explain Carolyn Dean's name (of Hawaii) on the iCell patent application with the guy who was convicted of fraud? BTW, here's a recent court docket filing (from Sept 2013) again the JW of Bremen, GA same as on the patent app. And, how ionic that the "Heavenly Abundance Foundation" is now tied up with all this. I will call in. Be ready 😉

  7. Yes, the "JW" on the patent and reported to be in jail is "our JW" in terms of his ID but he is NOT in jail. Get that – NOT IN JAIL!!! That's the part people don't understand.

  8. Does "NOT IN JAIL" include USP (U.S.Penitentiary)? Careful…. and perhaps on the marathon you'll tell us more about the NINE JW's. Are they in various dimensions and varying states of physicality? I only know where one is 😉

  9. what i don't 'get" ( and have adopted my wife's skeptical nature to a point ) is if Ion/JW truly desire this info. to be known by all little men/women so we can ascend into big man/woman which, by the way, sounds like THIS is judging/labeling others , why are the recordings costly and not made so ANYONE could afford?

    If this is so important, why not share this info. to anyone and everyone for free or at most, $10? if it is a physical item one receives, then just add s&h to maybe a total of NO MORE than $20. Otherwise, much of this appears a another way to capitalize on ( what you would call ) the little man/woman.

    This seems more like a business/income opportunity except that nobody is promoting it in a way to make sales UNTIL one reads Matt's book or listens to your stories and the archives.

    Even Ginny "Almighty' ( c'mon now, is that her REAL last name or is she so full of herself and her big-woman mind?) has advised to at least buy the alchemy tapes 1 and 2, which she stated was very affordable at 30 or 50 bucks ( she wasn't sure in that archived interview ).

    And why is it that when listening to specific recordings that leave one hanging abruptly, one could always go to a site and buy the entire recordings? Is it all about the benjamins?

  10. Anon – trust your skepticism, it's your higher self trying to tell you that you're on the right track! Do you really think that Creator Source would require $150 a month to qualify for ascension? I don't think so. Bless your water with good intentions before you drink and you'll be fine!!

  11. Yes, I agree things have changed. It's much harder to convince people you're telling the truth when you're not.


    Bob: This product is only for ascending people.

    Carolyn: Uh-huh.

    iON: It's only for ascending people.

    Bob: Not for healthy people.

    iON: Right.

    Bob: Not people who are sick. Not people who have got all these problems.

    iON: We're not here to cure anything. We're not here to help anything.
    We're not trying to soothe anything. We're not trying to make you happy.
    We're not trying to prove your happiness. We're not trying to see whether
    or not you're happy.

    This product was not created for your benefit, for your pleasure, or your
    enjoyable delightment. It's not for that.

    It's only for the ascending.


    Bob: This product is only for ascending people.

    Carolyn: Uh-huh.

    iON: It's only for ascending people.

    Bob: Not for healthy people.

    iON: Right.

    Bob: Not people who are sick. Not people who have got all these problems.

    iON: We're not here to cure anything. We're not here to help anything.
    We're not trying to soothe anything. We're not trying to make you happy.
    We're not trying to prove your happiness. We're not trying to see whether
    or not you're happy.

    This product was not created for your benefit, for your pleasure, or your
    enjoyable delightment. It's not for that.

    It's only for the ascending.

  14. Bob: So, getting people to believe in what we're selling is more important than the truth?

    iON: Hijacking the truth is nothing new Bob. Religions have been doing it for thousands of years.

  15. "I only express the facts which are constantly changing Figure-Ground relationships." Is it not the truth or fact that people will do just about anything to make a quick buck ( as it appears you're doing )? Yours and Ion's "dialogue" appears to be a play on words and just to make others think differently which is fine, but it also appears …you know what; i'm wasting my time here since you obviously will have an answer for everything. You'll use the word "ascending" as if to talk down to those who are skeptical and will not fall for your scam or question your intentions/agenda.
    If not to help people, why then, does your wife, Carolyn Dean, offer a 2 hour radio show in which, of course, those that call in will need or may find it helpful in using her products of which, by the way, nobody can be sure of where they are being produced or of the quality? There's something going on here and i'm surprised there have yet to be any major investigations other than what MH had sent out to his customers regarding you, your wife and the preacher-lady, ginny and how the products are being produced in ginny and her partner's home. You get away with it all by claiming you're a "comedy show" This IOn, also seems to be speaking of God or ascending, power, etc. etc. in a slightly different way that Neale Donald walsh did in his 3 book series, Conversations With God. maybe you guys felt you could put on a similar act using his content and just varying it a bit, here and there? Anyway, enough wasted time here. You might have good conversation on your show, but you and ion are just that…a show.

    Bob: This product is only for ascending people.

    Carolyn: Uh-huh.

    iON: It's only for ascending people.

    Bob: Not for healthy people.

    iON: Right.

    Bob: Not people who are sick. Not people who have got all these problems.

    iON: We're not here to cure anything. We're not here to help anything.
    We're not trying to soothe anything. We're not trying to make you happy.
    We're not trying to prove your happiness. We're not trying to see whether
    or not you're happy."
    Then why is there a 2 hour radio show every monday with Carolyn trying to help people?

  16. Carolyn's show is an act of boasting – how she is the smartest, prettiest, healthiest senior citizen in the world today, and how she got that way… she wishes the same for you.

    My show is a weekly ritual to establish me as the greatest porn star to hit the electronic and digital media.

    Listen to the coordinates (starting at 5:09):

  17. What are the drops supposed to do again please? I had three baby bottles a mid range and a couple of the ReBob bottles. At the time of taking I did not care, took and enjoyed. Now generations later I cannot remember why or understand any redevelopments. My last couple of bottles were not completely full but still seemed to last over a month. A small bottle may refresh my memory, is this something I can Amazon. Or is this only for Kindle Readers please? If you cannot talk about these things of ascending is it possible to explain what white stone is. Is this just dust from a white stone, or the white stone forms in reaction to a glass bottle. Also is this all natural ingredients? Or is the stone from (for example) a alien meatiurite?

  18. The drops are supposed to create and maintain a permanent leak from your bank accounts and wallet or purse, just like all the 'products' hatched and advertised from moonbat land. If they duck like a quack, and talk/write like quacks, they're quacks!

  19. Well done Bob this is my favourite product in my fridge. Just get the 'ReBob' Beefheart. I not ascending yet and perhaps fit the category of not 100% well but I relax immediately on injection as does Mutley my dog. Thanks iON for helping develop the barley cells.

  20. Bob is not that cute. He's not as cute as he thinks he is, and he's not as cute as he needs to be. Regardless of the changing figure and ground, beauty is still beauty and ugly is still ugly.

  21. Hello Scott (Talkington),

    I remember you discussing the "demos" when I first encountered you on a FB forum a couple of years ago.

    You're always welcome to attend my Internet-Radio shows with iON on Tuesday and Saturday.

  22. Demos is "the people" and what I discussed is that its origin is in the Daemon that was specified by Socrates. The Daemon does not tell you *what* to do; it tells you what *not* to do. Socrates maintained that he always tried to obey his Daemon. This is all quite different from the "demonic" which could be seen as the opposite of the Daemon.

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