Payday Chat Line | 13 June 2015


groomio.79 at 2:01:28 AM
“beef on a fork, got burnt, cooked, extra hot, mm. mmm” 
groomio.79 at 1:50:09 AM
it’s gonna happen anyway..whether we talk about it or not and i don’t know what ” it” is….but it’s good
augmentr.249 at 12:22:35 AM
blue ice?
Roxy.251 at 11:56:32 PM
Rebelations 22:22
Roxy.251 at 11:54:49 PM
Is one of the most repeazted words ob the Holy Boble.
Roxy.251 at 11:54:02 PM
the word translated as ‘repentance’ is the Greek word μετάνοια (metanoia), “after/behind one’s mind”, which is a compound word of the preposition ‘meta’ (after, with), and the verb ‘noeo’ (to perceive, to think, the result of perceiving or observing). In this compound word the preposition combines the two meanings of time and change, which may be denoted by ‘after’ and ‘different’; so that the whole compound means: ‘to think differently after’. Metanoia is therefore primarily an after-thought, different from the former thought; a change of mind and change of conduct, “change of mind and heart”, or, “change of consciousness”.
Roxy.251 at 11:47:21 PM
Repentance[1] is the activity of reviewing one’s actions. Turn to God.
groomio.79 at 11:42:11 PM
skype? microsip?
Roxy.251 at 11:39:53 PM
Repent, engage in the debate!
Bob Neveritt.46 at 11:39:14 PM
The Recollective Consciousness
Roxy.251 at 11:38:49 PM
Pete and Repete were in a boat and Pete jumped out. Who was left?
Roxy.251 at 11:37:53 PM
Repent! You may die tomorrow!according to hold new meaning, talk to ascending ones.Talking is repenting!
Roxy.251 at 11:34:47 PM
But he called conscoiuness, lucidity.
Bob Neveritt.46 at 11:33:52 PM
recollective consciousness
Roxy.251 at 11:33:30 PM
Baudrillard said “there is no relity, only media”, so perform! We´re discussing the new recollected lucidity, what we used to call collective consciousness.But iON corrected me.
groomio.79 at 11:30:04 PM
groomio.79 at 11:30:04 PM
#+3 #+3
Roxy.251 at 11:29:45 PM
Is not a paranoic schizophrenic experience.
groomio.79 at 11:29:07 PM
that would be great if i knew how to actually use the phone
Roxy.251 at 11:28:20 PM
or say something, talk to the prophet! Get in the conference call.
Roxy.251 at 11:19:43 PM
ok, keep chatting.
Bob Neveritt.46 at 11:17:58 PM
we’re waiting – music and everything!!
Bob Neveritt.46 at 11:14:29 PM
Access 933874#
Roxy.251 at 11:14:28 PM
Conference call!
Bob Neveritt.46 at 11:14:10 PM
Go to 209-647-1000
Access 933874
come back if it doesn’t work
Red Thong.251 at 11:12:48 PM
Get ready!We´re playing now!
Red Thong.251 at 11:12:14 PM
Glory, Honor, Power!
groomio.79 at 11:11:45 PM
play on! 
Bob Neveritt.46 at 11:11:10 PM
now what?
Red Thong.251 at 11:11:07 PM
Thunder sound!
groomio.79 at 11:10:36 PM
yeah bob! 
Red Thong.251 at 11:10:29 PM
From Luckenback!
Bob Neveritt.46 at 11:09:55 PM
groomio.79 at 11:05:43 PM
this was a few weeks ago
groomio.79 at 11:05:43 PM
this was a few weeks ago
Red Thong.251 at 11:04:36 PM
Roxy reporting.
groomio.79 at 11:00:44 PM
I was sitting outside in the dark, in the middle of the night, when an enormous thunder began rumbling, in the midst of which a ball of light came streaking towards me and hit me directly in the chest!
how about dat dough!
Madeleine.195 at 10:45:44 PM
The tactile interval: source of creation.
groomio.79 at 10:35:47 PM
fat fingers i guess
groomio.79 at 10:35:47 PM
fat fingers i guess
groomio.79 at 10:35:11 PM
don;t know why every post is 2
groomio.79 at 10:34:39 PM
don’t know madeleine. i’ve been listening to bob n roxy’s latest video
groomio.79 at 10:34:38 PM
don’t know madeleine. i’ve been listening to bob n roxy’s latest video
Madeleine.83 at 10:30:43 PM
What are we hearing right now?
groomio.79 at 10:24:19 PM
sad slave face
groomio.79 at 10:24:19 PM
sad slave face
groomio.79 at 10:23:15 PM
want to?  #:(
groomio.79 at 10:23:14 PM
want to? #:( #:(
groomio.79 at 10:16:53 PM
ion…wanna play? 
Nat.41 at 9:29:41 PM
lovejob i sent email to your old yahoo address i had from 5 years ago — good running into you tonight
Nat.41 at 9:08:06 PM
oh i think so – is he coming on?
Lovejob.184 at 9:07:16 PM
Bob said go to the chat line. Is this it?
Lovejob.184 at 9:05:13 PM
That’s cool.
Gotti.37 at 9:01:56 PM
Data converted from aged Hippie excrement.
Nat.41 at 8:59:33 PM
i’ll get you my phone # and we can catch up sometime that way? right now not great time for me
Nat.41 at 8:57:26 PM
don’t think so —
Lovejob.184 at 8:56:19 PM
Hey is there a voice chat line?
Nat.41 at 8:55:03 PM
ahh now that is intriguing idea!
Lovejob.184 at 8:54:38 PM
Maybe u could be on next podcast
Nat.41 at 8:54:34 PM
books? not sure what you’re referring to
Nat.41 at 8:54:11 PM
well maybe we should catch up
Lovejob.184 at 8:53:49 PM
Cool. U see all those books I have to put up
Lovejob.184 at 8:52:24 PM
Just wondering what u were up to
Nat.41 at 8:52:20 PM
i am always kind of up to date on you via FB lol
Nat.41 at 8:51:54 PM
oh yeah? what about
Lovejob.184 at 8:51:38 PM
Good to talk to u! Hope ur well 
I was just thinking about u
Nat.41 at 8:51:03 PM
Lovejob.184 at 8:50:55 PM
Nat is that u man?
Nat.41 at 8:50:34 PM
good to cross paths here
Lovejob.184 at 8:50:05 PM
It’s really me
Nat.41 at 8:49:57 PM
was wondering what james joyce would say about caitlyn jenner earlier tonight
Nat.41 at 8:47:16 PM
wow is that really lovejob?
Lovejob.184 at 8:46:28 PM
What’s up dudes
Nat.41 at 8:40:05 PM
thanx Barb
Barb .181 at 8:38:51 PM
Last Wednesday or the Wed. before that.
Nat.41 at 7:57:12 PM
When did this show originally air?
markd16.38 at 7:33:15 PM
AC:DC Bob iON/ Live or Memorex
Nat.41 at 7:31:04 PM
Next show after Payday should be called Direct Deposit
R.251 at 7:29:59 PM
Modulating freakuency to sing new song. 90% downloaded.
R.251 at 7:28:53 PM
He has been practicing, is te 6th time he does this.
Kyle.81 at 7:28:47 PM
post Thunderocalypse
Nat.41 at 7:27:52 PM
Kyle.81 at 7:26:23 PM
Bob u loosed the 7 thumders now the world must recaibrate
R.251 at 7:24:56 PM
As a member of the iluminatious, I can´t comment on that.
sco.213 at 7:24:16 PM
flyon the Wall.
markd16.38 at 7:22:20 PM
So, what do thunderbirds fly on?
The Wake.
sco.213 at 7:21:17 PM
R.251 at 7:19:57 PM
markd16.38 at 7:19:26 PM
3,2,1 and a one ala Lawrence Welk
R.251 at 7:18:39 PM
1, 2, 3…
R.251 at 7:18:14 PM
markd16.38 at 7:18:02 PM
You know that you can waltz to it so it is good.
R.251 at 7:17:48 PM
Replaying the replay!
markd16.38 at 7:16:45 PM
Ok, R, mine is Lukkednoerendunandurraskewdylooshoofermoyportertooryzooysphalnabortansporthaokansakroidverjkapakkpuk.
R.251 at 7:14:43 PM
Ok, what is your favorite word? mine is Klikkaklakkaklaskaklopatzklatschabattacreppycrottygraddaghsemmihsammihnouithappluddyappladdypkonpkot
R.251 at 7:12:25 PM
Cybernetic isomorphism…any thoughts?
R.251 at 7:10:05 PM
This is how it feels At the Edge of History. I am the Alpha and the Omega.
R.251 at 7:06:38 PM

R.251 at 7:06:27 PM
Soooo, what´s up in the land of the muted.
Bob Neveritt.46 at 6:54:20 PM
fuck you, Gotti
Gotti.37 at 6:52:58 PM
ok, i have to go. See you on iON.
Gotti.37 at 6:52:28 PM

Gotti.37 at 6:52:10 PM
you got it ! 🙂
Gotti.37 at 6:50:54 PM
6 of 1
Gotti.37 at 6:50:46 PM
here’s a hint…..
Bob Neveritt.46 at 6:50:29 PM

Gotti.37 at 6:50:08 PM

Gotti.37 at 6:49:36 PM
I know, it’s cryptic. But ask iON
Gotti.37 at 6:48:12 PM
She told me to tell you to let go of your routine in your technique 😉
Gotti.37 at 6:46:49 PM
I can’t help you there. But I can say to use Pepper…
kev in kansas.195 at 6:46:33 PM
wordy listening
Bob Neveritt.46 at 6:46:09 PM
I’m positively negative about that thought, Gotti
Gotti.37 at 6:45:34 PM
Someone is interested in Romance. Trouble in the sack , no ?
markd16.38 at 6:45:32 PM
No Doubt. Non of us can keep up.
Jaun.244 at 6:45:15 PM
silent payday…the contrast is unbearable 
Bob Neveritt.46 at 6:45:01 PM
I’m always hanging out with iONettes
Gotti.37 at 6:44:20 PM
Believe in thinking positive. this is the trick 😉
markd16.38 at 6:43:43 PM
pryvit ion!
Red thong.251 at 6:43:12 PM
Me too. Private session with my Self.
Gotti.37 at 6:43:09 PM
by the way
markd16.38 at 6:43:04 PM
Bob, you got it backwards, you need to take a break from iON and hang out with us. 
Gotti.37 at 6:43:04 PM
Uranus (the planet) rules 6
groomio.79 at 6:42:46 PM
no show today and next 2 weeks? 🙁
will iON be making an appearance for a chat anyway?
Gotti.37 at 6:42:21 PM
Emerald Green for the eyes….
Red thong.251 at 6:42:01 PM
red thong, white socks.We like emerald green!
Gotti.37 at 6:41:52 PM
iOn, I’m ready
Bob Neveritt.46 at 6:41:08 PM
I have to take a break – private session with iON
Gotti.37 at 6:41:06 PM
4 is a great foundation. A symbol of the square that corresponds to the Earth.
markd16.38 at 6:40:25 PM
Better than green goddess green bra..
kev in kansas.195 at 6:40:15 PM
shut the sound off and don’t listen
Red thong.251 at 6:39:59 PM
markd16.38 at 6:39:22 PM
Yo! Thred thong.
Gotti.37 at 6:39:11 PM
The sun began to rise at 4am on the eastern sea board.
Red thong.251 at 6:38:39 PM
Riders on the storm with thunders.
markd16.38 at 6:37:46 PM
Yes Bob, it’s all bout the Bass, no treble.
Bob Neveritt.46 at 6:37:20 PM
no Debit card, mark
markd16.38 at 6:36:56 PM
I hear riders on the storm. 
No Problem with B.251 at 6:36:42 PM
Nobody makes a cireography, startr tutung we´re all Phara-ohs!
Gotti.37 at 6:36:32 PM
I hear an Astrology session
markd16.38 at 6:36:03 PM
Correction to Bob.
No Problem with B.251 at 6:35:27 PM
AT the coliseum in Rome, in the big sacred aztec piramid, go wherever you want.
markd16.38 at 6:35:12 PM
So, the Debit card is the new stage, with Roxy choreographing the next preset.
Bob Neveritt.46 at 6:34:50 PM
iONdom is our present stage
Bob Neveritt.46 at 6:34:16 PM
the credit card was our previous stage, according to MM
No Problem with B.251 at 6:34:07 PM
On the stage at Pergamos.
Bob Neveritt.46 at 6:33:46 PM
see, mark… Roxy gets it – every new shift.
markd16.38 at 6:33:28 PM
Perform on what stage?
No Problem with B.251 at 6:32:50 PM
Actually is another type of PAXDAY! is all about communication, as we chat other people perform.
markd16.38 at 6:29:29 PM
Prof. Bob, you are expanding the platform to no meme.
kev in kansas.195 at 6:28:37 PM
Bob, Ion can adjust this
Bob Neveritt.46 at 6:27:42 PM
see explanation below R
Randy.148 at 6:26:51 PM
Oh okay. Thanks Bob.
Bob Neveritt.46 at 6:26:28 PM
yes, Randy – no show today
Bob Neveritt.46 at 6:26:11 PM
thanx jaun!
Randy.148 at 6:24:30 PM
Is everyone else hearing an astrology or psychic reading show or is it just me?
Jaun.244 at 6:22:53 PM
Cheers Bob!
augmentr.249 at 6:18:40 PM
ima be wanda sykes to the bar… h8rs gonna h8 ttfn loverlies
Bob Neveritt.46 at 6:14:51 PM
no prob, No Prob…
Bob Neveritt.46 at 6:14:21 PM
Yes, but see my DUPES post, Mataio
No Problem with B.251 at 6:13:55 PM
Have to get some cofee…may I be excuse for a while. Thanks.
Bob Neveritt.46 at 6:13:39 PM
correcto, No Prob, on the basketweaving
Bob Neveritt.46 at 6:13:18 PM
correct, augie!
Mataio.228 at 6:12:57 PM
Bob is ‘What Youth?’ still on schedule?
No Problem with B.251 at 6:12:56 PM
Transpersonative communication with hypo-poetic verses, affecting an hypothalamus near you!Only Hollywoodcould improve on that!
augmentr.249 at 6:11:32 PM
No Problem with B.251 at 6:10:57 PM
Thompson utopia sounds like basket weaving compared to what Bob presents.
augmentr.249 at 6:10:37 PM
This Awareness indicates this within the previous message, that your action in relation to the symbolic language is that which is extraordinary; this also will aid in relating higher abstractions within the psyche in a manner which creates the circumstances by which you may speak through more than one symbol simultaneously in a series of well-chosen words. This, at a level of transpersonative interaction.
Bob Neveritt.46 at 6:10:21 PM
Bob Neveritt.46 at 6:10:16 PM
I can’t play anything because Bill is broadcasting something else
markd16.38 at 6:09:08 PM
Cool, Bob on the poetry. You should play the Poetry Man by Phoebe Snow.
No Problem with B.251 at 6:08:59 PM
Bob expands- no bith, no death, eternity and hypopoetics.Parallel worlds and Gods interacting with each other in the ascended continent…
Mataio.228 at 6:07:41 PM
Yes Bob, they said that last week at the time indicated. followed by Greg asking “did we just piss bill off iON?” 
which they replied “Alas poor Bill we loved him well.”
No Problem with B.251 at 6:05:35 PM
Bob said lately, is not about the physical and the non-physical, is about the physical and the physical…
Jean.252 at 6:05:02 PM
Synchronicity #1:
Radio Dobbstown is randomly playing Bob’s archives from 1990, the same year Bob has been playing for the past few Sunday mornings.
No Problem with B.251 at 6:04:07 PM
The utopic Thompson revision.”The fourth economy of the community would be postindustrial, or cybernetic. The characteristic feature of a postindustrial economy is the emphasis on research and development and education. Since the entire village would be a contemplative educational community, after the manner of Lindisfarne and Findhorn, the adventure of consciousness would be more basic to the way of life than patterns of consumption. Everyone living in the community would be involved in an experiential approach to education, from contemplative birth, after the thought of Dr. Frederick LeBoyer, to contemplative death, after the thought of Dr. Elizabeth Kübler-Ross. And at the various stages of life in between, the entire community would function as a college, in which children and adults would work together in gardening, construction, ecological research, crafts, and classes in all fields of knowledge”
Doug Tidwell.55 at 6:03:32 PM
Ah, thanks
Bob Neveritt.46 at 6:03:07 PM
Bob Neveritt.46 at 5:16:37 PM
Greetings, Mataio. Bill had to deal with a family issue today.
No Problem with B.251 at 6:02:28 PM
thompson was a planetary villager, Bob made us multiverse, parallel world denizens.
Doug Tidwell.55 at 6:02:11 PM
It only goes back to 5:22:34 PM
Bob Neveritt.46 at 6:00:44 PM
See earlier comments, Doug.
No Problem with B.251 at 5:58:11 PM
Poetry translates the tactile correspondances.
Jean.252 at 5:58:10 PM
Ginney is interviewing Eben Ray on 4/2/14 Wednesday, in studio B
Doug Tidwell.55 at 5:58:04 PM
augmentr.249 at 5:58:03 PM
She was a debutante daisy
With a color-note organ
Doug Tidwell.55 at 5:57:51 PM
Whay happened Bob?
No Problem with B.251 at 5:57:23 PM
 Poetry evoques the ascended perception.
augmentr.249 at 5:57:21 PM
No Problem with B.251 at 5:55:26 PM
God-mad Hallaj danced in his chains up to the chopping block,
and then thanked his torturers politely with severed stumps.  
Worried that he might look too pale, he rouged his cheeks with blood,
and concerned he seemed unsightly he rearranged his trunk.  
Hallaj believed red martyrdom was God’s pure bridal frock,
and death the soul’s lovingly deflowered stained bridal bed.  
Nightingale and rose, cypress, slim Turk, and drunk beggar’s smock:
if left an instant only, Hafez cried to God in code.  
These God-addicted block their God’s Creation, turning back
to Godhead, narcissisticly spurning our godhood’s end.  
From Godhead to godhood, evolution is not the wrack.
Sufis nurse directly, priests from religion’s sugar tit.  
The soul’s Dark Night, San Juan, is your old flame’s “Get over it!”,
to a junky, given tough lovinglyBob Neveritt.46 at 5:55:19 PM
I’ve heard it too many times, Jean.
Jean.252 at 5:52:57 PM
Bob, let’s go listen to Zappa in studio C!
Jean.252 at 5:52:39 PM

augmentr.249 at 5:52:15 PM
thatsposed to feel good J 
Bob Neveritt.46 at 5:51:24 PM
Just Roxy, so far, mark… on the poetry project.
Jean.252 at 5:50:41 PM
aww, I feel left out now, auggie

Jean.252 at 5:49:58 PM
there is a chat line on studio C page, also…
Bob Neveritt.46 at 5:49:51 PM
William Irwin Thompson, No Prob.
Bob Neveritt.46 at 5:49:28 PM
nice punning, augie!
augmentr.249 at 5:49:12 PM
lazy queryless voyeur pirate ghost parrots with dull googlers, Jean not included
Bob Neveritt.46 at 5:48:59 PM
You’re quoting iON, Mataio?
Jean.252 at 5:48:43 PM
Hey ya’ll, Zappa is being interviewed by Howard Stern (10/31/90 Bob & Mike Show)
in Studio C:
No Problem with B.251 at 5:47:10 PM
Vade-Mecum Angelum, by Irving William Thompson.
augmentr.249 at 5:46:27 PM
and in my dreams i can see my cells ass a prophet Resurrect All inorganic patterns to the Organic Living Light
No Problem with B.251 at 5:46:21 PM
The 5th Lesson.
On Iona,
I through Brigid’s
forehead star
saw the sacred
gold trifoil knot.
Now three become
one in the point.
I find myself
needing to be
in conscious dying
Daimon and Angel
and not me.
No Problem with B.251 at 5:43:50 PM
The second lesson.9.
Why do I always go back 
to where I have been,
seeking to repeat 
the vision of last night?
Each night is new. 
If I seek to go
to hypnagogic states, 
she’ll hold me
to the waking mind, 
showing it’s closer
to spirit than soul, 
as air is to light,
and water is to mud.

Awake, “now” becomes,
not successive thoughts
backed up by the beat,
but the spaces between
heartbeat and thought—
the background mind
on which thoughts float,
surface waves on a sea.
No Problem with B.251 at 5:41:35 PM
Anima Mundi

On Earth we never got higher 
than Machu Pichu, lower than 
that cataract of the Blue Nile,

unless you count your recesses
Grand Canyons of God as I did,
your hostile eyes Everest heights.

Now that there is nowhere to go,
we stare apart at the same sea.
When we traded one another

for partners in slow caravans,
we knew it was for good, that we
could go no further in bodies

that had drained themselves of secrets
inscripted in red and white,
parchments a god had torn in half.

I hear you still recalling me
as you stare at that cold ocean,
not Indian or Pacific.

Know that I have already passed
into the angel I mistook
you for and am alive in her

about to start the last voyage
we once began but could not end,
mistaking one for another.
markd16.96 at 5:41:00 PM
Bob, are some of us approaching poetry>?
augmentr.249 at 5:40:21 PM
Howling ghosts – they reappear
In mountains that are stacked with fear
But you’re a king and I’m a lionheart.
And in the sea that’s painted black,
Creatures lurk below the deck
But you’re a king and I’m a lionheart.
A lionheart.
No Problem with B.251 at 5:39:44 PM
The motion picture is starting…
markd16.96 at 5:39:31 PM
iON; Bill, we loved him so well. Turbo bridge is a coffin.
No Problem with B.251 at 5:38:58 PM
The lion hath roared.
Mataio.228 at 5:38:36 PM
Pattern? Last payday (end of PART 5 (9pm)): *static noise* “It’s like the rumbling that just past, that roar that you had just then, that was a (inaudible), change it didn’t shift, it’s just the last line the last thread that the turbo bridge was holding on to. Gonna be so much fun!” -iON [This payday: no show! :D]
No Problem with B.251 at 5:38:16 PM

augmentr.252 at 5:38:07 PM
dont judge my clothing
No Problem with B.251 at 5:38:07 PM
The last turns ON the light!
No Problem with B.251 at 5:37:31 PM
The Boble Bable Bible, is only a memo for Bob: Don´t forget to unseal the Thunders!
augmentr.252 at 5:37:17 PM

markd16.96 at 5:36:58 PM
augmentr.252 at 5:36:23 PM
see flat be sharp
augmentr.252 at 5:35:09 PM
oh…. black napkins ich denken
markd16.96 at 5:34:52 PM
why would you mention G flat where you have 7 flats and not use f# which has one sharp which is G flat.
Bob Neveritt.46 at 5:34:10 PM
the lecture will complete your Thompson quadrant experience, sco!!
No Problem with B.251 at 5:33:51 PM
reactivate CHROMOSONE !4.
sco.213 at 5:33:37 PM

Bob Neveritt.46 at 5:33:26 PM
now you “know”, sco!!
Bob Neveritt.46 at 5:33:05 PM
what musical composition are you referring to, augie?
sco.213 at 5:32:43 PM
Just finished The Economic Relevance of Lindisfarne, on to An Evolution of Consciousness Curriculum
No Problem with B.251 at 5:32:18 PM
augmentr.252 at 5:32:09 PM
When you take the opening bass notes in these bars as key notes, the melody in these four bars is using: 
bar 1: G Lydian
bar 2: B flat Lydian
bar 16: D Lydian
bar 17: G flat Lydian.
Bob Neveritt.46 at 5:32:05 PM
Rap is in my Quadrant on the chart
Bob Neveritt.46 at 5:31:37 PM
Winds released on Jan.12/11
No Problem with B.251 at 5:30:34 PM
re rap, re cap,
Bob Neveritt.46 at 5:30:33 PM
probably my 9 months talking seminar-like with James on CASH FLOW between July/08 and March/09 was the preliminary replay/review of the Android Meme before the unleashing of the Winds.
No Problem with B.251 at 5:29:19 PM
ReBOb renew the replay.
augmentr.252 at 5:29:05 PM
directorly after the jazztetrahedron paranoidetherair 
i go to belvis’s eatles cube to trhizome schizophrenicwater
then hystericfire in the rocktagon was foloureed
lawyer by some panickedair ahmlet the discodecahedron
so i ran t and t rap d icosahedron on a quadecstaphrenicearth
No Problem with B.251 at 5:28:15 PM
and sing the new song…
No Problem with B.251 at 5:27:51 PM
of all human comunication. Looking back, before the unsealing
Bob Neveritt.46 at 5:27:44 PM
yes augmentr – I have never met him but I hear he’s kewl.
No Problem with B.251 at 5:22:34 PM
The Lamb Alone is Worthy to Open God’s Scroll (Revelation 5) and and unsealing the Thunders,the prophet is the massage. The one who was and always will Bill. To Bill or not to Bill, that is the question.
augmentr.252 at 5:22:15 PM
bobby z has a that suspectreish twinkle in his eyes like Frank 
Bob Neveritt.46 at 5:21:05 PM
Important WIT lecture:
Bob Neveritt.46 at 5:20:40 PM
I was not a fan of the flute at the time so I never met Ian Anderson
markd16.96 at 5:20:38 PM
Bob, have you read the book by Franks Brother/>
augmentr.252 at 5:20:03 PM
Bob Neveritt.46 at 5:20:01 PM
yes, when I realized my mistake
markd16.96 at 5:19:09 PM
OK, but you did mention Jethrol Tull
Bob Neveritt.46 at 5:18:20 PM
no, mark, I corrected that name immediately on the show – it was another name… Ian Patterson, I think.
augmentr.252 at 5:18:14 PM
markd16.96 at 5:17:01 PM
OK, Bob, with you meeting ian Anderson, was that a transition phase for him to leave the music biz?
Bob Neveritt.46 at 5:16:37 PM
Greetings, Mataio. Bill had to deal with a family issue today.
Bob Neveritt.46 at 5:15:55 PM
Other shows are being broadcast today, mark
No Problem with B.251 at 5:15:33 PM
The cry has gone throughout heaven and earth looking for the one who is worthy to open the scroll. John looks and sees the Lamb standing… he could not talk about the Thunders…
augmentr.252 at 5:15:00 PM
circle base base and sacral director
hyperbola solar plexus detective guitar
elipse heart drum and cowgirl throat
parabola crown organ and brow lawyer
cone torus chakric interactive vocals producer
augmentr.252 at 5:14:57 PM
blackholemolecule electromagelementals
redgiantproton gluongoblins
whitedwarfelectron bosonfairies
quasarneutron gravitaonhumans
pulsaratom wormholeangels
Bob Neveritt.46 at 5:14:49 PM
augmentr is making poetry from each quadrant of my Tiny Note chart!
Mataio.228 at 5:14:26 PM
Greetings Bob! What the hell happened to Bill?
Bob Neveritt.46 at 5:13:50 PM
I agree, mark. And these quotes No Problem is posting from WIT show he certainly deserves being a “holy office” on my chart!!
No Problem with B.251 at 5:13:46 PM
They ask who is worthy of unsealing the Thunders…”Who is worthy to break the seals and open the scroll?”
markd16.96 at 5:13:22 PM
Um, why are we listening to love spells?
sco.213 at 5:13:12 PM
augmentr.252 at 5:13:08 PM
Periodicpolitician’s grow your ethertreee.
Waterivers allways run with more chaoticpriest.
The staticteacher’s firesun, tetradicartist aircloud fun.
Pentadactorscientist mytea earthmountain topped mist
markd16.96 at 5:11:59 PM
Yo, Bob, the last 2 videos are masterpieces. 
Bob Neveritt.46 at 5:11:22 PM
Many thanks go to Roxy for her executive production skills, mark!
No Problem with B.251 at 5:11:17 PM
In the new prophetic phase, science fact and science fiction merge. All is in the chart. Only poetry can explain the new epic of the Mistery LANDSCAPE.
markd16.96 at 5:11:02 PM
Hey iON! Gratitude from Gail and me for the new musical path!! 
augmentr.252 at 5:10:34 PM
a dynamic symetry of tensions among multicentric proportions of the changing ratios of the panomnigen
No Problem with B.251 at 5:07:47 PM
As fiction and music are coming closer to reorganizing knowledge, scholarship is becoming closer to art. Our culture is changing, and so the genres of literature and history are changing as well. In an agricultural-warrior society, the genre is the epic, an Iliad. In an industrial-bourgeois society, the genre is the novel, a Moll Flanders. In our electronic, cybernetic society, the genre is Wissenkunst: the play of knowledge in a world of serious data-processors. The scholarly fictions of Jorge Luis Borges, or the reviews of non-existent books by Stanislaw Lem, are examples of new art forms of a society in which humanity live, not innocently in nature nor confidently in cities, but apocalyptically in a civilization cracking up to the universe. At such a moment as this the novelist becomes a prophet, the composer a magician, and the historian a bard, a voice recalling ancient identities.
markd16.96 at 5:07:04 PM
Hey Prof. Bob, what a wealth of info you have given out the last 2 weeks!!!
augmentr.252 at 5:06:08 PM
Wagner felt that the Greek tragedies of Aeschylus had been the finest (though still flawed) examples so far of total artistic synthesis, but that this synthesis had subsequently been corrupted by Euripides. Wagner felt that during the rest of human history up to the present day (i.e. 1850) the arts had drifted further and further apart, resulting in such “monstrosities” as Grand Opera
Bob Neveritt.46 at 5:06:02 PM
hello mark
No Problem with B.251 at 5:05:30 PM
He sought “to turn non-fiction into a work of art on its own terms. Rather than trying to be a scholar or a journalist writing on the political and cultural news of the day, I worked to become a poetic reporter on the evolutionary news of the epoch”.[5] He espoused the notion that one must express an integral approach not just in content but in the very means of expressing it.
markd16.96 at 5:05:23 PM
Space control to captain Bob…
Bob Neveritt.46 at 5:05:08 PM
No Problem with B.251 at 5:03:13 PM
METAHISTORY for understanding the revision of the changes coming.
No Problem with B.251 at 5:02:02 PM
Integral thought PAYDAY!
augmentr.252 at 5:01:47 PM
No Problem with B.251 at 5:01:29 PM
Thompson’s work has emphasized that story-telling is an inescapable feature of human existence:
Science wrought to its uttermost becomes myth. History wrought to its uttermost becomes myth. But what is myth that it returns to mind even when we would most escape it?[3]
Thompson finds his role as a cultural historian to be a potential vehicle for transcendence:
Anything can deliver us from our lost memory of the soul; science, history, art, or the sunlight on the grass taitami mats in the Zendo. And anything can enslave us: science, history, art, or the militarism of a Zen monastery. But if we are lost in time and suffering racial amnesia, then we need something to startle us into recollection. If history is the sentence of our imprisonment, then history, recoded, can become the password of our release.
augmentr.252 at 5:01:23 PM
whats a pogen anyway?
markd16.96 at 5:00:09 PM
DJ Bob is in the house, improv!!Frank will approve!!!
augmentr.252 at 5:00:00 PM
lobular circuit disconnect standard
it was the water of a delphi purpletine floggen
Bob Neveritt.46 at 4:59:44 PM

No Problem with B.251 at 4:58:28 PM
A new environment You are all muted!
Bob Neveritt.46 at 4:57:41 PM

No Problem with B.251 at 4:57:29 PM
Red thong on, no bra…Ready for wrestlin! 
Bob Neveritt.46 at 4:57:04 PM
Conference Call will be open, too.
Bob Neveritt.46 at 4:56:31 PM
without iON as far as I know.
Bob Neveritt.46 at 4:56:06 PM
Chat Line will still be open for your participation.
Bob Neveritt.46 at 4:27:53 PM
No show today (June 13/15) – Bill is not available.
Robert.41 at 4:15:20 PM
Broadband is on blink again. Enjoy show on mobile. Website works well with phone. Well done Bill.

  1. A change of mind and heart is impulsively challenged by self identity.
    Saul's self identity was lanced with one glance on the Damascus Road — instant repentance.

  2. "It pleased him to sound the thunders, to make you a people for him, and then you come into your place of power and yaay!"

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