Eliza: “Is there a certain thing that we can look for so we can be more aware that we just stepped into another world?”…many people experience going into other worlds and sometimes they talk about their experiences. So you’re saying that they are not aware that they have stepped into other worlds but if we want to become aware of that that, ‘oh, I’ve just stepped into another world, I feel different here, things are not like they normally are,’ wouldn’t that awareness be an indication that we’re in another world?”
iON: “You come in and out vis a vie the Jefferson wing.”
Eliza: “So that’s called Jefferson’s wing. Was there a portal there too.”
iON: “Yes.”
Eliza: “Oh, you said they go in and out through that wing.”
iON: “Yes.”
Beginning in 1813, construction began on a dependency attached to the house that Jefferson referred to as a “wing of offices.” The lower level was divided into four rooms, while the upper level served as an outdoor space enjoyed by Jefferson and his family.
Archaeologists conducted two excavations at Jefferson’s wing, which was added in 1814 between the east side of the house and the east mound. They found the original brick floors, stone hearths, wall foundations, and a stone retaining wall, as well as thousands of artifacts from Jefferson’s time.
The architectural remains and artifacts showed that the wing was 100 feet long and nearly 23 feet wide, with a covered passageway along its southern face. The evidence also indicated how the wing was used.
Artifacts retrieved from the excavation include: a fork with a bone handle, dyed green in imitation of jade, Chinese porcelain tea and coffee wares, and English transfer-printed plates.
The artifacts confirm what granddaughter Ellen said about Poplar Forest: “It was furnished in the simplest manner, but had a very tasty air; there was nothing common or second rate about any part of the establishment though there was no appearance of expense.”