Opening music:
Bitter Sweet Symphony by The Verve
Bob is “trinity” reflected in the relations of DNA, RNA and the “3rd factor”?
– “trinity” is the Father, Son and Holy Ghost
“Father” – the non-physical
“Son” – physical
“Holy Ghost” – the labyrinth of the mind
– the “trinity” has nothing to do with the relations of DNA, RNA and the “3rd factor” (iON)
iON the “cell” is the perfect pictorial example of “trinity”:
“protons” – the non-physical
“the center of nucleus” – physical
“neutrons” – the labyrinth of the mind
“electrons” – the engagement between the non-physical and physical
Bob what is it that we’re not noticing about junk DNA?
– the next layer of DNA structure which has to do with Chromosome structure, the dividing of the cell itself
– e.g., regrowing bones (iON)
iON think of your body as a “warehouse”
Carolyn more on junk DNA
– the humans will face such a degree of “contrasts” in the “next tier” that these junk DNA must be activated in order for your species to continue (iON)
iON “contrast” – the fear of “2012” is shifting the human body’s “survival code”
– TV and Chip Body are affecting the Chemical Body
– people participating in the 2012 meme – the “app” inside their bodies gets “activated”
iON more on “contrast”
– people create contrast so they can “over come” things, otherwise they’ll be bored
Bob is there “however” though?
– individuality of the human creator
– “you will never get enough… you are never pleased” (iON)
Bob iON defined “tactility” as contrast which matched with what McLuhan meant
– the tactile interplay is the basis of “being in the physical”
iON “necessity is the mother of invention”
– the human creators will never be satisfied with technology – the whole point of creation
– when you get to the place where you are satisfied, you transition into a “contrastless” experience (stone cold dead)
– and since there is no death, you come forth again and create more
iON James said the technology is doubling every 18 months
– yet there is a room for you and your world
Bob what is the role of the iON in the relationship between the protons, neutrons and electrons in the sub-atomic DNA?
iON: It defines, it assists, it completes the cellular structure. And it’s not necessarily iON… say non-physical, ‘cos everyone has non-physical. Some resonate with it, some don’t…
Bob the genetic engineers’ acknowledgement of the non-physical
– it’ll be a conundrum for them to figure out the splitting of cells as long as they don’t recognize the non-physical and its role (iON)
Bob there are people on this planet who weren’t born here
– the human population on the planet is expanding
– there was a huge population increase during the Black Plague
Bob: … where are the people coming from?
– the Guf expanding – increase in the number to unrealized creations arriving
iON: … your scientists are on the brink of proving that there are indeed, parallel worlds. (dead air)
iON even if you don’t accept the concept of parallel worlds, your non-physical part will “begin to resonate” with it
Bob: What is electricity from iON’s point of view?
– iON responds
Bob the massive blackout in Brazil
BR emails & questions
anonymous, what is the origin of the time? quoting J. Krishnamurti
End of the show, commercial break