Akito’s Cash Flow Notes | 25 November 2009


Opening music:
Bitter Sweet Symphony by The Verve

Bob Obama criticized for “bowing” to the Japanese emperor

James “Climategate” – UN financed Climatic Research Unit hacked
– faking data to prop up “global warming”

iON the human creators want “contrast”
– the breakdown between common consensus is useful (Bob)
– global warming or global cooling, it waxes and wanes
– Y2K, pollution, the Ozone hole – the human creators like to “overcome” disasters

iON: Science gets confused with what science is saying!

iON does a rant on the inventors

iON information/confusion over what people should believe in science
– “the barbarians at the gates are the scientures allowing other barbarians in” so they have something to type about
– “communities need to know” (McLuhan)

iON the Iran-Contra Affair
“… then turned into Afghanistan, which is where they’re fighting over…”

James more on “Climategate,” who was the hacker?
– the IP address came from British Columbia
– people don’t believe anything anymore, just keep on typing (iON)

James so much money and politics around “Climategate”
– going “green,” the carbon tax, etc

Carolyn the scientists are paid off by drug companies to cover up study results
iON: … All generics are safe, right?… (JGL)

“the impression precedes the edict of satisfaction”
iON does a rant on the pharmaceutical scam

iON: … Eat better! Eat healthy so you can digest more pills!

iON people suffering from Alzheimer’s
– they detach themselves from their “dis-ease” and magically get better
– they loose their mind but gain their health

Bob the human creators causing global warming and earthquakes, how?
– individuals’ non-physical resonate with each other
– “every conversation is two conversations”
– tired of global warming? it flips into “global cooling” (the non-physical providing a solution)

Bob why global warming flips into global cooling?
iON: … non-physical providing a solution… Your wish is our command!

commercial break


Opening music:
Muffin Man by Frank Zappa (live)

James where are we going with nano technology?
– “RAM”
– “aberrated desire” – creation by default (iON)

“BEEP!” (someone’s recording!)

iON “The bigger the houses get, the smaller the technology gets”
Bob: Right! And the house gets bigger for the Chemical Body, but it’s the Chip Body that’s motivating you.

Bob McLuhan said because the Americans are “visual,” they need a bigger bubble around them

“Less is more”
iON: … allowing the labyrinth of the mind to motivate the Chip Body to become miniaturized… They’ll soon be able to inject it into your body and will correct whatever new anomaly you decide is your problem of the day.
Bob: … humans are wanting this? They’re creating this?
iON: … they don’t… really wanting it, they’re creating it… It’s called “creation by default.”

Bob: How do we activated creation not by default?

iON “Thanks for the fish!” quoting “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”

BR emails & questions
Anna, will humanity get its act together in time to save ourselves?
iON: … The world isn’t lost. It doesn’t need saving…

there’s always a balance
iON: … Take the rain forest… Chop them down. Every one… Don’t worry. They’ll be another one coming along…

Bob so the YES-NO dialectic is limiting yourself?
iON: Or how many YES or NO choices… can you confound yourself… at any one given moment?
Bob: … then you relax and allow?
iON: Sure! Have 50 deserts for your Appreciation Day Celebration, and it’ll piss you off!… you can say YES or NO to each individual one of those, but now that’s 50 decisions after you stuffed yourself…

iON “calorie”
– the average Thanks Giving meal is in excess of 5000 calories
– 1500 – 2000 calories per day is enough for a person to survive
– calorie is not about weight, it’s a calibration for heat exchange
iON: … so have 10,000 and that’s a best way to loose weight and feed yourself. Then your body will say “Oh wait, I’m getting plenty of nutrition, I’ll just take what I need, I’ll let the rest go.” And you can eat 10,000 calories every single day and loose weight.

iON the dynamic of how you can loose weight on the “10,000 Calorie Diet”
– your body craves things
– the people starving to death have a “big pooch,” the body naturally adds weight to provide sustenance
– on the other hand, if you are constantly consuming, then your body only requires certain amount of nutrition and let go the rest

Carolyn disagrees with iON’s “big pooch” point

iON: … You have to eat… more you eat, the better your system will correct itself…
– appreciate what you eat
– NEVER eat based on “need”

iON the joy of food

“follow your bliss” – our society says “NO”
iON: … society says it’s illegal and people still do it… Is marijuana no longer consumed in your country?… Well, that’s against the rules, so you broke your rules…

iON activating your “spiritual gifts”
– start giving your undivided attention to your “hunches”

iON “brainwashing” DOES NOT work

iON “exercise” – when it becomes “normal” or repetitive, it’s no longer effective

back to activating your “spiritual gifts”

Einstein’s “Theory of relativity”
iON: He was trying to apply the concept of “anti-matter”…

“Woo Woo” – the secret in history is that psychics were used by all empires and all inventors

Bob encourages the listeners to go to the bank and deposit a trillion dollar check

End of the show, commercial break

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