18 January 2014, Payday
Bob: “Where is the role of sin … where is the role of sin for the Chip Body?”
iON: “We would like to deal with sin… your scriptures, and most of the dogma – now, we don’t use dogma as a mean concept, because there’s nothing wrong with it. But, typically, when you have the degree of dogma, or having sin, the scriptures are very clear to say, ‘all have fallen short of the grace and glory of God.’ That’s what sin supposedly is… or what you experience; or come into a place where you are going against the God. And we say that’s a good definition….”
iON has Carolyn look up the definition for “sin”.
iON: “We would like to clean that up and straighten that up, because most of the Christian world is based on that you’re a sinner… saved by grace. And, so, we would like to deal with that completely, because it’s actually a pretty interesting concept, because it starts affecting all of the memes and all of the Bodies.
Because if your Chemical Body’s a sinner, and your Astral Body, or Mystery Landscape isn’t, you see, you can get it all crossways. And that’s where some of the confusion comes from… the grace that they’re trying to instill through the Christian church. But, what do you got for sin, Carolyn?”
Carolyn: “Right, ‘sin’ is a term used mainly in a religious context to describe an act that violates a moral rule, or the state of having committed such a violation. Commonly, the moral code of conduct is decreed by a divine entity, i.e., divine law …
Sin is often used to mean an action that is prohibited, or considered wrong. In some religions, notably, some sects of Christianity think and refer not only to physical actions taken, but also to thoughts and internalized motivations and feelings. Colloquially, any thought, word, or act considered immoral, shameful, harmful, or alienating might be termed sinful.”
iON: “And the trick of that is thought to be, thought to be. OK, so, now, let’s deal with this. There is, apparently, sin. And, so, you’re not going against God, who is somewhere in the ethers, waiting to come judge you.
The sin is the thought against the creator – against God. OK? Based on a law. Well, there you go. The rules in the human creator – God – if you offend the rules that you make, then, therefore, by your definition, they, empirically, would have committed a sin. Would they not?
If you have a rule about white sugar, and you engage in white sugar and go against what God said – you, God said, through the vice of thought – notice that ‘vice of thought’? We’ve never said that that way before.
The vice of thought… well, it’s not a vice if it doesn’t squeeze you. OK? So, it doesn’t have to be. But if it is in the vice of thought, then what happens… you automatically set yourself in a position of less-than, or, sin.
And that’s the separation between you and you. But it’s also… the Christian church uses it as a separation between you and God. But don’t worry. All is not lost. It’s OK, because all have fallen short of the grace and glory of God.
So, if you take the heat off of that, and come through the ascended, or come through the ascension – thankfully, with the help of the thinning of the veil, then you start recognizing, ‘Oh, so there is sin, but the sin’… so, when we were saying, ‘Let the sin begin’, we were offending only the God that is within us.
You see? Because people didn’t get it when we would say, ‘You were the judge in the judgment seat’. Well, that’s because you’re the deity. And then, once you go without contrast, then all of a sudden, all of the sin is erased.
And that’s why the sin can be cast into the pit of fire, or hell, as the Christian church says it; that you’ll have to spend eternity in whatever you wrought, well, that’s where that comes from. That’s what Dante had in mind, if you look at The Divine Comedy. If you look at it that way, that is, indeed, an aspiration that you provide for yourself.
So, once you clean that up, and understand it, then the Christian church, when it says, ‘Well, not only if you murder… you shouldn’t murder your brother. But if you think about murdering your brother, you may as well have already done it’, that’s the thought process that separates you from your deity… from your deityness.
So, its great fun, because now, single-handedly, Bob, you have brought us to the place where you have just explained the whole dynamic of this Christian dogma, that allows their words to be abjectly correct. But not because they’re not fully understood, meaning, being read by a little m-a-n, not an ASCENDED M-A-N; then they start realizing, ‘Oh, got it’.
And that’s what the Christian church and the scriptures were trying to say, is that, once you let Jesus or God, if that’s what you want to use… if you have Jesus come and live in your heart, then your sins are forgiven – ‘fore given’… your sins are given? No, they are fore given… ‘pre-allowed’.”
Bob: “Pre-allowed? You mean allowed before?”
iON: “Correct. Very good. And that’s why… then you come into a place where people have different orientations, and they have different belief systems. And they don’t have problems with this that others call an abomination before God. Well, the only abomination before God is their own self.
You don’t have the right to say that, ‘your belief system is an abomination before God’. Well, you can, but it would only be affecting your God, in your universe. They may find it to be just perfectly wonderful, normal.”
Bob: “Now, I wasn’t able to concentrate on this topic. It’s rather boring to me. Or, we’re missing something. I don’t think people… not in North America, think in terms of sin anymore …
The young people… the reason TV evangelism took over is because people didn’t go to church, they watched Swaggart on TV. It was sacrilizing the TV Landscape while we moved into the Chip Landscape in the 80s.
So, those dynamics of the Bodies in the McLuhan Landscapes are changing… are influencing the concept of sin. So, in other words, you’ve explained and defined sin, but what is the context for the concept of sin? Which culture?”
iON: “Well, the way we described it, it would actually fit in all of them.”
Bob: “Right, so I didn’t get it, and I don’t think Carolyn did…. what the heck did iON just say? What was his point about sin?”
Carolyn: “Yeah, I didn’t follow it, either.”
Bob: “We didn’t follow it, iON.”
Carolyn: “It sounded like church.”
Bob: “It’s not interesting? Or, you’re not dealing with the figure-ground thing?… or you’re saying something we can’t focus on, because it’s an hour and a half into the show? Or what you’re saying we’re not getting. So what is it? What was the main point?”
iON: “You brought up sin.”
Bob: “No, you did. I was talking about the Bodies, and you said, ‘Oh, you brought us to…’, and I thought you were taking us to a new place… But sin, that old war horse, that old topic, that old meme. And so, it was not intriguing to me. It was not, to me, a new place. Now, maybe, if I re-hear this, it’s a new place.”
iON: “Well, you’ve got it in your archives. It’ll be in your archives, and others will go, ‘Bob, how could you miss that? He just straightened out the whole thing’.”
Bob: “OK, what did he straighten out?”
iON: “The whole dogma.”
Bob: “Well, that’s Christian dogma, which does not have a context anymore. There’s no context for Christian dogma. Like, people become Christians as a hobby. And then, as McLuhan said, they get more excited about their hobby than their job; and then everybody has to join their hobby and become a Christian. That’s the hyper-moralism, or their…”
Carolyn: “And they’re so Christian, they go out and shoot people who don’t agree with them.”
Bob: “Yeah, it’s a silly thing. And they don’t understand that… the rise of televangelism happened in the 80s, because the computer was starting to come in. The old TV Landscape was getting polluted, because TV was desperate to get attention. And people wanted to clean up the TV Landscape, so they demanded a guy, like the ‘PTL Club’, and Tammy Baker, and all of those, to be on there for many hours, talking pure concepts, and thought that would clean up the TV Body.
And they had despicable Chemical Body lives. But that wasn’t the issue. They brought in Reaganism and the neo-conservatism to clean up the TV Landscape. Makes total sense to Carolyn. And that’s probably more interesting than figuring out the concept of sin.”
iON: “The point of the sin ratio is alive. And whether you know it, or agree with it, or acknowledge it or not, you judge yourself proportionally regarding it.”
Bob: “Right… no, I agree that that’s there. It’s the way… with sex addiction, why is sin not blamed on the concept of sin, now it’s blamed on sex addiction? And the reason there are these changes is that the technological ground changes. That’s McLuhan’s point. And that seems to be a valuable thing to see.”
Carolyn: “Yeah, for sex addiction in any other age would be called a sin. So, why is it not addressed as a sin anymore?”
Bob: “Yeah, what is generating the meme acceptance for the meme of sex addiction? What is the colossal preference in people to go for that? That is an interesting factor in this.
iON saying, ‘Yes, the Chip Body affects the Astral Body, affects the Chemical Body,’ well, this is an example of what I’m talking about, in relation to the concept, the eternal phenomenon of guilt, shame – whatever you want to call that human less-than feeling.”
iON: “Well, those are emotions.”
Bob: “OK, emotions. Let’s call them emotions. Why these emotions? So, with all of that in mind, what was the main point? I understand that… I think you were saying that, when people realize they are the deity, then they can judge themselves; then they can determine who the sin, or what the sin is, because they’re the judge of it.”
iON: “And they are, and they are. And that’s within the Christian faith, and without the Christian faith, too.”
Bob: “Well, what is in the Christian faith? Oh, you mean the words are there, but it’s misinterpreted?”
iON: “Yes… if you understand the meme, then you can apply it, practically, to your Chemical Body, and euphoric bliss and grace will abound.”
Bob: “Right. That’s why McLuhan, a devout Catholic…”
iON: “Well, we don’t know about devout.”
Bob: “Yeah, he tried to do Mass every day, which most Catholics didn’t… anyways, he was concerned about religious life, spiritual life. And he said that the image of God, which came in with Newton… the idea… the cultural image of God – the “Outer Kingdom” image – that it was a guy who wound up the universe, and then removed himself, and then the universe just wound out… wound down, robotically. And that’s probably where Calvinism comes in.
OK, McLuhan says, we’re in a different media environment in the 20th century, so our image of God is going to change. And that’s why the phenomenon of ‘God is dead’ was happening in 1960. Now, he would say, ‘No, God is not dead. There’s no way you’re going to get rid of God.’ And there is an argument over what it is, but, anyways… the point is, the image of God changes.
And, so, he said, the new image of God will no longer be a clock, it will be a radio. And so much of radio is tuning in, aligning with the frequency. And I find a lot of the metaphors that iON uses to describe deity, fits in the predicted image of radio as God.”
iON: “Precisely. You took the same topic, and when we said it, you weren’t interested. But when you moved the ground to where your dynamic was being constructed from, it was logical, and progressive, and appropriate. So, if for nothing else, we got your attention, and you agreed with yourself, and that’s a good day.”
Bob: “But wait a minute, I’m not just trying to agree with myself. I want to figure out what you were trying to say.”
iON: “Well, no, you accidentally agreed with yourself, and that’s a good day.”
Bob: “I’m not even sure about that… what you’re saying. I’m not sure what you’re referring to. I just laid out something I think about. OK? In terms of, what is a cause, what’s being affected, and why are people talking?…”
iON: “And how.”
Bob: “Yeah, and how. And so I wanted… I want to hear… so, you have radio as a tuning in, and that would probably lead to the New Age ideology. But the young kids probably don’t go for that, because they’re into computers, and they broadcast. You could say the kids have a different image of God, or metaphor.
And it would be, like, definitely creating your own space. Autism is that: create your own space: ‘Don’t interfere’… ‘I’m impervious’… ‘Nothing can dominate me, because I can make my own media world’. You know, ‘I’m not a consumer’, in a sense… ‘I’m not a passive receptacle’.
So, what would be the image of God for that? And what would be the sin? And it could be that, in the Internet Age… the chip… the Web 2.0 Age, sin becomes sex addiction, which seems to me – the fact that the Chemical Body gets trivialized – it’s a minor apparatus. That’s why, before, sin, when the Chemical Body dominated, sin… the Chemical Body… the emotions were a big deal.
Now, people don’t have emotions, or, they can be distracted from their emotions. And, so, if you have an emotional problem with sex, it’s just an addiction. That’s how I understand why it surfaces.
Now, I want iON to relate your theme of sin – oh yeah, becoming your own deity is what people have when they’re on the internet.”
iON: “That’s right.”
Bob: “I understand, and iON has agreed with me, that the Chip Landscape mimes this thinning of the veil… the traditional veil.”
iON: “That’s right. It ushers it.”
Bob: “So, that’s what you mean when you say the Chip Body affects the Astral concepts, the Astral Body Landscape. Right?”
iON: “The Astral co-equivalent, the Astral co-equivalence. It equals the playing field. In an application of less-than in a deity status. God doesn’t sin.”
Bob: “And if you’re a God, then you don’t sin.”
iON: “Correct.”
Bob: “And that can be accepted today, because as such weighty imagery goes to the Chemical Body…”
iON: “No, it’s easier than that. If you read the definition of sin, you can clean it up just by your thought.”
Bob: “Yeah, but I don’t know if people would be righted by their thinking.”
Carolyn: “They are. These young people, they have the thought that what they’re doing is not a sin. The thirteen-year-olds, stripping in front of their computers on YouTube.”
Bob: “Right. And that is caused… look at the factors: Internet, YouTube. The Chip Body makes them think they don’t have sin. Because a sin is embedded in the Chemical Body, and that’s a minor apparatus.”
iON: “Very good.”
Carolyn: “So, it’s about the thought.”
Bob: “No, no. The technology evokes the experience.”
Carolyn: “And you were just defining it… putting on the wider aspect of what’s changing their thought.”
Bob: “The causes of it… yeah, what’s changing their thought. And then thought, you could go into it as Krishnamurti would say, ‘Is thought a mechanical reaction to the impressions?’ And think, 500 years ago, people had a natural environment. The impressions were different… Chemical Body.
Now, they’ve got media coming at them. And creating their own media… twittering. The impressions in that evoke different thoughts, but the thoughts are automatic. So, if you think you’re impervious… if you have this idea that you’re a God, and you don’t have sin, because you’re a God and you judge yourself… what happens when they turn off their computer? An electric EMP comes in and knocks out the computers?
Then, you can’t have that drug of the Chip-Body life stimulating you to keep that thought going. You’re going to… McLuhan would say that you would fall back into the old kind of thinking because you would be back just in your Chemical Body.
So, those changes get in the way of the purity of what iON is saying, which is, you’re your own deity. But, if you just have that thought, it will get mixed up in the media environments and the subsequent effects of those media environments.”
Carolyn: “So, you don’t think you’re your own deity if you don’t have a Chip Body?”
Bob: “Yep. Most people wouldn’t feel that way.”
Carolyn: “What do you think, iON?”
iON: “Not a chance that, if you take away the iBox, that people are going to go back to church.”
Bob: “OK, now that’s a good point. The Evergreens said that technology changes people, but once they’re changed – you could say it was caused by technology – you never go back.
So, that’s where the Chip Body helped bring in the Second Coming, or the Millennium, or this breakthrough. It helped us.”