5 May 2014, Payday
Bob: “All of the religions came from the Emerald Tablets. The same dynamics were set up.”
iON: “Yes.”
Bob: “But what was interesting about the West, it was going to become this weird, strange empire, and dominate the world…”
iON: “And it did.”
Bob: “And that was what interested John. And that involved what we call media: the printing press and subsequent environments that led to America being this unique place. And that was the difference.
Did McLuhan become aware of that factor of it? Or was he just discovering media?”
iON: “He hit it, and he was on to something. He just didn’t know what he was onto because of his limited vocabulary.”
Bob: “Right. What I’m thinking is what he didn’t get to, but he certainly was getting close… He just didn’t have the time, or he didn’t have the input from iON to get that extra detachment, or whatever you want to call it.”
iON: “Yeah, because even the success that he got was a crap shoot to him.”
Bob: “See, that’s where the McLuhan part, to me, is really important about the Book of Revelation, because – you seem to be agreeing that, the reason John the Revelator and Nostradamus did their thing is that there was something different in Western history, which would paradoxically imprison everybody, and allow everybody to get to the point of making the choice.
That was the good news… was to wrap up the world into a prison, through electronic media, and then the choice would be there. Is that what you would say is part of the meaning of the apocalypse, Armageddon?”
iON: “Sure. Well, sort of… yeah. OK.”
Bob: “Well, it comes into this point: words create. I used to call that the ‘private citadel of consciousness’. I’ve said media don’t affect the private citadel of consciousness. In your terms, that is better defined as, ‘media don’t affect words’. They do affect the environments of previous media languages.“
iON: “Certainly.”
Bob: “Yeah, but not the power of words.”
iON: “Good. Good. Good… ”
Bob: “That’s a good distinction.”
iON: “It is.”
Bob: “OK, just to clarify. So, before John the Revelator… you see… the Emerald Tablets, or any early religions told the truth about the power of your words – if the teachers taught that, that’s all they could teach. That’s the only truth there is. Right? The power of your words?”
iON: “Good.”
Bob: “But there was this collective accumulation through the manuscript, and the printing press… newspaper and television and all of that dynamic. That’s what John the Revelator saw, and said: ‘Something different’s coming down the pike. I can see it.’
That is what they were intrigued by?”
iON: “It was indeed.”
Bob: “Yeah, and that’s what McLuhan half stumbled on. Now, did Joyce stumble on that? Because he’s got a lot of Bible stuff mixed in there. Did he start to intuit it?”
iON: “Well… but his world was all gauged in the dogma of the moment, which is what he used in the storyline. Otherwise, no one would have embraced the Wake, anyway.”
Bob: “Right. He, actually, was getting mixed up about how words create. But the media effects were confusing him.“
iON: “Of course.”
Bob: “Then McLuhan teased them apart. He says: ‘OK, I’ll write about media as language, but it’s not the word thing, the word truth. Keep that secret to myself. And James Joyce, he got mixed up in an earlier phase.
And then in this situation with iON, which is the completing point…
They didn’t have access to iON, which then I always say I cheated. I had access to Non-Physical. That does help us right at this point to clarify this.”
iON: “Of course. Very, very good.”
Bob: “If you like that, that’s great. So, I say to people that iON’s come around and acknowledges McLuhan a little more. But iON wouldn’t in the first six to eight months because we had to get iON’s point before we could drop back to the secondary point of languages and McLuhan’s significance in that part of our knowledge. Would you agree with that statement?”
iON: “Well, OK, yeah. That’s fine.”
Bob: “So, iON, when you can play with humans… you can play with words. But you note that our words – our creative power of words, we refer to media images; you know, Lady Gaga. We refer to the languages.“
iON agrees.
Bob: “We talk about the languages on ‘Cash Flow’, with the proviso that your words, personally, for you – nothing to do with the language issues of media dynamics – you’re trying to also say, you create your own reality.
And that’s your more basic power; that’s your real power, is what you do with your words.”
iON: “Good.”
Bob: “But you notice how people… McLuhan said that Beelzebub, his crime was… his sin was that he mixed up language with his mind.“
iON: “Mhmm.”
Bob: “So, the mind would be the word creating thing, symbolically, and language would be public things. You find that people get mixed up with public stuff, and concerned about it; try to think about it. And then iON says: ‘No, no. Don’t even think about it.’
I heard one of these people on ‘Tailgate’, saying: ‘I don’t watch the news anymore.’ And we discussed it earlier, and they don’t recognize the phatic communion.
But they want to make power out of themselves, but they’re not sure what words are to us, because they have it mixed up with media languages which they have been conditioned by.”
iON: “Yes, and that’s the difference between power and authority.”
Bob: “Alright, so media languages – languages are authority.”
iON: “Yes.”
Bob: “In a sense, it’s the authority world. Words are the world of power.”
iON: “Good.”
Bob: “And authority can be impactful; to impact you. Not just because it’s somebody yelling at you, who has a gun. Just engaging automobiles and television, those media dynamics are other kinds of authority, aren’t they?”
iON: “They would be.”