24 May 2014
Part 1 – Scott Norris/Cloud of Knowing:
Caller: Is iON equated with the “Cloud of Knowing”?
iON: No, it’s the information.
Caller: The “Cloud of Knowing” is information?
iON: Yes.
Caller: Okay last week you said, the “Cloud of Knowing” is not a network.
iON: It’s not a network.
Caller: How is the information associated?
iON: Radically!
Caller: Oh well that helps!
iON: You’re asking “Rabbit hole” questions with degrees of separation, and you want us to answer the question. We’re going to answer your question. Here’s how it works, we created the cloud because you as God have not engaged it. You have not engaged it so we made a safe space to put all this information so it could be. So as you radically come into your place as being God. You have an information source. Akasha if that’s what you want to call it! It’s kind of radically ridiculous to us too. If that’s what you want to call it, but everything is there. It is a mode, a meme as it were. So you as your ascension proceeds can be achieved. You basically don’t have to know anything, and you don’t have to think about anything because it’s a non-thinking sequitur. If all knowing is put somewhere, you can be busy being God knowing that all things are known.
Part 1 -Scott Norris/character of Sheila Kern’s Ascension painting:
Caller: The character on the throne in the center of the Ascension painting is holding a book in their right hand. Is that to say that language constructs the world?
iON: It does. It’s the medium is the message.
Caller: So is he necessarily holding a Bible or is it a set of principles of creation that could be found in other books as well?
iON: No, it’s the realized and unrealized creations as a God that he had not achieved, now he has. It’s the chronicle of life that’s prepared by your stenographer because now you’re God; you don’t have to have those unrealized creations. All can be created and if you forget you just look there.
Caller: So this is not a visual space type book, it’s symbolic for something that you just described.
iON: Yes, the cloud of glory is moving, move with the cloud. Caller: You say you created because we wouldn’t engage it. How could we engage it before it had been created?
iON: Because it has been created.
Part 1 -Scott Norris/perception:
Caller: Does iON have his own sensorium? Do you project perception?
iON: We are perception so yes.
Caller: Perception is a different category of knowing than this “Cloud of Knowing”?
iON: It is.
Caller: How are they related?
iON: One is the “Cloud of Glory” and one is not.
Part 2 -Scott Norris/Perfect Cell:
Caller: iON, what are some attributes of the perfect cell?
iON: Thickening of the skin of the palms. It’s in the palm of your hand.
Caller: At the cellular level, are there attributes of the cell itself that describe it as being perfect somehow?
iON: Not in a little man’s arena, your definition would have to be, “not imperfect”, huh.
4 October 2014, Part 2 – “The Cloud”
Caller: Whenever we access the cloud for information, does it enter our brain in a certain area of the brain?
iON: Frontal lobe, short-term memory. What we’re trying to do is change the way you think because your thinking as a little man is what got your ass sore in the first place. So we’re trying to convert everything into short-term memory that’s why your smartphones remember your numbers, and they don’t even remember the numbers anymore. You just say, “Siri, call Asshole” and it knows who asshole is. We’re processing the information from the frontal lobe only not in your long-term back lobes. Long-term memory is in the back that’s why phone numbers are less than ten numbers because you won’t be able to remember them. So, we’re doing frontal lobe, and if it’s more than ten numbers, then we want you to go to the cloud. We don’t want you to use your long-term memory.
Bob: Using the cloud is relying on its memory?
iON: It doesn’t have a memory, it tells.
Bob: Well, how are we using the cloud?
iON: You’re not, it’s using you.
29 March 29, 2014, Part 1
Caller: Can you explain what you were referring to when you said the new internet?
iON: The cloud.
Caller: The cloud of glory, can you describe the cloud of glory?
iON: The lofty position where all knowledge and knowing is carefully stowed for simple, easy contrite retrieval at a sifted moment’s notice. All the knowing that is in all the worlds and in all the lands and all the realms won’t do you any good if you don’t have a search engine from hell. The search engine is what has to divide and contrive the parts you’re trying to actually access. So having the cloud is not going to do it. You must reset your search engine to be able to access your information.
Caller: And that’s what we’re doing by taking the drops and engaging nonphysical?
iON: You are completing that process, yes.
29 March 2014, Part 3
iON: We’re trying to figure out exactly the process that allows the body to come to its perfection. Okay, those are the ones who are going to want the EMP. RnA drops certainly would help you, but it’s only for the ascending. Those that are engaged in “Reset” are the only ones who it’s for. Not for the little ones, we’re not trying to save the world. They’re going to do what they’re going to do. Everybody’s a God, you just have to decide if you want to engage it or not. If you do, good! If you don’t, good. Either way that’s what the “Reset’s” about. It has nothing to do with electricity and the cloud so let’s take the next step. The next step, the other process that comes with this ascension is a new-tiered level of what you call power. A new way to have power and there is another element, another part that comes with it that would be an unlimited supply of electricity but you must get a working definition of what electricity is in a carbon-based reality.
27 September 2014, Part 1
iON: You’re arguing for the position that you live in a grammarless reality. Now we are literal. So we must have some rules that we go by otherwise it’s just harem scare them. That’s the only way that you can contain us is with grammar. If you do not have grammar, we will literally, haha pardon the pun, we will literally disembowel you.
29 March 2014, Part 1
Bob: Are you pointing to the merger of the chemical body and the chip body here?
iON: Yes.
Bob: So there’re two terminologies, biological terms and then the chip language.
iON: But they have to merge because, without it, you’re going to lose the cloud. Without the chemical body, you’re going to lose the cloud. You will forfeit it.
28 February 2015
Bob: Are you the same substance as the iCell, iON?
iON: No, we are not.
Bob: Are you more powerful than electricity?
iON: You ain’t seen nothing yet!
Bob: What are you, if we call you a substance? Are you near anything we know in this…
iON: Happy! We are happy! We’re happy!
Bob: That’s a powerful substance?
iON: Do!
27September 2014, Part 3
Caller: How do we have this relationship with ourselves like “You” and “You”?
iON: Well, when you come back into your place of power that’s all you have is you but when you don’t come into your place of power. You can’t even depend on you. You leave you out to the dirt, and that’s where it’s troublesome, that’s where people deal with addictions and drugs and those kinds of things. We have no problem with those, but that’s why you get lost in it. You lose your connection with “You” and “You” but if you can connect to “You” and “You”, you can say okay that’s enough, or I’ve enjoyed that or no more or a little bit more or I’m slosh faced and you still get home okay, that’s the other connection of the other part of you.”