[26 April 2014, Part 1]:
(30:12 mark)
Caller: Let’s get at the difference between any cell in the body has a lipid algorithm.
iON: It’s called, “every cell”. It’s called, “every cell in the body is affected by the lipids”.
Caller: Every cell has a lipid system to it.
iON: Within the lymphatic orchestrated body, is the one that we’re referring to, the one that lysine effects – not “affects”, “effects”.
Caller: But what I am getting at is specifically, lipids that each cell has versus a… and what you would call, a fat cell.
iON: No, see we don’t do the fat cell. We don’t do a fat cell. You’re saying fat is the difference. No, a cell is a cell. It holds fat. It stores fat, or it doesn’t, but it’s not a fat cell to us.
Caller: It’s not a fat cell to you. So, like a red blood cell and a – I don’t know what else to call it, a fat cell, there’s no difference?
iON: Well, there’s not really but it’s the point is one is lean, and one is fat but if you’re storing fat. If you are taking calories, which is a heat exchange, and you’re having an abundance of it – your body – you are storing that. OK, that layer of what you are calling fat, “calo”, “grease”, whatever you want to call that. That’s what your body stores to convert back to sugar, to energy, another day. OK, that’s what that’s for. Now, you’re saying that those cells change and turn into the very thing that’s going to make you morbidly obese and going to take your life away from you – then you become one sinewy piece of fat. And we say, “Nah uh, uh, not like that”. Once you convert it differently! Once your body converts it differently! Once your body converts it differently! You’re fixing to see the shift, once y’all quit talking about fat and start talking about nutrition, or “completement”, all that’s going to change.