iON | Gyroscope

Transcribed by Bert.


[“ReWrite” 34, 22 June 2011 Part 1]:

(34:59 mark)
Caller 1: iON, can you describe what David Worcester was talking about when he was using the gyroscope visualization in…?

iON: Compass arms! Compass arms!

Caller 1: Sorry?

iON: Compass arms!

Caller 1: OK, and when it came to meeting another person? I wasn’t quite sure what he was talking about.

iON: Well exactly, what he was pointing out was the interaction within the field – the frequency field. Now, Bob, she’s going to keep going, and we’re going to get all the way up to Ra if you keep going and then we will have to tell you what “This Awareness indicates”, but anyway back to your point. He was trying to lay out how the energy fields that operate the obsolescing of gravity within a gyroscope is how you already are, anyway. So, if you take two gyroscopes, are another human creator, and you bump into them, OK. Remember when you use to play tops, and you spin the tops, and then they would bump into each other. Those who’ve got the little ones call it the “Bakugan” where they have the little tops, and they bump and try to spin the longest – same aspect here, as a gyroscopic aspect. It’s limited, but you can embrace it – that’s what David was trying to tell you. It’s not the perfect way to explain it, but it’s a sure good place to start until you can.

Caller 1: OK.

Caller 2: What are you explaining?

iON: The 14 degrees of freedom and how the gyroscope sets you into a motion which overcomes gravity and every other rule and regulation that you have as a little man in this realm.

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