[“ReWrite” 35, 6 July 2011 Part 1]:
(39:07 mark)
Bob: OK, so iON talks about that one Drop stirs up your body chemistry and then the ReAline, more RnA Drops, help adjust the body to what the RnA did. What is that adjustment factor? What’s being adjusted? Why is there adjustment have to happen?
iON: Well, because you’re fallen. It doesn’t have to, but you are less than. You have fallen, and you can’t get up.
Bob: Oh OK, because you have fallen.
iON: You’ve fallen, and you can’t get up.
Bob: So, you’ve got some ideas in you. You’ve got some guilt and…
iON: You’ve fallen, and you can’t get up.
Bob: No! No, that’s syphilis, and that applies. OK, fine!
iON: You’ve fallen, and you can’t get up.
Bob: Yeah, we’ve got that – “fallen”. Now, here’s the implication of that – is that the stirring up of assumptions, and concepts, and guilt inside you, like sex that creates the syphilis, and that if you have aberrated sex or something. That’s what you are saying is going to happen to your body when you take the RnA. It’s going to stir up assumptions because you’re fallen, and things in your body that got there in your fallen state, and that’s what the ReAline and ReMag and that works with.
iON: It helps balance that, that’s correct as you develop more and more and more double helix strands.
Bob: So, in that metaphor, the ReAline is penicillin.
iON: No, in that metaphor, that is – in that metaphor, that’s like a nice glass of wine enjoyed with a good meal.
Bob: Yeah, I don’t want to put a negative connotation on penicillin, but you are saying the ReAline is not penicillin; it is – it does better than penicillin because it’s enjoyable. It’s not there to heal you.
iON: It makes the heart light.
Bob: So yeah, if you’re stoned and heart light, then you don’t get bogged down in the concepts, assumptions, and guilt that come.
iON: You don’t sit around and pine because you’re ascending, but not ascended as Bob.
Bob: Right.
Caller: iON, when you said that it makes the heart light, did you mean literally it turns the heart into light?
iON: Well, yes we do, but we were making the point of it makes the heart – it is the essence of a happy – it allows amino acid structure in your body, done correctly, allows your body to form these bonds, and then when ReMyte, the perfect hydration formula is applied, it allows those neuron synaptic nerve endings if they’re disconnected. This is what David Worcester was asking about with his neuropathy the other day – was the point that brought him back into the cycle of this will help – have an effect on those synaptic nerves pathways.
Bob: That’s ReAline, and you said the bonding was done by ReLyte.
iON: ReMyte, not ReLyte… ReMyte.
Bob: Yes, was being done, and what can you say RnA – the RnA Drops did?
iON: Oh, all the RnA did is it was new information that your body’s RNA would use to give new information to your DNA.
Bob: So, it cleans up the DNA. It makes a perfect thing to be copied.
iON: Well, it cleans up the copy. Yeah, that’s right, Bob.
Bob: Alright, does it make a perfect DNA thing that’s copied or it just cleans up the one you got?
iON: It cleans up what you got. We would say you’re already perfect.
Bob: That’s only one. So, would RnA Drops – you would say what – something about perfect?
iON: We would say you’re already perfect. You’re just trying to get your cells to capitulate.