Melting Titanium #50 (a series of shows wherein iON picks up questions from the global audience by ESP while talking to Carolyn and I on the phone), 1 June 2010]:
iON: Another question from the audience, they want a clean bill of health on this tachyon business.
Bob: Would you like to go into that then?
iON: I’ll give it the show version. It’s the play, the interplay at a sub-nano structure that has an effect on the larger cellular reality because that’s what it is all subject to so you can have a difference or a new experience of it being validated.
Bob: That could be validated.
iON: Your reason to do it would be to validate it.
Bob: So, the tachyon is just a deeper stream of gratitude.
iON: That’s a very great way to say it, but your science folks are going to tear that up.
Bob: Why did you have a psychological implied condition, “abject”, when talking about a substance?
iON: Because that is what substance is created by.
Bob: And that’s what I meant that a tachyon is a deeper stream of gratitude.
iON: And that’s why we agreed.
Bob’s Private Session #140, Lincoln’s Assassination, 5 September 2009:
Bob: What you just said on the convergence of the Chip, TV, Astral, and Physical Chemical Bodies creates the Mystery Landscape or unfolds the Mystery Landscape. So, are we saying the tachyons are going to be the particles for the Mystery Landscape?
iON: No, the tachyons are going to undo all the rules regarding the Bodies because tachyons go faster than your recordable speed of light.
Bob: Yeah, it goes past the rules of the Chip Body and the chip technology.
iON: Well, yes! And even the Chemical Body… because once you dispel time, then you no longer have to age.
Bob: Is that faster than the Astral Body?
iON: It is.
Bob: Hmm, that’s interesting. Okay then…
iON: But now wait a second! Think about what you just said: “Is that faster than the Astral Body”. Well, if the tachyon process dispels time itself and you no longer have to age. How could that be faster than the Astral Body if there is no gauge of time in the temporal experience of the quantitative place of attaching time to your formulas and rules and regulations? It actually slows it down faster than the Astral Body because the Astral Body now becomes a fixed place that you judge your other Bodies in proportion toward.
Bob: First, I would say that Kent and his Indian guides are trying to retrieve the Astral Body because they can’t take the speed of the tachyon body.
iON: Pretty much, yes. And what that’s doing is concentrating the flow.
Bob: Yeah, and I wanted to say just we’re having a very good point here because I don’t know if iON knows that I understand this. The Astral Body is where you go, supposedly, when you die into the Non-Physical but if the Non-Physical is merged with the Physical, we don’t need an Astral Body… and the tachyon is the particle representing the complete “thinning of the veil”.
iON: Yes. Let’s be clear so they don’t blow you up when they start listening to this. It’s not the tachyon. It’s the tachyon pulse.
Bob: “Pulse”, it’s not a particle. It’s a pulse, it’s a relationship.
iON: Correct!
Bob: It’s tactility. It’s a kind of dialectic.